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10-11-12-13 September 2002-MoroccoARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR Instrument Procedure Designer Training and continuous training How to get, improve.

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Presentation on theme: "10-11-12-13 September 2002-MoroccoARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR Instrument Procedure Designer Training and continuous training How to get, improve."— Presentation transcript:

1 10-11-12-13 September 2002-MoroccoARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR Instrument Procedure Designer Training and continuous training How to get, improve and maintain skill and knowledge in procedure design Corinne Bousquet ENAC

2 Summary  Basic education  Basic training in IPD  Job profile  Continuous training  Information  Communication

3 Summary  Basic education  Basic training in IPD  Job profile  Continuous training  Information  Communication

4 Elementary basic knowledge  Some mathematics  mainly trigonometry  equations  unit conversion  Some charting information  scales  point location

5 Elementary aeronautical background 1/2  Some background in aircraft operations  different types of speed  slope, radius of turn  wind effect on aircraft…  Navaids and landing aids  Type of information provided  Use of navaids on board

6  Infrastructure information  use of annex 14  AIS  use of AIP Elementary aeronautical background 2/2

7 Optional  Very few meteorological input  ATC information  Use of computer

8 Summary  Basic education  Basic training in IPD  Job profile  Continuous training  Information  Communication

9 Basic training  Theoretical input  Basic criteria  Non Precision Approach  Precision Approach  Departure  IPD project  Handle real-life elements and constraints  Produce a report  Produce an Instrument Approach Chart

10 Basic training : duration  Between four and five weeks  At least one third devoted to the project  50 hours

11 Basic training primary output 1/2  Use of basic criteria  fix and fix tolerance area  flight technical tolerances  trajectory, protection area, MOC and minimum flying altitude  turn and wind effect  Use of specific criteria for  Non Precision Approach  Precision Approach  Departure

12  Use of Doc 8168-OPS vol 1 and 2  where to find...  Use of secondary documents  annex 14 (infrastructure)  annex 10 (navaids)  annex 4 (charts) Basic training primary output 2/2

13  Complexity of the design process  Usual errors and main difficulties  Contact with procedure designers  trainees  instructors Basic training secondary output

14 To be efficient a training course MUST be followed IMMEDIATLY by ON-THE-JOB Training on REAL SITUATIONS

15 Summary  Basic education  Basic training in IPD  Job profile  Continuous training  Information  Communication

16 To be a good procedure designer 1/3  Be open-minded and obstinate  Have the basic educational requirements  Attend a basic training course  Practice procedure design  on an half time basis at least

17 To be a good procedure designer 2/3  Have access to relevant information  updated Doc 8168-OPS  topographic data and obstacles

18 To be a good procedure designer 3/3  Be able to communicate easily with others procedure designers  Attend periodically advanced courses  Be aware of the amendments of ICAO regulation

19 Good quality for procedures depends on Procedure designers skill and quality of information handled

20 Summary  Basic education  Basic training in IPD  Job profile  Continuous training  Information  Communication

21 Aims of continuous training 1/2  Use specific criteria  some specific criteria described in the green pages  Discover new criteria  Doc 8168 new amendment every two years

22 Aims of continuous training 2/2  Share problems or difficulties  unusual situations  specific solutions  Meet  procedure designers to exchange  experts in procedure design (OCP)  pilots

23 Continuous training output  New criteria  sophisticated  updated  Refreshments  Communication


25 Summary  Basic education  Basic training in IPD  Job profile  Continuous training  Information  Communication

26 Communication with...  Procedure designers :  on a daily basis with the team of designers  once or twice a year on a national or regional basis  Pilots  to check designed information  to inform of regulation constraints  Controllers  to evaluate ATC constraints

27 National or regional communication  To improve a common use of the regulation  To lead to  an average level of safety  an optimisation of trajectories

28 Communication targets 1/3  Check technical skill  Increase self-confidence  Point out new solutions to common problems

29 Communication targets 2/3  Promote standard level of information :  new ICAO criteria  amendments of existing criteria  Enhance criteria implementation  Feed-back from designers to OCP members

30 Communication targets 3/3  Achieve an average regional level of  knowledge of the designers  safety of the trajectories

31 Communication and information means  Seminars  Meeting  Training courses  Use of common software tools  Devoted Web sites

32 Communication and Information are KEY-STONES for SAFETY of PROCEDURES

33 A PROCEDURE DESIGNER is a worker producing complex information used by PILOTS and CONTROLLERS

34 Training, Up-to-date documents Communication and exchange Continuous training are MANDATORY for SAFE and RELEVANT Flight instrument procedures.

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