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“Falling” For Fitness Fun Fall Activities James Kuhlmeier.

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2 “Falling” For Fitness Fun Fall Activities James Kuhlmeier

3 Fall  No matter the season, there are always ways for us to stay active. This slide show will introduce you to many activities you can do during the fall season ( and as the weather gets colder)to help keep you moving. Encourage your friends and family to participate as well.

4 Outdoor Activities

5 Outdoor Activities  Before the weather gets to cold and we have to stay indoors we can still enjoy many outdoor activities. Make sure when playing outside that you always watch your surroundings and use protective gear when using equipment. Dress appropriately and always wash your hands when you are done playing.  Activities To Enjoy:  Playing sports ( football, soccer, basketball, and hockey).  Skateboarding  Bicycling  Walking  Jump Roping  Hopscotch

6 Raking Leaves

7 Check Out This Article!!! http://www.southernliving.c om/healthy- living/gardening/outdoor- exercise-rake-in-benefits  Health Benefits of Raking  Not only is raking fun but it also helps you to get your body moving. You use muscles in your upper and lower body when you rake and bag leaves.

8 Fall ends on December 21, 2014 and winter begins. It is possible that we will see some snow during the fall. Here are a few things we can do ( still outdoors) to stay fit:  Shovel  Build A Snowman

9 Shoveling  Shoveling is a high intensity workout that gets your heart rate going and helps you to burn calories.  Targets the main muscle groups of the body.

10 5 Tips for Shoveling  #1 – Warm Up  # 2 – Use good lifting techniques  #3 – Don’t overload the shovel  #4 – Push the snow to the closest end point  # 5 – Buy a snow blower to help alleviate some of the workload.

11 Things to include when building your snowman -  Eyes  Nose  Mouth  Arms You can also include additional items such as:  Hat  Mittens  Scarf  Frosty the Snowman

12 Even though building a snowman is more fun than physical you are still using agility, balance and coordination to make the best snow creation. The most important thing is that you are MOVING!  Check out this YouTube video on how to make a snowman:  watch?v=206yVUMtQBs watch?v=206yVUMtQBs

13 Some other fun snow activities…….

14 Wii  When the weather grows to cold and we are stuck indoors the Wii system has many interactive games that involve physical movement. Some engage you in dance, fitness workouts and sports.

15 Some games to consider

16 Fitness is Fun  Fitness is fun,  In cold or the sun.  Get your body moving,  So your muscles won’t be snoozing.

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