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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria Economic and Cooperation International Relations General Department Environment and Sustainable Development Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria Economic and Cooperation International Relations General Department Environment and Sustainable Development Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria Economic and Cooperation International Relations General Department Environment and Sustainable Development Department Izourar Abderahmane Zino Arab Climate Resilience initiative: Climate Change Impacts in the Arab Region “Towards Sustainable Energy: Resources, Challenges and Opportunities” Manama, Bahrain 06-07 October, 2010

2  The renewable energies are liable to be an important field of cooperation between our countries through investment projects, technology transfer initiatives and knowledge transfer. fighting against climate change satisfying growing energy needs enhancing energy efficiency

3  169.440 tetra Wh per year in solar energy of thermal origin  14 tetra Wh of photovoltaic solar energy  Solar energy potential = 60 times the current electrical consumption of the European Union  35 tetra Wh of wind energy  It is possible to expand, With such potential, the use of solar energy in order to increase its share by 6% in 2015 and 25% in 2050. But  The renewable energies represent only 0,02% of the electrical consumption  Weaknesses: infrastructures + equipment

4  The creation of joint-ventures with foreign operators;  Engineering and technology transfer;  Equipment production in Algeria;  Fostering electricity exportations from Algeria to the European market in the long term;  An accurate estimation of the viability of renewable energy recovery at industrial scale;  The development of solar and wind energy.

5  99-09 act of July 28 th, 1999, related to energy efficiency;  02-01 act of February 5 th, 2002 related to electricity and gas distribution pipeline;  04-09 act of August, 14 th 2004, related to the promotion of renewables in the context of sustainable renewable energies and sustainable development;  04-92 decree of March 25 th, 2004 that defined the costs of diversification of electricity generated by renewable energies;  05-495 decree of December 26 th, 2005 related to energy efficiency.

6  Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of the Use of Energy (APRUE)  Commission for Energy Management (ICEM)  Renewable Energies Development Center (CDER)  New Energy Algeria (NEAL)  Renewable Energy National Fund provided by 0.5% of oil tax (4 billion DZD)

7  eco-light to promote energy-saving bulbs in households  prop-air to provide support to the use of LPG ( Liquefied petroleum gas) as fuel for vehicles  eco-bat to provide financial and technical support to energy-saving for heating and cooling of households  Alsol program to Promote the solar water heater  Top-industry to Rationalize energy consumption in industry

8  Signing several agreements to implement projects like DESERTEC  exploring the possibilities of electrical interconnection between Algeria and Europe  Being a founding member of the International Renewable Energy Agency

9  Organizing the ministerial conference of the 5+5 Mediterranean countries in April 2010 in Oran, Algeria “Environment and Renewable Energies”  The western town of Oran hosted also the 16th International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG 16) from 18 th to 21 st April 2010.  Algeria is organizing the 1 st international Exhibition of renewable energy, clean energy and sustainable energy from 19 th to 21 st October 2010.

10 Thank you Izourar Abderahmane Zino

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