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Lecture 7 Lecture 7: Hardware/Software Systems on the XUP Board ECE 412: Microcomputer Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 7 Lecture 7: Hardware/Software Systems on the XUP Board ECE 412: Microcomputer Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 7 Lecture 7: Hardware/Software Systems on the XUP Board ECE 412: Microcomputer Laboratory

2 Lecture 7 Outline Overview of Linux/HW interaction on the XUP board Resources available for you on the board Discussion of the Virtex-II Pro’s BlockRAMs

3 Lecture 7 Review Questions What function does the mmap() call serve in implementing memory-mapped I/O? What are the two alternatives of communicating between the devices and the processor? Comparison of these methods?

4 Lecture 7 Review Questions What function does the mmap() call serve in implementing memory-mapped I/O? –mmap() causes a set of device registers or other data to be mapped onto a region in the address space What are the two alternatives of communicating between the devices and the processor? Comparison of these methods? –Polling: takes CPU time even if no requests pending can be better if the processor has nothing better to do and has to respond to an event ASAP –Interrupts: no overhead when no requests pending can be better if the processor has other work to do and the time to respond to events isn’t absolutely critical (need context switching)

5 Lecture 7 The XUP Board XUP Board FPGA PowerPC I/O Connector SDRAM Ethernet Serial Port Audio In/Out VGA FLASH Card

6 Lecture 7 Pure-Hardware System XUP Board FPGA PowerPC I/O Connector Logic SDRAM Ethernet Serial Port Audio In/Out VGA FLASH Card

7 Lecture 7 XUP Board as PC XUP Board FPGA PowerPC I/O Connector Ethernet SDRAM Serial Port Audio In/Out VGA FLASH Card FLASH Controller VGA Controller Audio Controller UART Controller Ethernet Controller SDRAM Controller PLB Bus

8 Lecture 7 ECE 412 Approach -- HW/SW System XUP Board FPGA PowerPC I/O Connector Ethernet SDRAM Serial Port Audio In/Out VGA FLASH Card FLASH Controller UART Controller SDRAM Controller PLB Bus Logic

9 Lecture 7 MP2 Configuration XUP Board FPGA PowerPC I/O Connector Ethernet SDRAM Serial Port Audio In/Out VGA FLASH Controller UART Controller SDRAM Controller PLB Bus Logic Core OPB I/O Connector FLASH Card

10 Lecture 7 Embedded Power PC 405 Core

11 Lecture 7 PPC Functional blocks –Cache units (ICU and DCU, 16 KB each) –Memory Management unit –Fetch Decode unit –Execution unit –Timers –Debug logic unit It operates on instructions in a five stage pipeline consisting of –fetch, decode, execute, write-back, and load write-back –Most instructions execute in a single cycle, including loads and stores.

12 Lecture 7 Creating a HW/SW System Custom logic needs to conform to bus/interface protocols –We’ll provide documentation about this –For MP2.1, we provide a prototype for the function you have to write (In VHDL) Assemble custom logic, IP cores, software into a package that can be downloaded onto the board –EDK tool creates bit file for FPGA –SystemACE HW loads Linux/other SW off of FLASH card –Can also pre-load BlockRAMs w/data as part of FPGA programming

13 Lecture 7 Interfaces to the PowerPC Cores Processor Local Bus (PLB) –64-bit bus that handles fast data transfers with the PowerPC and the peripherals For example, DDR controller hangs on this bus There is also a 32-bit bus called OPB (On-Chip Peripheral Bus) that handles slower peripheral devices For example, for UART and SystemACE access Needs to connect to PLB via a special PLB-to-OPB bridge OCM (On-Chip Memory) Controller –Allows memory (BlockRAMs) to be accessed at rates comparable to the caches –Great way to build data buffers Interrupt Controller Device Control Register –Allows creation of a register file that is “shared” among all of the devices connected to the PowerPC Clock, Power Management JTAG Port

14 Lecture 7 Other Resources SDRAM –Lots of space, complex interface requirements –Controlled via IP core –Your HW can interface with core, simplifying things BlockRAM –Small, on-chip memory –Can be configured in a number of ways –Fast, simple interface

15 Lecture 7 Virtex Block SelectRAM 18Kb capacity and configurable at build time to be either: 1 x 16K 2 x 8K 4 x 4K 8 x 2K 16 x 1K 32 x 512 136 of these on each XC2VP30 FPGA for total of 2.4Mb total Dual ported, can be aggregated to form larger structures Parity bits, possible to pre-load with data in VHDL

16 Lecture 7 Generic Block Diagrams

17 Lecture 7 Interface Signals

18 Lecture 7 Supported Configurations Your VHDL will instantiate using primitives Each reference is an individual BRAM Could form larger memory block by assembling number of primitives, routing delay would determine total access time.

19 Lecture 7 Physical Location

20 Lecture 7 Read and Write Timing Refer to posted application notes for exact details: XAPP-463 (says Spartan-3 but is applicable to our parts) XAPP-130 (basic operation, but is for early smaller BRAMS)

21 Lecture 7 Instantiating BlockRAMs Declare as components, can instantiate multiple copies of a component component RAMB16_s9 Port ( clk : in std_logic;... ); end component; Documentation section of the web page has instructions on simulating designs that use BlockRAM, example that links multiple BlockRAMs to form larger memory

22 Lecture 7 Uses for BlockRAMs “Scratchpad” memories in designs ROM arrays -- can pre-load BlockRAMs with fixed values –CLBs are reasonably efficient at implementing ROMs, so don’t need to use BlockRAMs unless you have a very big ROM –CLB’s are very inefficient at implementing RAMs, want to use a BlockRAM any time you need more than a few words of RAM/register Buffer for Linux/HW communication –One simple way to move data between Linux and HW is to use BlockRAM buffer for data, interrupt/register write to signal when data is ready.

23 Lecture 7 Next Time The PLB bus

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