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DISCIPLINE MEETING MANAGEMENT by John Ostrowski  State your position and current situation clearly and non-threateningly.  Ask for the employee’s reaction.

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Presentation on theme: "DISCIPLINE MEETING MANAGEMENT by John Ostrowski  State your position and current situation clearly and non-threateningly.  Ask for the employee’s reaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 DISCIPLINE MEETING MANAGEMENT by John Ostrowski  State your position and current situation clearly and non-threateningly.  Ask for the employee’s reaction and comment.  Focus on real issues and ask for suggestions from the employee.

2  Develop a plan of action both of you can live with, including consequences.  Set a meeting time to review what’s been done.  Express your confidence in the employee’s ability to accomplish what’s been agreed to.

3 MEETING PREPARATION  Develop a clear statement of what you want to accomplish.  List what employee might say in response for each step.  Think of things for the employee to suggest as ways to solve the problem in case they can’t think of anything in the meeting.

4  Go through each step and rehearse what you will say.  Meet with your boss to get agreement on consequences before you meet with the employee.

5 KEEPING PEOPLE FROM GOING OVER YOUR HEAD  Check with boss and boss’s boss before you tell employee consequences.  Start by being more approachable than the people above you.  Be the most reasonable person in chain of command.

6  Offer to go over your own head if you think someone’s going to anyway.  Don’t tell anyone to go over your head.  If all else fails, at least warn the boss.

7 DISCIPLINE EXAMPLES Oral warning Written reprimand One day suspension Multi-day suspension Firing

8 DISCIPLINE EXERCISES  Pick a problem to meet about  Your coach will talk you through the steps  Assemble in groups of 4 (2+2)  Explain employee role to new person  Do the meeting  Other to watch and take notes  Feedback = 2 positive & 1 corrective  Take turns until all have had a chance

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