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Triennial (2011-2014, 2015) Zonal Report, Zone 10, Eastern Europe. Petr.V. Morozov, Professor of Psychiatry, Russian National Medical Research University,

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Presentation on theme: "Triennial (2011-2014, 2015) Zonal Report, Zone 10, Eastern Europe. Petr.V. Morozov, Professor of Psychiatry, Russian National Medical Research University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Triennial (2011-2014, 2015) Zonal Report, Zone 10, Eastern Europe. Petr.V. Morozov, Professor of Psychiatry, Russian National Medical Research University, Department of Advanced Medical Studies, Moscow, Russia

2 Introduction Despite the fact that the number of countries, included in the WPA Zone 10 is relatively small, and all share a common past (social, cultural and economic) certain technical difficulties existed originally. Two pairs of countries do not have diplomatic relations, another couple was in a extreme tension between them.

3 Meetings and Research I’m working as the WPA Zonal Representative for Eastern Europe in the period 2011-2014 and I have been involved in the organization of 7 WPA regular, sponsored, or co-sponsored meetings in the Zone 10 (in Moscow-2012, 2014, St- Petersburg- 2014, Yerevan- 2013, Suzdal - 2011, 2013, 2015)I’m working as the WPA Zonal Representative for Eastern Europe in the period 2011-2014 and I have been involved in the organization of 7 WPA regular, sponsored, or co-sponsored meetings in the Zone 10 (in Moscow-2012, 2014, St- Petersburg- 2014, Yerevan- 2013, Suzdal - 2011, 2013, 2015)

4 Meetings and Research - 4 annual meetings of the Presidents of the National Psychiatric Societies of the WPA Zone 10 (2011-in Moscow, Russia, 2012 –in Kharkov, Ukraine, 2013-in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2014-in Kharkov, Ukraine).5 th meeting-September 24 th, 2015, Kazan, Russia- 4 annual meetings of the Presidents of the National Psychiatric Societies of the WPA Zone 10 (2011-in Moscow, Russia, 2012 –in Kharkov, Ukraine, 2013-in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2014-in Kharkov, Ukraine).5 th meeting-September 24 th, 2015, Kazan, Russia - 4 symposia on actual topics of today’s psychiatry with Presidents exclusive participation (2012, 2014-in Kharkov, 2014-in Madrid).- 4 symposia on actual topics of today’s psychiatry with Presidents exclusive participation (2012, 2014-in Kharkov, 2014-in Madrid). We initiated and completed in the WPA Zone 10 a “Study on comparative evaluation of the mental health services in the postsoviet space” (first publication of the results-April 2014, second-January 2015, in English-June 2015, WPA International Congress, Bucharest ).We initiated and completed in the WPA Zone 10 a “Study on comparative evaluation of the mental health services in the postsoviet space” (first publication of the results-April 2014, second-January 2015, in English-June 2015, WPA International Congress, Bucharest ).

5 Meetings and Research - Together with the leadership of the Eastern European psychiatry we start to compare in the similar ways state of the education in psychiatry in the region- first report: November 2015, WPA International Congress in Taiwan- Together with the leadership of the Eastern European psychiatry we start to compare in the similar ways state of the education in psychiatry in the region- first report: November 2015, WPA International Congress in Taiwan - The first joint Symposium of the Russian and Georgian psychiatrists over the last 25 years was organized in Tbilissi, Georgia in September 2014.- The first joint Symposium of the Russian and Georgian psychiatrists over the last 25 years was organized in Tbilissi, Georgia in September 2014. - In 3 years at different international meetings I presented 16 reports in 3 languages and published more that 30 papers. - In 3 years at different international meetings I presented 16 reports in 3 languages and published more that 30 papers.

6 EDUCATION -Within the framework of the WPA Educational Program the E.E. Educational WPA-Servier Academy has been established. 12 young researchers from 7 countries (Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) attended major psychiatric Congresses and prepared reviews on the most interesting matters. 30 peer-reviews already prepared, 24-published in the leading professional journals of the Zone 10 (in Russia-in 5 Journals, in Ukraine-in 2, in Belarus in 1, in Armenia-in 1, in Azerbaijan-in 1).-Within the framework of the WPA Educational Program the E.E. Educational WPA-Servier Academy has been established. 12 young researchers from 7 countries (Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) attended major psychiatric Congresses and prepared reviews on the most interesting matters. 30 peer-reviews already prepared, 24-published in the leading professional journals of the Zone 10 (in Russia-in 5 Journals, in Ukraine-in 2, in Belarus in 1, in Armenia-in 1, in Azerbaijan-in 1). Distribution of such scientific information on regular basis shall contribute to development of WPA Educational Program and raise the professionalism of specialists.Distribution of such scientific information on regular basis shall contribute to development of WPA Educational Program and raise the professionalism of specialists.

7 Education Famous Suzdal Schools for Young Psychiatrists organized in 2011,2013 and 2015 under the aegis of WPA and RSP. Each School included lectures, seminars, round-table discussions, clinical cases, workshops, poster sessions and satellite symposia. 25 best research papers-winners (of 120) were selected in the competition during the pre-school period of time and published in the proceedings. 250-400 participants from Russia and other countries of the WPA Zone 10 had a large social and cultural program also.Famous Suzdal Schools for Young Psychiatrists organized in 2011,2013 and 2015 under the aegis of WPA and RSP. Each School included lectures, seminars, round-table discussions, clinical cases, workshops, poster sessions and satellite symposia. 25 best research papers-winners (of 120) were selected in the competition during the pre-school period of time and published in the proceedings. 250-400 participants from Russia and other countries of the WPA Zone 10 had a large social and cultural program also.

8 PUBLICATIONS and EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION With the help of an educational grant from Servier company the printed edition of the magazine "World Psychiatry" in Russian was resumed, the magazine is not just being translated and published regularly, but it is also made freely available to all countries in the WPA Zone 10 according to their requests. More than 20 Russian young psychiatrists with a good knowledge of the English language, who have passed a test selection, are engaged in full translation and editing of publications.With the help of an educational grant from Servier company the printed edition of the magazine "World Psychiatry" in Russian was resumed, the magazine is not just being translated and published regularly, but it is also made freely available to all countries in the WPA Zone 10 according to their requests. More than 20 Russian young psychiatrists with a good knowledge of the English language, who have passed a test selection, are engaged in full translation and editing of publications. PUBLICATIONS and EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION

9 -The Anthology of the Russian psychiatric texts for WPA series is in translation. 27 texts were selected. Sponsors of the project found.-The Anthology of the Russian psychiatric texts for WPA series is in translation. 27 texts were selected. Sponsors of the project found. -Regular contributions about Zonal activity to the WPA media channels undertaken on a permanent basis (13 reports from Zone 10 from November 2011 till May 2015).-Regular contributions about Zonal activity to the WPA media channels undertaken on a permanent basis (13 reports from Zone 10 from November 2011 till May 2015).

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