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Dr. Samira Hassan Zaidan

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1 Dr. Samira Hassan Zaidan
Homeopathy Medicine and Pharmacy By Dr. Samira Hassan Zaidan (MHMA. Ph.D, COPH)

2 What is Homeopathy? Homoeopathy is science. It has been discovered in 1790 by a German physician called Dr Samuel Hahnemann. The word Homoeopathy is derived from two Greek words :- HOMOIOS =  Like / Similar PATHOS    =  Suffering

3 Homeopathy and Allopathy
Homeopathy = Similia Similibus Curentur Law of similars = Like cures like. Allopathy = Contraria Contraiis Law of opposites = cure with opposites

4 An onion to treat conjunctivitis
Law of Similars

5 Sources of Homeopathic Remedies
Plants Mineral Animals’ extracts.

6 What is the difference between Homeopathy and Allopathy
Homeopathy: follows the physics theory in remedy preparation. Allopathy: follows the chemical Theory. In Homeopathy: People are different, and each individual needs a special, unique remedy. Allopathy: medicines are generic , one type to treat one disease. Homeopathy stimulates the body system to get rid of the disease (any disease). Allopathy: suppress the disease by concealing the symptoms.

7 Homeopathy tests remedies on healthy people
Homeopathy tests remedies on healthy people. It is important in homeopathy to get to know the subjective and objective symptoms. Allopathy: medicines are tested on animals first.

8 Homeopathy: Natural substances are used.
Dilution and Succussion are the main principles in preparing Homeopathic remedies. Allopathy: Chemically Extracted active ingredients from the substance (poison) and using them individually or in combination. Sometimes the active ingredients are synthetically made, for its low cost.

9 Proving = testing the poison on human beings.
Preparation for proving: One of the main condition is that: The individual should be reasonably healthy (physically, emotionally and mentally). He/she should be reasonably intelligent. He/she should lead a healthy life style. He/she should have enough knowledge about Homeopathy.

10 Materia Medica It is a detailed document about each remedy. Symptoms are registered and categorized into paragraphs, each paragraph deals with an organ from three dimensions (when, where, how and what make these symptoms better or worse)as well as generalities. The symptoms are collected using the same language the provers used when they describe the subjective and objective symptoms. There are so many Materia Medicas (Books and Computerized Programmes.

11 Reportory Repertories are encyclopedia like books, where remedies are collected and organized, from top to toe. Physical, emotional and mental symptoms are collected from the Materia Medicas in the provers’ language. Concentration on the strange and peculiar symptoms, time and place of the pain , sleep and dreams etc. There are many repertories , most of them are computerized.

12 It is not logical to test the Homeopathic remedies using the same tools that test Pharmaceutical drugs, for each discipline follows different theories. Kirlian photography is used by some homeopaths to prove the differences in potencies and remedies.

13 Kirlian Photography

14 ”لكل داء دواء فإذا أصيب دواء الداء برء بإذن الله عز وجل.“
في صحيح مسلم ورد عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: ”لكل داء دواء فإذا أصيب دواء الداء برء بإذن الله عز وجل.“

15 Homeopathy is good for all. It is safe. It is gentle. It cures.
Thank you for listening

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