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Immune System By. Amanda, Iva, Tavey, Natsumi. Contaminants 0 Cells 0 Proteins 0 Tissues 0 Organs 0 Blood vessels 0 Leukocytes.

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Presentation on theme: "Immune System By. Amanda, Iva, Tavey, Natsumi. Contaminants 0 Cells 0 Proteins 0 Tissues 0 Organs 0 Blood vessels 0 Leukocytes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immune System By. Amanda, Iva, Tavey, Natsumi

2 Contaminants 0 Cells 0 Proteins 0 Tissues 0 Organs 0 Blood vessels 0 Leukocytes

3 Function 0 Helps attacks germs 0 Tries to keep away diseases from going into your body 0 Attacks organisms and substances 0 Always on alert

4 Cells 0 Leukocytes-white blood cells 0 T cell-helper cells 0 B cells are started by T-helper cells, made into plasma cells 0 Plasma cells spreads antibodies that can bind to the antigen in the bloodstream 0 Few B cells become memory B cells, can survive for decades 0 Memory B cells can help with future diseases that you’ve had before, gives immunity

5 Immune Response 0 Pathogen enters the body 0 Macrophages surround the pathogens and display antigens 0 Macrophages with antigen fragments on them are called antigen presenting cells 0 Antigen presenting cells connect with T-helper cells 0 Macrophage sends alarming signal called interleukin-1 which stimulates T-helper cell 0 Secretes interleukin-2 0 T and B cells 0 Cytotoxic cells that recognize the antigen on surfaces of infected cells bind it and make chemicals that kill it

6 Antigens 0 causes your body to create antibodies against it 0 a foreign substance 0 Anything that triggers the immune response 0 Can be a microbe

7 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level 0 Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles 0 Second level 0 Third level 0 Fourth level 0 Fifth level Cuts Mosquitoes 0 Helps to close it up 0 Inflammation and pus are side effects Red and itchy bump Your system is working to heal it

8 What if the immune system stopped working? 0 Bacteria, parasites, toxins will go into your body 0 Unable to stop them from coming in 0 Dismantles body, takes a few weeks 0 A skeleton is left

9 What weakens the immune system Overdosing on sugar Alcohol Food allergens Lot of fat Reduces the ability of white cells to kill germs

10 Help Your Immune System! 0 Vitamin C-reacts on cancer cells 0 Helps stomach, breasts, colorectal and prostate cancers Examples: citrus fruits, green peppers, cantaloupes, broccoli 0 Vitamin E-enhances production of B cells 0 Lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease Examples: grains, vegetable oils, seeds 0 t

11 Sources Consulted “Animation: The Immune Response.” Human Anatomy. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. Web. 1 Mar. 2012..http://highered.mcgraw-‌sites/‌0072495855/‌student_view0/‌chapter24/‌animation__the_immune_response.html “8 Foods That Boost Immunity.” Ask DrSears., 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2012..‌topics/‌family-nutrition/‌foods-boost-immunity/‌8-foods-boost-immunity “4 Habits That Weaken the Immune System.” Ask DrSears., 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2012..‌topics/‌family-nutrition/‌foods-boost-immunity/‌4-habits-weaken-immune-system “How Your Immune System Works.” How Stuff Works. How Stuff Works, Inc, 2012. Web. 1 Mar. 2012..‌environmental/‌life/‌human-biology/‌immune-system.htm “Immune System.” KidsHealth. The Nemours Foundation, 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2012..‌parent/‌general/‌body_basics/‌immune.html “Ways to Strengthen the Immune System.” Essortment. Demand Media, 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2012..‌ways-strengthen-immune-system-62358.html

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