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.  Rise to Power  On of the mujahideen (“holy warriors” or “freedom fighters”) that formed during the Afghan/Soviet war (1979-1989)  Taliban means.

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Presentation on theme: ".  Rise to Power  On of the mujahideen (“holy warriors” or “freedom fighters”) that formed during the Afghan/Soviet war (1979-1989)  Taliban means."— Presentation transcript:


2  Rise to Power

3  On of the mujahideen (“holy warriors” or “freedom fighters”) that formed during the Afghan/Soviet war (1979-1989)  Taliban means “religious students”  Captured Kabul in 1996  Based their rules on a very strict form of Islam which the vast majority of other Muslims do not abide by


5  Captured Kabul in 1996  People were happy – they thought fighting and war would stop  In reality, the Taliban enforced strict rules and regulations on people, especially women  Public executions (stonings) and punishments (floggings) became regular events at Afghan soccer stadiums

6  In Power

7  No music – music prohibited in shops, hotels, vehicles, and rickshaws. If any music found, the person will be imprisoned  No beard cutting or shaving – men will be imprisoned until beard grows “bushy” (beards had to be long enough to protrude from a fist clenching the beard)  No kite flying – all kite shops were destroyed  No watching movies, TV or videos  All people will non-Islamic names had to change them to Islamic  All people attend prayer 5 times/day  Anyone with “objectionable literature” will be executed  Anyone who converts from Islam to another religion will be executed  No idolatry – all “false idols” were destroyed throughout the city

8  Two giant statues of Buddha that stood in the Bamiyan Valley (“The World’s Most Beautiful Valley)  Created in the 6 th Century (500’s)  Carved into the sandstone and then covered with stucco and then painted  180 and 121 feet tall

9  The Taliban destroyed the Buddhas in March of 2001  The Buddhas represented “false idols” and were “against Islam”  The world protests and asked them not to but they destroyed them anyways  related

10  Women should not step outside the home unless accompanied by a close male relative (father, bother, husband)  Ban on women attending school, university, or other educational insitution  Ban on women dealing with male shopkeepers or doctors  Ban on women wearing fashionable clothing – all women must wear Burqa  Whipping, beating and verbal abuse allowed on women who do not wear burqa or not accompanied by male relative

11  Public stoning of women accused of having sex outside marriage  Ban on use of cosmetics  Ban on women laughing or talking loudly or wearing heels (strangers/men must not hear a woman)  Must paint all windows so women can not be seen from outside their homes  Ban on women wearing perfume – if she does and passes men she is considered to be an adulteress  Ban on women painting their finger nails – if found fingers are cut off

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