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Update by IDA Foundation Leontien Ruttenberg MSc MBA.

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Presentation on theme: "Update by IDA Foundation Leontien Ruttenberg MSc MBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update by IDA Foundation Leontien Ruttenberg MSc MBA

2 Our mission: “To improve access to and deliver high-quality medicines and medical supplies at the lowest possible price to low and middle income countries.” Introducing IDA Foundation …a not-for-profit supplier of essential medicines and medical supplies since 1972

3 Customers in 130+ countries 40+ agents worldwide & 10 locations with stock Head office in Amsterdam (110 employees) Procurement office in Mumbai (65 employees) IDA Foundation: global presence

4 Customers and partners MULTILATERAL FUNDING MULTILATERAL PROGRAM & FUNDING The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria Drug-purchasing facility (provides funding grants) Hosted by WHO The World Bank World Health Organisation BILATERAL NGO & PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS PRESIDENT’S MALARIA INITIATIVE (PMI) President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) GLOBAL DRUG FACILITY (GDF) The Global Health Network National Ministries of Health (MoH) Local NGOs Central Medical Stores

5 Multi-channel approach Procurement Services, wholesale & tender proposals Portfolio of > 3000 products Stock keeping 750 products Average stock value: € 12 million Increased turnover over the years with customer ranging from hospitals to large donors Emergency response 4 Global PA contracts (GDF (2), CHAI, PPM) 2 National PA contracts(Togo, Nigeria) 30 Audits IDA Foundation : key facts 2014

6 Guaranteed quality for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies* (*process may vary depending on risk class) More than quality control ‘on paper’  verification audits, samples Leading in quality innovation: role in MQAS, WHO working groups Own product: registrations in destination country Dedicated pharmacists in our QA / QC teams in NL, Mumbai, China IDA Quality

7 Update on achievements 2014 Product range: RMNCH: reviewed portfolio to include UN 13 commodities NCD: reviewed portfolio, added 26 anti-cancer drugs to be completed in Q1, 2015 HIV/AIDS ; increased focus – re-establish value added Quality Bioequivalence studies Supply Chain Management Custom – made kitting projects / more complex supply chain solutions

8 Update on challenges 2014 Product range: Stock keeping, shelf-life requirements, lead time Local manufacturing – price differences w/ Asian generics Registration Lack of standardization in medical devices No standard list No standard quality guidelines Quality Bioequivalence studies Harmonization QA guidelines Focus on local manufacturers may jeopardize uniformity (eg Universal) Complying to different standards costs time/donor money

9 Any Questions / Feedback? Contact: Join us on: IDA.Foundation.Amsterdam IDA_Foundation

10 Summary IDA continues to passionately serve unmet needs Not for profit, independant & transparant Looking forward to increased harmonization Partnership approach

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