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 She was born in Chiaravalle, Ancona, Italy on August 31, 1870.  In 1875 Maria moves with her family to Rome.  In 1882 Maria goes to a boys’ secondary.

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2  She was born in Chiaravalle, Ancona, Italy on August 31, 1870.  In 1875 Maria moves with her family to Rome.  In 1882 Maria goes to a boys’ secondary school in order to study mathematics.  Maria graduates from high school and enrolls in a technical school to study engineering in 1886.

3  In 1892 Maria begins her studies in medicine.  Maria Montessori was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School, becoming one of the first female doctors in Italy in 1896.

4  In 1896, she gave a lecture at the Educational Congress in Torino about the training of the disable.  January 6, 1907 - Maria opens the first ‘’Casa dei Bambini’’ in San Lorenzo, Italy.

5  She died at the age of 81 on May 6, 1952 in Noodwijk, Netherlands.

6  Montessori’s view of the nature of the child is that the children go through a series of “sensitive periods” with “creative moments” when they show spur-of the-moment interest in learning.  Her method does not compare a child to norms or standards that are measured by traditional educational systems.

7  The most important components of the Montessori Method are self motivation and auto education.

8  Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom without restriction, and respect for a child´s natural psychological development, as well as technological advancement in society.

9  Self-construction  Liberty  Spontaneous activity

10  Communication  Socialize  Imitate  Explore (we are curious)  Concentration  Work  Repetition  Abstraction  Self-perfection  Orientation

11 If these human tendencies or human needs are understood and respected:  children will react positively.  internal peace, joy, tranquility, and happiness.  can handle frustration and make rational choices.  can choose something to work on and complete it.

12  Construction in proportion to the child and his/her needs  Beauty and harmony, cleanliness of environment  Order  An arrangement that facilitates movement and activity  Limitations of materials, so that only material that supports the child’s development is included.


14  First plane (absorbent mind) Acquisition of language, from birth to around six years old Order - from around one to three years old Sensory reinforcement- from birth to around four years old Interest in small objects- from around 18 months to three years old Social behavior- from around two and a half to four years old Normalization: finally, Montessori observed in children from three to six years old a psychological states she termed normalization

15  Second plane 6-12 years - physical (loss of baby teeth) and psychological (tendency to work and socialize She believed the work of this plane child is the formation of intellectual independence, of moral sense, and of social organization.

16  Third Plane around 12 to 18 years She emphasized the difficulties in concentration She believed the work of this plane that child is the construction of the adult self in society.  Fourth Plane around 18 to 24 years She did not develop a program.

17  Respect for the child  The absorbent mind  Sensitive periods  The prepared environment  Auto-education

18 Montessori believed that it is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without letting him feel her presence too much.  Make children the center of learning  Encourage children to learn  Prepare the learning environment  Introduce learning materials

19  Montessori´s methods of teaching are to keep an interest in learning alive and to prepare the child with the skills that allow him to become a life-longer learner. Within the Montessori Prepared Environment the child has many opportunities to successfully and joyfully build her mind and body. As we can notice, these methods, have been and continue being relevant to education formation of children and teenagers nowadays


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