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Independent movies alternatives to the blockbuster.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent movies alternatives to the blockbuster."— Presentation transcript:

1 independent movies alternatives to the blockbuster

2 compare, contrast Pretty Woman, Working Girls Born in East LA, El Norte

3 mainstream movies overseas market favors action, high tech blockbusters high costs merchandising links caution, marketing

4 definitions: indies outside the studios limited budgets funding commercial quotient low content distribution quality

5 distribution studio-owned companies alternative routes (a)get shown, reviewed (b)film festivals (c)Internet

6 Internet and the movies alternative to Hollywood growth digitization ease, potential web ideal for short films exposure video sales

7 some indie sites

8 web and movie publicity Blair Witch Project

9 limitations of web movies download times image quality computer screen financial concerns are festivals better? web flooded

10 finding indies reviews TV film festivals web identify directors

11 John Sayles Return of the Secaucus 7 Matewan Eight Men Out Passion Fish Lone Star Men With Guns Limbo

12 Kevin Smith Clerks Mallrats Chasing Amy Dogma

13 Spike Lee She’s Gotta Have It School Daze Jungle Fever Get on the Bus Bamboozled

14 Wayne Wang Chan is Missing Dim Sum Slam Dance Joy Luck Club Smoke Chinese Box

15 Dash, Nava Dash: Daughters of the Dust Nava: El Norte, My Family, Selena

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