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Highlighting Rules Read Reread and begin highlighting Do Not highlight whole sentences Key/Main ideas Note main ideas with numbers (Power Thinking) Topics.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlighting Rules Read Reread and begin highlighting Do Not highlight whole sentences Key/Main ideas Note main ideas with numbers (Power Thinking) Topics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlighting Rules Read Reread and begin highlighting Do Not highlight whole sentences Key/Main ideas Note main ideas with numbers (Power Thinking) Topics for ideas or questions write in margins

2 1.Main ideas, key terms, people, places, etc. 2.Keep it short 3-5 words 3.Put info. Onto small sticky-note 4.Put sticky-note over the paragraph w/the info. 5. Don’t reread chapter- use sticky-notes Sticky-Notes

3 Power Thinking Notes Power 1: Main Idea, thesis… Power 2: Support with details of Power 1 Power 3: Support with details of Power 2 Example: Power 1: Animals Power 2: Dog Power 3: Collie Power 3: German Shepherd

4 Two-Column Notes Main IdeaDetail Notes 1. Key term, main idea, bold face | 1. supporting details/facts words.|(5 words) |

5 Graphic Organizer Web: America Northeast SouthWestMidwest

6 Choose 1 style of note-taking per section. There are 7 sections total. You will use each skill at least once. The other 3 is your choice. A. Sticky-notes B. 2-column notes C. Power/outline notes D. Web/graphic organizer (all facts must be no more than 5-6 words) (DOUBLE DAILY GRADE) Due Wed. 4/7/10 Note-Taking Skills

7 Summaries Ch. 16 & 17 1 page typed per chapter 12 pt. font Double space Only 3 spaces after title Paragraphs- No 4 lines btw. Paragraphs and indent. (MAJOR GRADE) Due Friday 4/9/10

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