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Standard 5.1 Understand Resources Used to Enhance Customer Experiences.

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1 Standard 5.1 Understand Resources Used to Enhance Customer Experiences.

2 Why would a company utilize customer service? O Positive name/Reputation O Expand/Growth O Profits $$$$$$

3 What is your reputation worth? O Nu Skin Products is an international company based out of Provo. O Along with other companies, Nu Skin pays a lot of money to track online communication. O “Word of Mouth” is no longer word of mouth! O In the past, one angry customer could spread to family, friends, and co-workers O Now a post online can be seen by many in a matter of minutes.

4 Nu Skin Continued O Nu Skin invested millions of dollars to track online post about their company. O If an angry customer post “Never buy from Nu Skin ………” O Nu Skin employees will receive an email, therefore quickly and effectively, they can decide how to handle the situation to save the brand name and future customer relations.

5 Growing Trends O Companies like Vocus and Sprout Social provide services to track online communication. O This is a useful tool for companies like Nu Skin, to interact quickly with customers. O This can be used to react to situations that are taking place, as well as a proactive approach to current and potential customers

6 Worth While Investment? O Companies have invested a lot of $$$$ to ensure positive relations with their customers. O Reputations and profits are on the line with a poor image/poor customer service. O What type of things would you say or do to keep a reputation?

7 Positive Customer Experience O What happens when a customer is happy with their experience with a company? O Return Customer O Positive reference of company to others O Direct references O Indirect references (friend of a friend) O Ultimately a happy customer is a customer! O An Unhappy customer is no longer your customer!

8 What do happy customers mean? O Money $$$$$$ O Return customers = Future Business O Referrals = Future Business O Increased Market-share O Market-share- % of market or sales O Increased Market-share = Ability to control prices and more ability to make decisions.

9 Poor Customer Experiences O When customers have bad experiences they usually like to share this information with others. Some ways in which dissatisfied customers relay information include O Word of mouth O Talking, internet “post”…. O Surveys O Reviews O Complaints

10 What unhappy customers mean O Not likely to return O Lack of referrals O Poor reputation O Poor reviews O Decrease business and market-share O Go to your competitors O Basically future business is tough to come by

11 Evaluations O There are ways to find out if your customers have had good experiences with you company. O The information can be gathered in a formal or indirect setting

12 Evaluations Formal- Direct Informal- indirect O Surveys O Reviews O Secret Shopper responses O Tracking customers purchases (repeat/how often) O Sales (generally) O Reading customers reactions O Data from outside sources

13 Secret Shopper O Survey done without employees knowing. O Performed by the store to evaluate their company O Offer someone in the parking lot a gift card or incentive to fill out the form and return it O Or completed by a 3 rd party to ensure quality of the results.

14 Secret Shopper O Companies now have documentation of their customers service O Things can be measured and evaluated. O Great tool to measure employees performance as well as the store.

15 Secret Shopper Assignment O Pass out forms and go over.

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