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Newcastle University School of Marine Science and Technology

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1 Newcastle University School of Marine Science and Technology

2 2 School of Marine Science and Technology Newcastle University Prof Richard Birmingham Head of School 2011

3 3 School of Marine Science and Technology Overview  Background  Teaching Programmes  Research Facilities  Relevant Research Activity

4 4 School of Marine Science and Technology BACKGROUND

5 5 Origins  Historical Perspective  The Armstrong Building 100 years of Marine Technology  The Dove Marine Laboratory 100 years of Marine Science  Strong international reputation in both fields  Recent Past  School formed from Departments of Marine Technology and Marine Science  Created the largest and widest ranging academic unit in Europe

6 6

7 7 Origins  Historical Perspective  The Armstrong Building 100 years of Marine Technology  The Dove Marine Laboratory 100 years of Marine Science  Strong international reputation in both fields  Recent Past  School formed from Departments of Marine Technology and Marine Science  Created the largest and widest ranging academic unit in Europe

8 8

9 9 Origins  Historical Perspective  The Armstrong Building 100 years of Marine Technology  The Dove Marine Laboratory 100 years of Marine Science  Strong international reputation in both fields  Recent Past  School formed from Departments of Marine Technology and Marine Science  Created the largest and widest ranging academic unit in Europe

10 10 Origins  Historical Perspective  The Armstrong Building 100 years of Marine Technology  The Dove Marine Laboratory 100 years of Marine Science  Strong international reputation in both fields  Recent Past  School formed from Departments of Marine Technology and Marine Science  Created the largest and widest ranging academic unit in Europe

11 11 The School  Staff  60 teaching and research academics with 30 support staff  Five Locations:  Newcastle: Armstrong Building, Ridley Building  Cullercoats: Dove Marine Laboratory  Blyth: research vessel base  Singapore - branch campus  Students: aprox. 900 undergraduate, postgraduate and research students

12 12 School of Marine Science and Technology

13 13 School of Marine Science and Technology

14 14 School of Marine Science and Technology

15 15 School of Marine Science and Technology NUMI Singapore  NUMI: Newcastle University Marine International  Delivering 3 Bachelors programmes of 2 years duration in Singapore  Delivering 1 part time MSc in intensive schools  5 Newcastle academics based in Singapore  In 2011 Over 80 students will be awarded Newcastle BEng degrees after 2 years study  In future graduating 100 students per year  All line management, QA, HR, etc from Newcastle

16 16 School of Marine Science and Technology TEACHING ACTIVITIES

17 17 School of Marine Science and Technology Undergraduate Degree Programmes  BEng/MEng Marine Technology degrees:  Naval Architecture  Marine Engineering  Offshore Engineering  Small Craft Technology  BEng degrees delivered by NUMI Singapore  Naval Architecture  Marine Engineering  Offshore Engineering  BSc Marine Science Degrees:  Marine Biology  Marine Biology and Oceanography  Marine Zoology

18 18 School of Marine Science and Technology Postgraduate Programmes  Taught PG Programmes (185 students per year)  10 MSc Programmes in Marine Technology including:  MSc Naval Architecture  MSc Marine Engineering  MSc Pipeline Engineering  MSc Subsea Engineering  MSc Marine Transport with Management  MSc Tropical Coastal Management  MSc in International Marine Environmental Consultancy  MSc in Aquaculture Enterprise and Technology  PhD with Integrated Studies  For 2012: Maritime MBA  Distance Learning MSc Programmes  MTEC  MSc International - Singapore  Research PhD Programme

19 19 School of Marine Science and Technology Graduate Employment  Exceptionally good track record for graduate employment  Careers Fair  Organised by School – Marine focus  38 companies attend for 2 day event, with company stands and presentations  Recruiting for employment and summer placements  Engaging with companies for other initiatives:  Project collaboration  Scholarships and Bursaries

20 20 School of Marine Science and Technology Future Directions  We continue to monitor for opportunities for niche Masters programmes in interdisciplinary areas, exploiting the interfaces between science, technology, and enterprise  We continuing our international expansion of educational provision delivering undergraduate and post graduate programmes in-country

21 21 School of Marine Science and Technology Singapore Rational  Traditional attitude has been to recruit international students to study educational programmes in the UK.  In S.E. Asia and other regions the demand for graduates is expanding exponentially.  The response can not be more students in the UK, but more programmes in-country.

22 22 School of Marine Science and Technology

23 23 School of Marine Science and Technology RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE

24 24 School of Marine Science and Technology FACILITIES  Emmerson Cavitation Tunnel  Hydrodynamics Laboratory  Towing tank  Wind, wave and current tank  Flow cell  Jones Marine Engineering Laboratory  Ridley Laboratories  Dove Marine Laboratory  Research Vessel  Marine Documents - Special Collection

25 25 School of Marine Science and Technology CAVITATION TUNNEL Originally commissioned in 1951 Modernised in 1980 and 2000 £1m plus investment in 2007 to give higher speed capability with matching control systems The only Cavitation Tunnel in the UK Activities include propeller cavitation, noise, propulsion, renewable energy turbines, coatings Main pump power 300kW Max flow velocity 10m/s Test section area 0.99m 2 Model propeller size to 400mm

26 26 School of Marine Science and Technology CAVITATION TUNNEL

27 27 School of Marine Science and Technology TOWING TANK Originally commissioned in 1951 Length 37m Water Depth 1.2m Carriage Velocity up to 3m/s Full range of wave spectra Recent updates Wave making capability Telemetry equipment Motor control system to enhance low speed and high speed testing capabilities

28 28 School of Marine Science and Technology WIND WAVE CURRENT TANK

29 29 School of Marine Science and Technology WIND WAVE CURRENT TANK A unique facility Model testing in any or all combinations involving wind, waves and currents Key application areas include renewable energy including Tidal Turbines Working length 11m Maximum water velocity 1m/s Maximum wind velocity 20m/s Full range of wave spectra

30 30 School of Marine Science and Technology FLOW CELL Specifically designed to test biofouling resistant coatings Can be used with saltwater and fresh water Simulates fully developed turbulent boundary layer simulating ship velocities up to 40 knots Maximum water velocity 13.4m/s Pump capacity 90 litres/s @ 10m head Operating temperature 28 0 C to 3 0 C

31 31 School of Marine Science and Technology Marine Science – Labs Main Research Themes Marine Biogeochemistry Including focus on the role of the marine system in the global cycles of climatically active trace gases Marine Biotechnology Including research on marine biofouling and its control and industrial and medical biomedical applications of marine bacteria and fungi Marine Ecology Including research on the dynamics of fragile marine ecosystems and invertebrate reproduction Ridley Labs Located on Main Campus Dove Marine Laboratory Located in Cullercoats Harbour

32 32 School of Marine Science and Technology The Dove Marine Laboratory A unique facility – opened in 1908 Located in Cullercoats Harbour Recently refurbished seawater tanks feeding aquaria Ballast Water Research – linking Marine Science to Marine Technology Public Engagement – awareness raising, education, promoting stewardship and public empowerment CPD and training the Marine Scientists of the future Conference facilities

33 33 School of Marine Science and Technology RESEARCH VESSEL Principal Dimensions Length Overall 18.0m Beam Overall 7.0m Design Draft 1.64m Displacement (light) 28 tonnes Payload 5 tonnes Max Speed 20 knots Cruising Speed 15 knots Engines 2 x 600hp Propulsion 5 bladed propellers Classification MCA Category 2 Designed and tested in-house Currently under construction at Alnmaritek in Blyth Launch 2011

34 34 School of Marine Science and Technology RESEARCH VESSEL Features High efficiency innovative hullform Bow-thrusters and DP system Raised viewing Platform – marine mammal research Moon Pool – ROV operations Propeller observation window Live performance monitoring system Wave measuring radar Noise mitigation/analysis system Large crane, hydraulic A-frame Trawling, hydrographic and auxiliary winches Accommodation for 4 persons Applications Conventional trawling, Fishing with static equipment Soft sediment coring and grabs Plankton and water sampling Underwater survey & ROV support Marine mammal and bird observation Diver support Propeller torque and thrust measurement In situ hydrodynamic and coatings studies Noise analysis

35 35 School of Marine Science and Technology

36 36 School of Marine Science and Technology Funding  University has underwritten cost of the project with £850K guaranteed funding  Close ties with our industry partners is enabling funding to be raised through material and equipment donations. To date we have contributions from:  International paints  ITU  Alnmaritec  Stone Manganese Propulsion  Gurdesan  Our extensive network of Alumni Colleagues

37 37 School of Marine Science and Technology Investment in Laboratories  2007 - £1.3 million invested in upgrading of:  Cavitation Tunnel  Hydrodynamics Laboratory  2008 - £0.75 million invested in relocation and upgrading of Jones Marine Laboratory  2009 - £0.35 million invested in upgrading the Dove Marine Laboratory  2010 - £1.1 million investment in replacement of the research vessel Bernicia

38 38 School of Marine Science and Technology FUTURE DIRECTIONS

39 39 School of Marine Science and Technology Education Programmes  We are expanding our range of Masters programmes into interdisciplinary areas, exploiting the interfaces between science, technology, and enterprise  We are continuing our international expansion of educational provision delivering undergraduate and post graduate programmes in-country

40 40 School of Marine Science and Technology CONCLUSION

41 41 School of Marine Science and Technology Environmental Sustainability Research  The integration of science and technology is proving to be a symbiotic relationship that is responding one of the significant challenges of the 21 st century: Environmental Sustainability  The School is able to respond in all 3 recognised areas of sustainability:  Environmental – monitoring, modelling, prediction  Economic – financially viable engineering and bio- system solutions  Societal – policy, planning and governance

42 42 School of Marine Science and Technology Conclusion  The School of Marine Science and Technology is uniquely placed to contribute to education and research in the marine field in the 21st century  Our integration of marine science and technology enables us to exploit the significant developments at this interface  Our strong local contacts enable us to exploit the regional industrial resurgence in the marine sector  Our world wide reputation enables us to exploit the globalisation of higher education.

43 Newcastle University School of Marine Science and Technology

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