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2 1.Prepare your presentation before looking at any multimedia such as Powerpoint, Prezi etc. Begin with cue cards Creating and reading slides verbatim.

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2 2 1.Prepare your presentation before looking at any multimedia such as Powerpoint, Prezi etc. Begin with cue cards Creating and reading slides verbatim to an audience with a few anecdotes is not acceptable. Focus on the substance not the fluff. Remember YOU are the communicator, not the slides. Adapted from

3 3 2. Preparation If you happen to have the gift of quick wit, winging a speech or presentation may work for you but usually “winging it” leads to disaster. In contrast, anybody– can become a great public speaker through good preparation and practice. Quality preparation and practice are the best antidotes to fear!

4 4 3. Write a basic outline including at least three main points Often you can just start writing to create a report, but you can’t just start speaking to create a speech.

5 5 4. Memorize your outline Memorize your outline so thoroughly that you can repeat it to yourself effortlessly.

6 6 5. Avoid writing out your speech verbatim If you understand your subject, memorize your outline, and practice the speech – you shouldn’t need it written out in detail. Writing it out verbatim may cause you to sound unnatural and awkward. So resist the temptation. Having it all written down on cue cards or a Power Point slide – just in case you forget something – puts you in danger of reading a list. Most of the time you will remember but if you don’t, it isn’t a big deal. No one will know.

7 7 6. Create your supporting Multimedia links Use of multimedia such as Powerpoint slides are secondary to your personal communication. Build your multimedia presentation to compliment your speech, not your speech to compliment your presentation. You are the communicator! So communicate.

8 8 7. Tricks of the trade Practice your presentation at least a dozen times. But don’t imagine yourself in front of a large audience. As you practice, imagine yourself talking to a trusted friend Speak as if you are just trying to help him/her understand the material. Focus on your friend, not yourself. Perform each practice without notes or the multimedia– draw on the content from your memorized outline. Time the speech during your practices. Adapted from

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