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DATABASES FROM HCT LIBRARIES. HCT has many online databases for students to use to find information. A database is a collection of information organized.

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Presentation on theme: "DATABASES FROM HCT LIBRARIES. HCT has many online databases for students to use to find information. A database is a collection of information organized."— Presentation transcript:


2 HCT has many online databases for students to use to find information. A database is a collection of information organized in a way for easy use, for example a telephone book or a list of stories or articles.

3 Unlike, Google or other search engines from the Internet, HCT DATABASES are not free. HCT pays a fee for the databases. It is like the difference between free TV and Cable TV; on Cable TV, there are better programs.

4 Of course, you must always think critically about any information from any source. But, HCT DATABASE information is generally trustworthy and reliable. Also, unlike Google, in HCT DATABASES information is written by expert professionals.

5 Or, from home after logging in with your username and password. You can access the HCT DATABASES from any computer in the college.

6 From the HCT portal, click on Library. Then, Databases and e-Books.

7 Click on Databases and eBooks Or, put this page in your “Favorites” Click on Resources, then Databases and E-Books

8 Click on a SUBJECT.

9 Trials (temporary try outs) Business Citation Tools Communications Countries & Cultures Dictionaries & Encyclopedias E-Books Education Employee Training Environment General Research Health Information Technology Law Library Science Professional Development Safety Training Science & Technology UAE The subjects are :

10 Databases are also listed in alphabetical order. Click A-Z for the title list.

11 Sometimes, a general search in an encyclopedia is a good way to start. But sometimes you need specialized information. It depends. How do you know which database to use ?

12 It is like driving different cars. There are different details but the same functions. Every database is different but there are some common features. How do you search in all these different databases?

13 Most databases have a Basic Search & an Advanced Search. Try Basic first but go to Advanced if your results are not focused. In Advanced, you can search more than one term and join them with AND, OR or NOT. Here are some features of databases in general.

14 This is what happens when you use AND. You get fewer results. This is what happens when you use OR. You get more results. This is what happens when you use NOT. You get fewer results. A AND BA OR BA NOT B

15 Most databases have a date range. Limit to recent years if this is important for your topic. Most databases have a full text option. Choose this one if you have a deadline. Some databases have a Peer reviewed option. This means that experts review an article before it is published. Ask your teacher if you need to use this.

16 There is a big difference between a KEYWORD search and a CONTROLLED VOCABULARY search. Let’s talk about words to use for searching.

17 To get around this problem, databases use certain words as CONTROLLED VOCABULARY. When you use these words, your search retrieves only articles where the word is the main idea. A KEYWORD search is usually not very precise. It will retrieve all articles where the keyword appears in the text. Many articles will not be about the keyword and you will waste your time.

18 How do you find the CONTROLLED VOCABULARY ? Look for these words on a search page: Topics Subjects Subject Headings Subject Terms Index Terms Thesaurus Tags

19 Maybe better search terms would be automobiles, motor vehicles or automotive industry. Let’s say, you want to know about cars in the UAE but the keyword “cars” retrieves many articles off the topic.

20 Most of HCT Databases are from 3 companies : EBSCO, ProQuest and Gale. The main search page is the same for every database from a particular company.

21 Here is the BASIC SEARCH page for an EBSCO database. Note the Linked Full Text feature

22 Here is the ADVANCED SEARCH page for an EBSCO database. Note the Full Text feature on the other side of the page

23 To find controlled vocabulary terms in EBSCO databases click on the Subjects tab.

24 …scroll down the page and tick some of the limiters. Ask your librarian for help if you do not find what you need. If your search terms retrieve in too many off-the-topic results …

25 This is the Basic Search page for a ProQuest database. Note the Full Text only option.

26 Here is the Advanced Search page for a ProQuest database. Note the Full Text only option.

27 To find the controlled vocabulary in a ProQuest database, click on the Topics Tab Every database is different but with practice, you can learn how to use them.

28 Lastly, let’s have a look at the databases about the UAE. You can find information about business, economics, law and culture in these databases.

29 Ask your teacher or your friendly librarian if you have questions. We hope this will help you find the information you need in Databases.


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