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Presentation on theme: " The HEE Dementia Awareness Foundation Training Progress Prof Sarah Watson-Fisher, MD HESW Dementia Health and Social Care Stakeholder."— Presentation transcript:

1 The HEE Dementia Awareness Foundation Training Progress Prof Sarah Watson-Fisher, MD HESW Dementia Health and Social Care Stakeholder Event – 29 th Jan 2014 Use #dementia

2 Celebrating success! HEE committed within Mandate to ensure training is made available to all NHS staff whom look after patients with dementia can have foundation level dementia training – HEE will ensure that 100,000 staff have foundation level training by March 2014 - Achieved! – HEE will work with stakeholders to develop concrete plans by Autumn 2013 for a rapid roll-out Achieved! – To work with higher education providers and regulators to ensure newly qualified staff receive foundation level dementia training - in progress!

3 Some reflections… Many different approaches to dementia training within each LETB area. Recognise that dementia training is delivered variably in hospitals and in other care settings, particularly primary care and social care. Importance of collaboration and sharing of best practice, e.g. joint work with NAPC, Alzheimer’s Society. There are large numbers of education resources available currently. There is great interest in dementia training and willingness to collaborate.

4 Next steps.. An Accelerated Learning Event for Dementia Leads on 18 th /19 th March is being planned. National launch of the Tier 1 dementia training roll-out plan. Quality assurance work to kite mark training. Preparation for Tiers 2 and 3 dementia training, e.g. ensuring all commissioned undergraduate programmes include dementia training.

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