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“Looking forward to the future” Online comparison websites – the future ? ISTANBUL – April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "“Looking forward to the future” Online comparison websites – the future ? ISTANBUL – April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Looking forward to the future” Online comparison websites – the future ? ISTANBUL – April 2014

2 Who is Safety Insurance Broker ? From blueprint to success story in just a few words Safety Broker - Milestones 2005 – project blueprint and go live 2009 – franchise system success 2011 – entering the online market 2012 – biggest local broker 2013 – going regional – Eastern Europe 2014 – regional growth

3 Success in figures Numbers are a measure of success Safety Broker – Key Indicators 70 mil EUR GWP for the current year 70 franchise partners 200 offices – including 12 own branches 4.000 active agents main player in online insurance market

4 Safety Broker - milestones to becoming a regional broker Biggest broker on the local market Set up and running the branch in Moldova Set up of the branch in Hungary Preparing set up for the branch for Bulgaria Preparing the set up of the branch in Turkey From a local to a regional broker Looking forward to the future!

5 Why shall we look to the future? Help yourself to discover the key to success Being open-minded and understanding the current market evolution – this helped us to imagine and create the future: Search for developed markets Measure the developments See the trends Create a strategy Put in place the strategy Periodically reevaluate our strategy

6 Analyzing developed markets Great Britain, France, Spain, Poland - leading online markets UK - more than 20 million people used price comparison websites 2013 UK - 50% of all internet users have visited a comparison website in search of car insurance UK - 80% of those made a purchase according Spain and Poland - more than 20% market share for online insurance Hungary - more than 50% of MTPL is issued online

7 Comparison websites New and efficient client tools for optimizing personal budgets Comparison websites are the way of the future: useful shortcuts to price optimisation easy product information and comparison tend to focus exclusively on price lack transparency if missused Comparison websites: commercial websites run by private sector non-commercial websites run by associations or authorities

8 Romanian online insurance market Unregulated market, driven by motor insurance LoB Most websites are commercial Brokers are the owners of most of these businesses which has advantages but also shortfalls Motor insurance and especially MTPL is the most popular type of insurance sold over the internet There are only plans to regulate the market, but no regulation is in place for the moment – similar with many European markets

9 Online insurance – easy money ? Online expertise can make the difference DO Study the market; Evaluate each investment base on the ROI; Invest most of the resources in sales driven actions; Invest moderate in branding; Evaluate each action and prepare for future; Evaluate client experience on website. DON’T Invest without evaluating the environment; Invest important amounts in actions without testing them previously; Create the website base on your feelings; Take important decisions without testing them with focus groups; Invest if you want a positive ROI in 1 year.

10 Online: the future starts… yesterday Safety’s online partners reach > 50% local internet users Safety Broker’s online major partners in RO : – biggest ecommerce site in RO - 3 mil monthly unique visitors; - biggest online bookshop - 1 milion monthly unique visitors; – newly start up - 500.000 eur invetment; – top 3 online player on motor market ;

11 Safety bets on online insurance Help yourself to discover the key to success Own website for insurances Online strategy for franchises; Strategy for developing the online presence in related markets;

12 Franchises online development Successful partnerships on all lines

13 Franchises online development Successful partnerships on all lines

14 Related markets - leasing New services for our clients – new benefits for partners

15 Related markets – full comparison New services for our clients – new benefits for partners

16 Full financial service comparison Compare insurance, credit, internet, TV, Phone, Utilities

17 Viorel Vasile CEO & Partner Safety Insurance Broker Looking forward to the future! Thank you !

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