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Storytelling And Puppetry Marilyn Rice, Mary Tobin & Sandy Wilberger

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1 Storytelling And Puppetry Marilyn Rice, Mary Tobin & Sandy Wilberger
TTAC at VCU Opening Activity: Each participant will receive a “Concession Ticket” for a popcorn, candy and drink. Each participant will receive a “backstage pass” to make to a make and take puppet creation. Materials needed: Paper Bags, Felt, Old gloves, Paper towel rolls, Wiggly eyes, Popsicle Sticks, Feathers Pipe Cleaners, Paper Strips, Fabric Strips, Metal fasteners Glue, scissors, felt, paper towel rolls, feathers, lace, pipe cleaners scarves, sheets, hats, funny glasses, blankets, parachutes Utilize your clothes from dramatic play, Real items, Musical Instruments Stuffed animals, toys, Homemade Items, household items Puppets Model Magic Puppet Stage (Display board) Dowel rods, Straw Hat, Red hat, Peepers ,Pony Tale holders & socks

2 Learning Objectives Describe the developmental progression of storytelling Explore ways to include storytelling in your day Develop strategies to use when creating stories Discuss ways for using puppets throughout the classroom Trainer Notes:

3 Storytime Sometimes my hands are at my side,
Then behind my back they hide. Sometimes I wiggle my fingers so, Shake them fast and shake them slow. Sometimes my hands go clap, clap, clap; The I rest them in my lap Now they’re quiet as can be Because it is storytelling time you see! Trainer Remarks: Let’s start with a fingerplay to get children ready to listen to a story… (Have participants do with you)

4 WHY Is Storytelling Important?
The period of birth-8 is a critical time of intellectual development Stimulates imagination and visual imagery as they image the story Develops oral communication skills Increases auditory discrimination Strengthens listening and pre-reading skills Encourages creativity Promotes visual discrimination Trainer Notes: There are many benefits to using storytelling in the early childhood classroom(review slides)

5 Why is Storytelling important?
Trainer Notes: There is a lot of thinking going on when children are listening to and telling stories Develops critical thinking skills Strengthens sequencing skills Encourages participation Develop positive attitudes towards stories read and told Expands their understanding of how their world works Exposes children to stories from other cultures Supports their understanding and retelling of the story

6 The Power of Storytelling
The Power to remember The Power to entertain The Power to teach The Power to inspire The Power to create The Power to revisit (Dr. Rebecca Isbell) Trainer Notes: Because information is organized in story form, it is easy to remember. The story could be told again and again. Children who hear stories told internalize the structure of the story and remember the content. The story becomes an enjoyable event where children are drawn to the story and are entertained by the story, characteristics, vocabulary, language pattern or funny happenings. The mind remembers best in story form Stories are used in church and at conferences to inspire people. Teachers use stories to install qualities they value. Many of a child’s first stories are of personal experiences. (How I got a Band-aid on my knee; What we did went Grandma came to visit) Later, they will create stories following the form of stories they have heard. “Tell it again!” – this says it all!

7 A Story told instead of a story read…
The storyteller is able to maintain eye contact with the children throughout the story The storyteller can provide immediate response to the children’s reactions The story can be aligned to meet the audience (explanation, embellishment, shorten/lengthen) Storytelling increases the understanding of the story Trainer Notes: How many times do you hear a child say I can’t see the book? Or…worse yet, you spend time getting children “arranged” (think criss cross applesauce) so that everyone can see! ENGAGEMENT is so important…. Telling stories is an effective tool for cognitive and literacy development. When we are reading a story, it is difficult at times to maintain eye contact and facilitate engagement. This is done very easily when telling a story as you can “read” the child’s level of engagement as you are actually telling the story. You can read their reactions, make adjustments as needed.

8 Storytelling… Storytelling capture’s children’s interest because the process is so powerful A story told allows the listener to develop visual images Oral language provides a foundation for reading and writing. Trainer Notes: Visual images: “Tattered old clothes”….”Rickety old house” allow children to create mental pictures when descriptive language is used. The language of the story is structured in the same way as the oral language children use. This oral language base strengthens the development of reading and writing.,

9 Essential Elements The Story The Teller The Listener Trainer Notes:
As we prepare for telling a story to young children, we must remember that there are three distinct parts to the story!

10 THE STORY Select a story that you like personally. Your passion for the story will go a long way in the effectiveness! The story should teach qualities that make it worth telling to young children The story should match the developmental level of the children Stories that encourage active participation by listeners are good for beginning Children live in the seasons! Establish a story center somewhere in your classroom. Trainer Notes: The story corner needs to say, “Come play”.

11 The Teller Learn the story & come up with ways to bring the story to life (Gather materials you need) Gather the children around you “Today I am going to tell you a story. Now, my story will begin” Observe the interest of the children and interact with their responses At the end of the telling, ask questions and discuss happenings Provide a follow up activity Trainer Notes: Begin with an imaginary journey to get to where the story takes place…in a forest, at the zoo…this helps the children recognize and use the listening and processing skills necessary to enjoy tales later. Magic Carpet Special Tool or chair just for telling stories Wear a special hat, Goofy glasses Coffee Can stories Stirring Up a Story Drum Storytelling Tool Boxes

12 The Listener What is the listener doing? When is the listener engaged?
Trainer Notes:

13 Making storytelling come to life
Motivate the children to come to storytime Musical instruments, props Sensory involvement Build their interest in the story Ask questions Refer to concrete things in their life Tell the story with enthusiasm Use hand gestures and facial expressions Trainer Notes: ACTIVITY: The trainer will tell the story of “The Little Red Hen” Activity starter: “Stirring a Story”, Gathering on the Parachute “I am going to tell you a story about the Little Red Inn. This story takes place on a farm and there is a hen, a cat, a duck and a pig in this story. Props: Straw Hat, Bandana Stuffed animals: Pig, Duck, Cat Empty Flour Bag (stuffed)

14 Use rhyme and repetitive text to your advantage
Use children’s names in stories Allow the children to be involved Use simple props Have a scavenger hunt in the room to find the “pieces” of the story Use photographs to make up a story. Repeat the story! Trainer Notes: Use the pieces of the very hungry caterpillar for the scavenger hunt. Children could bring in photographs to “tell” their story. Activity: The Three Bears, The Three Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff Using the story given to your table, what would you develop for props using the materials on the table? What voices would you use? What would you emphasize? Materials at the table: Glue, scissors, felt, papertowel rolls, feathers, lace, pipecleaners,

15 The story should be easy to follow
Characters should be understandable and easily defined Interesting language patterns are repeated in the story The moral of the story is easily understood and applies to children

16 Sources of Stories Folktales Authored Stories Family Stories
The Little Red Hen, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Teeny Tiny, Johnny Cake Stories from Different Cultures

17 Developmental Progression in Storytelling
Looks at objects in a picture book as they are named Vocalized when objects in a picture book are names Points to objects in a book Names objects in a picture book Names common objects in a picture book Names common actions in a picture book

18 Developmental Progression, con’t..
Tells stories about personal experiences Tells stories about imaginary experiences Uses spoken dialogue when telling stories Tells story in a sequence with a beginning, middle and end

19 To Be a Better STORYTELLER
Know your story If you don’t know your story ahead of time…how you will you know when to…. Pause? What questions to ask? What your characters might sound like? When to change the tone of your voice to show emotions? When to add sound effects?

20 Storytelling By listening to others tell stories, you get a sense of what holds the children's attention and what does not and what the children enjoy Practice telling your story – you can not get better without practice! Tape record yourself…

21 Getting started with storytelling
Involve the children in discussing the story before you tell the story & acknowledge the children’s responses Introduce the story setting and characters Introduce the story theme Use props to help children remember the story Prompt children to recall story details Use a prop for each important story detail

22 VISUAL PROPS Staples: scarves, sheets, hats, funny glasses, blankets, parachutes Utilize your clothes from dramatic play! Real items Musical Instruments Stuffed animals, toys Homemade Items, household items Puppets Trainer Notes: Storytelling apron, musical instrument, puppets, dramatic play clothes (boa, glasses),

23 Story retelling Can be the whole class, small group or an individual child. Clothesline props technique for visual reminders Teacher can tell the story and children can act out Offer open-ended prompts such as “Where did the story take place?”; “What happened next?” or “Tell me more about this character”.

24 Children as Storytellers
Have a special place in the classroom where teachers can retell stories Children who have regularly listened to stories will be interested in telling their own stories Trainer Notes: Books and special props can be kept in this place

25 Multisensory Sight – turn out the lights, use colored lights
Sound – background music Smell – candle Taste – foods that relate to the story Touch - items relevant to the story that the children can hold, touch

26 Curriculum Integration Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Art – open ended (have children draw the story) Cooking – Make oatmeal Pretend Play – bowls, spoons, bears of different sizes Math – Bear Manipulatives Science/Sensory – Oats in the Tub Blocks – Add stuffed beards Language arts – Flannel Board Story # bears Music & Movement – Going on A bear Hunt

27 Puppetry An ancient form of oral expression
Passed down from families; binds cultures Puppetry augments storytelling by providing visualization & surprise elements Puppets are used for education,therapy and communication

28 Puppets They are often psychological props
They give children something to hide behind when speaking Allow children to become someone else Help children problem solve disagreements Offer 2 ways for children to be creative; making the puppet and making the puppet come to life

29 Puppets Foster social interaction and communication
Foster role playing and imagination Foster listening skills Facilitate in maintaining attention Provide a visual and kinesthetic experience Are often underused in ECE classrooms!

30 Puppet Uses Leading a song
Teaching positional concepts (above, below, next to, in front of Tape record/video children using puppets and then write down their story Puppet Theatre Have a specific puppet for each center area Felt board stories and puppets Dramatize holiday ideas Represent particular ethnic customs Roles of community helpers Trainer Notes: Puppets are especially useful for retelling stories that have repetitive dialogue such as Chicken Little, The Little Red Hen, and the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Children love to sing along with a puppet!

31 Puppets Glove/ Mitten Wooden Spoon Toilet paper roll Paper Bag
Hand Shadows Styrpfoam Ball Envelope Paper Plate Paint Stick Sock Magnetic Finger Trainer Notes: Magnetic – Simple “gingerbread” figure; glue a disc magnet to a tongue depressor. Create a background for the puppets using poster board. Glue paper plate to tongue depressor Oven mitts, wooden spoons, cardboard tubes, paper plates, hair curlers Don’t put puppets for children to walk over and abuse—use a special container so children will take care of them Glue a glove to the back of a stuffed animal Paper plate with panty hose over it Large car sponge with feather boa on top

32 Getting Started With Puppets
Introduce the puppets and let them children just explore them for awhile Add a simple puppet stage when you feel the children are ready Give homemade puppets a name Give different puppets a responsibility in the classroom (calling roll, signaling transitions, coming to group time) Puppets can be special visitors A few good puppets are better than 50 bad puppets! Puppets can also have a personality and ask of open-ended questions: “What is this story about?” “Will it be scary?” Have the puppet whisper to you… Always have the puppet say goodbye and see you later! A special puppet for getting quiet! Teach nursery rhymes with puppets Big Bear – Who took the honey from the honey jar? When you are reviewing questions about the story later, the puppet can ask the questions: “What happened first?” “Why did the pigs go off to build houses?” “What part of the story did you like best?” “What do you think happened after the story ended?” The puppet can repeat familiar and repetitive words from the story

33 Final Thoughts… The key to successful storytelling with young children is to involve them in the whole experience! Make the children feel they are a part of the process and a part of the story. How will you get started??? _______________________________

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