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Public Speaking Types of Delivery.

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1 Public Speaking Types of Delivery

2 There are 4 main ways to deliver a speech:
Extemporaneous Memorized Manuscript Impromptu

3 Consequently, it appears to be spontaneous and natural.
Extemporaneous This big word typically means something that is done or spoken without preparation. However, in the world of public speaking, an extemporaneous speech requires a significant amount of preparation. Consequently, it appears to be spontaneous and natural.

4 Extemporaneous Research the topic Organize your information
Create an outline Write text (but not word-for-word as you will deliver it) The speaker has the latitude1 and flexibility to vary the spoken words each time the speech is given – adding to the natural feel of the speech. 1Freedom from narrow restrictions. A similar word is leeway.

5 Extemporaneous It’s a good idea to make cue cards for your speech. These cards are based upon your outline. They are used to “cue” you, or give you an idea of the next thing to say in your speech. (More on this in the future)

6 Memorized Research the topic Organize your information
Create an outline Write text (word-for-word as you will deliver it)

7 Memorized Delivered word-for-word, as written Like an actor, on stage
Can sound good if words and paragraphs are not mixed up. Possible negatives anxiety can cause the speaker to lose his / her place in the speech requires a great deal of practice can sound “stiff” (unnatural) if speaker does not practice enough

8 Manuscript Research the topic Organize your information
Create an outline Write text (word-for-word as you will deliver it)

9 Manuscript Read word-for-word
Politicians and newscasters use this type of speech Can sound stiff, not to mention lack of eye contact with audience.

10 Impromptu On-the-Spot Receive a topic just before giving the speech.
Deliver a speech based on the information in your head. Very challenging to do well!

11 My Recommendations Most of your speeches should be extemporaneous. This type of speech forces you to practice a lot and be well-prepared. The result is a smoother and more natural-sounding speech. The audience will like it!

12 My Recommendations Avoid Memorized and Manuscript speeches. These types of speech are often less interesting. Memorized speeches are better than Manuscript speeches. However, it is difficult to make a memorized speech sound natural. And the longer your speech, the harder it is to memorize.

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