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The Integumentary and Urinary Systems KEY. 1.epidermis 2.dermis 3.hypodermis follicle 5.sebaceous (oil) gland 6.blood vessels 7.sweat gland 8.touch.

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Presentation on theme: "The Integumentary and Urinary Systems KEY. 1.epidermis 2.dermis 3.hypodermis follicle 5.sebaceous (oil) gland 6.blood vessels 7.sweat gland 8.touch."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Integumentary and Urinary Systems KEY

2 1.epidermis 2.dermis 3.hypodermis follicle 5.sebaceous (oil) gland 6.blood vessels 7.sweat gland 8.touch receptors 9.pore 9 9 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 5

3 The Integumentary System 1.List the 3 parts of the Integumentary system. A.Skin B.Hair C.Nails

4 The Integumentary System 3.List the vital functions of the skin. A. Repels water B.Guards against infection C.Helps maintain homeostasis D.Senses the environment

5 The Integumentary System 4.List and define the 2 layers of skin. A.Epidermis – tough, protective outer layer B.Dermis – strong, elastic inner layer

6 The Integumentary System 5.How thick is the epidermis? 30 cells deep 6.What lies below the dermis layer? Fatty tissue 7.What are the functions of the fatty layer? A. Temperature protection B. energy storage

7 The Integumentary System 8.What is the function of sweat glands? In the dermis layer, function is to maintain homeostasis. 9.What are the functions of oil glands? moisten skin and hair, keeps them from becoming dry.

8 The Integumentary System 10.What is the composition (make up) of sweat? a fluid 99% water. 11.How does sweat move from the sweat glands to the skin’s surface? Sweat moves from the sweat glands, through the pores, and onto the skin’s surface.

9 The Integumentary System 12.List 2 functions of hair. A.Protects your head from the Sun. B.Traps heat close to your head. 13.What is the function of fingernails and toenails? protect tips of fingers and toes from injury.

10 The Integumentary System 14.How often does your skin replace itself? Your skin replaces itself every 2 – 4 weeks. 15.The amount of what pigment determines how dark your skin is? The amount of a pigment called melanin determines how dark your skin is.

11 The Integumentary System 16.Why should you wear sun block? You should wear sun block to have more protection against harmful rays from the Sun.


13 I. The Urinary System Open Sciencesaurus to 090 (the Excretory System is another name for the Urinary System) 1.What kind of wastes does the urinary system get rid of? The urinary system gets rid of wastes from the blood.

14 I. The Urinary System 2. Draw and label the diagram of the urinary system. kidney Ureters Urinary Bladder Urethra

15 The Urinary System 3.What are the structures and functions of the urinary system? A.Kidneys: filter wastes from blood. B.Bladder : stores liquid wastes. C.Ureters: tubes that carry waste from kidneys to bladder. D.Urethra: carries liquid waste out of the body.

16 The Urinary System 4.How many nephrons are there in a kidney? One million

17 The Urinary System 5.What is the function of nephrons? 6.What is the size of a human kidney? 10 cm long. 7.Where does the urine go after it leaves the kidney? to the bladder

18 The Urinary System 8.Besides filtering blood, what is the second function of the kidneys? to keep proper water balance in the body. 9.How much water leaves the body every day? 1 liter

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