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Geothermal Energy Dong Kim Chemical Engineering Energy Technology and Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Geothermal Energy Dong Kim Chemical Engineering Energy Technology and Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geothermal Energy Dong Kim Chemical Engineering Energy Technology and Policy

2 What is Geothermal Energy?  Utilize temperature of the earth’s core.  Direct use: District Heating System  Electricity generation  Heat pumps

3 Locations  Ring of Fire  Over 20 countries: Iceland, U.S., Italy, France, China, Japan, ect.  The United States is the country with the greatest geothermal energy production

4 Direct District Heating System  Use hot water from springs or reservoirs near the surface.  Hot water near the earth's surface can be piped directly into buildings and industries for heat.

5 Electricity Generation  Dry Steam Power Plant: Uses the superheated, pressurized steam (180°- 350°C)

6 Electricity Generation  Flash Steam Power Plant: use hot water above 182°C (360°F) from geothermal reservoirs.

7 Electricity Generation  Binary Cycle Power Plant: Insufficiently hot resource to efficiently produce steam Too many chemical impurities to allow flashing.

8 Heat Pumps  Utilizes constant temperature of upper 10 feet of the Earth’s surface.  Similar to ordinary heat pumps, but they rely on more stable source than air.

9 Geothermal Energy  Almost no negative impact on the environment.  Release about 1 to 3 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions of a fossil fuel plant.

10 References  1: th/insideearth.jpg th/insideearth.jpg  2:  3: heating-pipeline.jpg heating-pipeline.jpg  4:  5:  geothermal.html geothermal.html  6: USGeo

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