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Unit 3: States of Consciousness EQ 1:How do drugs affect the brain? 1/5.

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1 Unit 3: States of Consciousness EQ 1:How do drugs affect the brain? 1/5

2 Bell Ringer  Give an example of a time a person is conscious and unconscious.  What is consciousness? Write a definition in your own words.  Can there be different levels of consciousness? Why or why not?

3 Consciousness  Awareness of yourself and your surroundings  Consciousness is……….  Subjective: Cannot share it with another person  Selective: aware of some things but ignore others  Divided: pay attention to two different things at once  Continuous: each moment blends into the next  Changing: Awareness shifts to other things within seconds  Multi-leveled: Ranges from an alert awareness to stupor of deep sleep

4 Chalk Talk….Ssshhh-No Talking Question: 1. What facts, stereotypes, etc. do you know about drugs? 2. What questions do you have about drugs? Group 1: Answer question #1 or 2 on board Group 2: Create your own questions, or thoughts or add answers written by group #1 Group 3:Whole class responds

5 Discussion of Chalk Talk  How do Drugs affect the Brain reading?  (Finish for HW if not done)

6 EQ 2: What are the causes and effects of teenage drug use?  Without telling personal stories…  Do you think teenage drug use has increased? Is it easy for teenagers to buy drugs? Do you think teenage drug use is a problem at Kenwood, in Chicago, IL, the United States?

7 Write 2 observations and 1 inference about the graphs. Are you surprised by the information? Why/why not?

8 Why are so many young people drinking and doing drugs?

9 Why are so many young people using drugs and alcohol?  In your groups. Write down all of the songs you can think of that speak about drug use.  Identify which drug/s the song is referring to  Write if the song is sending a positive or negative message about the drug

10 High School Drug Use article  Individually: Read and annotate article (practice talking to the text)  In groups: Discuss and write out your answers for part 1 and 2

11 HW  Finish part 3 of activity

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