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SELF STUDY REPORT IN HAWLER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Dr.Khurshid Khrwatany BDS/Iraq; DMFS/Russia Lecturer Dept. of Oral and maxillofacial surgery College of.

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Presentation on theme: "SELF STUDY REPORT IN HAWLER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Dr.Khurshid Khrwatany BDS/Iraq; DMFS/Russia Lecturer Dept. of Oral and maxillofacial surgery College of."— Presentation transcript:

1 SELF STUDY REPORT IN HAWLER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Dr.Khurshid Khrwatany BDS/Iraq; DMFS/Russia Lecturer Dept. of Oral and maxillofacial surgery College of Dentistry Hawler Medical University Erbil, April, 2015

2 Contents Mirror reflection From mirror reflection to self study Definition Objectives The effect of Globalization on ME International standards for medical education by WFME Global standards program phases Basic concept of formulation WFME Global Standards program Steps and levels of standardization and accreditation Structure and components Small group discussion Questions and comments

3 Have you ever looked to the mirror? What you are looking at first? Do you think you looks awesome? What part of the body or face getting your attention more than others? Why?

4 Is it real?



7 So we are looking at a mirror to know how we look This process can be named as Self assessment or Self study Every organization should have this process The process should be documented The document called Self Study Report SSR.

8 DEFINITION SSR is an official document prepared and delivered by any organization for the purposes of self assessment, as a guider for improvement, quality assurance, and to ask for accreditation by other organizations

9 OBJECTIVES To review, evaluate and document the education program in the college, education related resources Design and excite an awareness campaign. Identify the points of strength and weaknesses, opurtunities and threats. Plan for solutions and corrective actions needed. Prepare the college to be ready for accreditation by the national and international accreditation bodies.

10 The effect globalization on ME Public and individual health of any country it is no longer its own issue, but it is the concern of the whole world Because of massive migration tendencies between countries, it was mandatory for every recipient country to try to get good medics and healthy people These factors and others lead to creation of international standards for ME

11 International standards by world federation for medical education WFME International standards in ME: assessment and accreditation of medical schools’ educational programmes in Sept. 1997 and in its 1998

12 International standards by world federation for medical education WFME contin…. The purpose was to provide a mechanism for quality improvement in medical education, in a global context, to be applied by institutions responsible for medical education, and in programmes throughout the continuum of medical education.

13 Global standards program by WFME It has three phases: Phase I: Developing Global Standards Phase II: Validation and Evaluation Phase III: Implementation

14 Phase I: Developing Global Standards Task forces were nominated and worked on both lines: BME & PME BME: Copenhagen, October 1999; Barcelona, March 2001; Irbid, September 2002 PME:Copenhagen, September 2001; Irbid, September 2002. Final Document, January 2003.

15 Phase II: Validation and Evaluation Pilot project I of BME in 11 countries started 2002 Results presented in 2003 The document accepted in 2004 Pilot project II: PME in 2002 26 medical schools participated Results presented in 2003

16 Phase III: Implementation Information: Publications; Presentations at Meetings; Instruction Material. Translations. Establishment of WFME Advisor Function. Use of the WFME Standards in Institutional Self-evaluation and Peer Review.

17 Phase III: Implementation contin… Incorporation in National Standards and Accreditation Systems. Approval by International Organisations. Partnership with WHO. Guidelines for Accreditation Systems. Project on Promotion of Accreditation. Documentation in World Register.

18 Basic concept of formulation WFME Global Standards program Globalisation of Medicine Restructuring the Health Care Sector and Medical Education Scientific Developments and Medical Schools New Ways of Teaching and Learning in Medicine Assessment and Standards in Medical Education Medical Education Crossing National Boundaries

19 Steps and levels of standardization and accreditation University level National level International level

20 University level: STEPS AND METHODOLOGY 1. Awareness Campaign: 2. Task Force Nomination: 3. Approval of the Benchmark: 4. Data Collection and Analysis: A. Questionnaires: Design, Implementation, Data Analysis; B. Focus Group Discussions: 5. Analysis of Collected Information:

21 University level: STEPS AND METHODOLOGY contin…… 6. Writing the final report. 7. Approval of the report by the College Council. 8. Sharing the report with the University Council. 9. Development and implementation of an action plan that addresses the points of weakness and methods to improve the current status. 10. Reevaluation of the program and determination of progress based on evidence. 11. Sharing of the achievements with other national universities

22 National level: STEPS AND METHODOLOGY Sending of the SSR to the national committee for accrediatation of medical education. Asking for national advisors, approval of the program and accreditation by national committee Implementation of the action plan that designed to match the corrections and needs asked by natinoanl committee. Re-asking for national advisors, approval of the program and accreditation by national committee

23 International level: STEPS AND METHODOLOGY Sending the SSR to the international organizations like WFME, WHO, UNESCO… ask for accrediatation. Asking for international advisors to visit university and get their evaluation. Implementation of the action plan that designed to match the corrections and needs asked by internatinoanl committee. Submission of the SSR evaluation version to international organization to get accrediation. Continuous participation in international conferences on ME to get updated.

24 STRUCTURE AND COMPONENTS 1-Mission and Objectives 2-Educational Program 3-Assessment of Students 4-Students 5-Academic Staff/Faculty 6-Educational Resources 7-Program Evaluation 8-Governance & Administration 9- Continuous Renewal 10- Social Representativeness of the College

25 References The lecture prepared based on the information from the documents of the following organizations: World Federation for Medical Education WFME Association of Medical Schools in Europe www.amse- med.euwww.amse- American Dental Association/ Commission on Dental Accreditation Self Study Report 2011-2012 of College of Medicine/Hawler Medical University


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