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Audio-visual media in L2 teaching Documentary and fiction films.

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Presentation on theme: "Audio-visual media in L2 teaching Documentary and fiction films."— Presentation transcript:

1 Audio-visual media in L2 teaching Documentary and fiction films

2 What media do you use? 2 documentaries: La Sierra ( and Habana del Este ( 1 Fiction film: Machuca ( The three films were chosen because they present historical events in Spanish-speaking societies through the eyes of young people The three films are subtitled 2

3 How do you use it? Level A2 CEFR Time required: 10 hours (one hour each week) Classroom screening of the films Discussion of the film following a questionnaire prepared by the teacher either after the screening of the whole film or, in every session, after viewing 30 minutes approximately Homework: essay writing or oral recording based on the issues discussed in class Oral presentations based on the films are part of the topics for the oral exam 3

4 Why do you use it? 4 To develop students’ linguistic skills (listening, oral, writing, vocabulary) To foster learners knowledge of socio-cultural issues in Spanish-speaking societies (Colombia, Cuba and and Chile). Access to a range of varieties of spoken Spanish To develop critical skills To give access to films in Spanish in a non-native context

5 What are the benefits? 5 To access a range of varieties of spoken Spanish To link students’ own experiences with issues affecting same age groups in Spanish-speaking societies To develop students’ knowledge of issues in Spanish speaking societies To develop students’ linguistic skills

6 What are the challenges? Dependency on equipment working properly (sound/image quality) 6

7 What are the technical requirements? A computer with data projector 7

8 What is the teacher’s evaluation? Documentary and fiction films are an essential resource in language teaching in order to develop students awareness of social, political, economic and cultural issues and their linguistic competence With A2 CEFR students, the use of subtitles is necessary to help them watch full-length films in Spanish 8

9 What is the students’ evaluation? Students appreciate highly the use of films in their learning experience 9

10 What is the copyright implication? No copyright implications in educational contexts 10

11 Any further comments? According to our experience, full-length documentary and fiction films can be used at any linguistic level Activities must be targeted for each level 11

12 Recommendations 12

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