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Funding and Financing Green Infrastructure Approach and Experience in Stuttgart Region.

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Presentation on theme: "Funding and Financing Green Infrastructure Approach and Experience in Stuttgart Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funding and Financing Green Infrastructure Approach and Experience in Stuttgart Region

2 Stuttgart Region in Europe

3 Munich Hamburg an association of 179 municipalities 2,67 million inhabitants (from 170 countries) 3.654 square kilometers Verband Region Stuttgart:

4 A public authority for regioanl tasks Regional transportation Suburban railways and busses Landscape planning / climate protection Garbage disposal (partial) Promotion of economic development Tourism marketing Infrastructure Transportation Economy Environment Optional tasks Promotion of culture, sports, congresses Regional land use planning

5 Freiraum unter Druck





10 The Regional Landscape Park Concept Since 1999 the VRS is authorised by law to develop concepts for the Landscape Park. Since 2004 we are also authorized to realize projects Implementation  Co-Financing of Projects Concepts  Masterplans Content: Analysis and discription of the landscape-related situation Main goals to be achieved Proposals for actions and projects

11 Basic condition for funding green projects: Based on legal provisions the VRS is not allowed to implement investments in green infrastructure on his own. Project realization is only possible in cooperation with communities. Solution: the Co-financing Programme

12 Competition VRS announces co-financing money for landscapepark projects once a year. Municipalities – refering to the masterplans - make proposals for projects (about 30 to 40 each year). A jury picks out the best projects (about 15 to 20 each year). Funding VRS funds up to 50 % of the elected municipalitan projects. Only municipalities can take part in this competition, neither private persons nor other public organisations. Co-financing Projects - how does it work?

13 Criteria and Requests for the selection of projects Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks Realisation in the following year A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with

14 Criteria and Requests Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks Realisation in the following year A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with -hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance

15 Criteria and Requests Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks Realisation in the following year A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with -hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance -integrated systems of biotopes

16 Criteria and Requests Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks Realisation in the following year A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with -hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance -integrated systems of biotopes, -landmarks, locations or buildings of special interest

17 Criteria and Requests Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks Realisation in the following year A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with -hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance -integrated systems of biotopes, -landmarks, locations or buildings of special interest, -or projects to get people in touch with nature.

18 VRS-budget Million Euro Trade fair 2004 – 2007Landscape park other expenses

19 Annual VRS-budget for green projects 2005: 250.000 € 2006: 250.000 € 2007: 500.000 € 2008:1.500.000 € 2009:1.500.000 € 2010:1.500.000 € 2011:1.500.000 € 2012:1.500.000 €


21 Conclusions (1): The number of projects funded by the VRS shows: improvement of green infrastructure is possible when the responsible government is convinced of the importance as a locational factor and for the quality of life for the people living in the region and when the government is firmly determined to invest in green projects. In the end it‘s a question of political priorities. The state government has launched a special program to finance projects regarding the river Neckar.

22 Example: Renaturation of Banks of the Neckar in Ludwigsburg before… more partners allow: -bigger projects -higher invest -better results

23 after renaturation Planing and funding in coopration between municipality waterways administra- tion and VRS

24 near-natural bypass waterways and an ascending aids for fish 5 partners involved:two cities power plant waterways authority VRS

25 VALUE-pilot Cycle-path Esslingen co-funded by: city of Esslingen waterways authority EU VRS

26 2 regions 3 counties 16 municipalities Inter-municipal State Garden Exhibition - Remstal Aim: develop the green, blue and grey infrastructure of a river valley from source to mouth

27 Combination of different sources of finance (national, federal, region, communal): Regional Co-Financing program for GI projects State Garden Exhibition program for GI projects Urban development promotion program Financial support for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive Funding according to the Financing Act for Communal Traffic … Inter-municipal State Garden Exhibition - Remstal State garden exhibitions allow to bundle and prioritize funding from different public financial sources of the Federal State for a certain timeframe A wide range of different projects depending on the following aims: Enhancement ecological passageways, creation of retention basins and enriched recreational use of the river Rems Urban development in combination with green spaces Closing gaps in the Rems cycling route Improvement of rail line strengthening regional identity, preserving and developing the cultural landscape and safeguarding a multifunctional living and recreation area …

28 In our experience private enterprise are showing only limited willingness to prticipate in co-financing green projects. unless a certain project is of major interest to a company itself because of expected own benefits To find partners the main question is: Who could be interested in a certain project? Respectively: In wich kind of project could a certain organisation / institution be interested? Finally comprehensive information and a bit of creativity is required to figure out all possible sources of finance: public funding programs, EU-funding, special chances like the garden festival example as mentioned. Conclusions:

29 To have a clear strategie and a wide range of project ideas might be helpful to come up with the right project at the right moment. The european water framework directive e.g. is a great chance to connect recreational projects with renaturation of rivers. An adequate development of this “green infrastructure” can only be achieved in a coordinated approach using mandatory instruments, economical incentives and a close co-operation of all relevant stakeholders. Conclusions:

30 Though an attractive landscape and leasure facilities are said to be important locotion factors green projects normaly don‘t have top priority. In many cases they are something „nice to have“. Funding the future or fighting with finance? Final Conclusions:

31 Though an attractive landscape and leasure facilities are said to be important location factors green projects normaly don‘t have top priority. In many cases they are something „nice to have“. Funding the future or fighting with finance? No funding the future without fighting for finance! Final Conclusion:

32 Many Thanks for your Attention

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