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Observed Benefits of a Realistic Problem Management Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Observed Benefits of a Realistic Problem Management Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observed Benefits of a Realistic Problem Management Implementation

2 Presenter – Harry Sachs 29 years IT industry experience: Software Development System Management Network Management System Performance, Capacity and Modeling System Architecture Problem Management


4 G o a l Significant Reduction of Major Incidents.

5 Implementation Dedicated, Supported Resource Focused on: Problem Resolution Problem Process creation and improvement Realistic Scope Limits

6 Clear Definitions Major Incident Revenue-generating outage during bus hrs. Resolved by Operations Technical Support. Problem Issues selected by Problem Review Board. Impact on customer, revenue, or resources. Managed by Problem Analyst.

7 Scope Understand impact of events Internal control Processes, training, etc… Can change External control External service providers, weather, etc… Can not change Over-looked “Murphy’s law”… Can sometimes change going forward

8 Monitoring Progress KPI Recording and Reporting Major Incident KPI # Major Incidents # Incident Reviews # Permanently Resolved Problem KPI New Closed Outstanding

9 Communications Major Incident Reviews Management Reports Casino Major Incident Reports Major Incident Summary Problem Summary Quarterly KPI Enhanced User  Support problem updates

10 Observed Benefits Significant Reduction in Major Incidents Significant Reduction in Problems Culture of Continuous Improvement Enhanced team communications Enhanced management awareness Enhanced customer relationships

11 MI Qtr/Prev Yr Qtr % Reductions MI ReductionQuarterMonthsFiscal Year 11%Q4Jan-Mar2011-12 48%Q1Apr-Jun2012-13 54%Q2Jul-Sep2012-13 3%Q3Oct-Dec2012-13

12 Adjusted for External events MI ReductionQuarterMonthsFiscal Year 11%Q4Jan-Mar2011-12 48%Q1Apr-Jun2012-13 54%Q2Jul-Sep2012-13 24%Q3Oct-Dec2012-13

13 # MI Qtr to prev Qtr

14 24 Month KPI Summary

15 Questions Comments Feedback

16 Summary: Problem Management Benefits Reduced Major Incidents per quarter > 50  ~ 20 Reduced Outstanding Problems 8  2 Enhanced communication User; Technical Support; Management Culture of continuous improvement

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