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Issues in Developmental Disabilities Cerebral Palsy Lecture Presenter: Diane Langkamp, MPH, MD.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues in Developmental Disabilities Cerebral Palsy Lecture Presenter: Diane Langkamp, MPH, MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues in Developmental Disabilities Cerebral Palsy Lecture Presenter: Diane Langkamp, MPH, MD

2 Introduction Segment 1

3 Case Examples Segment 2 A.Rebecca B.Aspen Diane Langkamp

4 Definition of Cerebral Palsy Segment 3  Definition of Cerebral Palsy  A non-progressive disorder  Injury/malformation of the brain at one point in time  Disorder in movement or posture

5 Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy Segment 3  Injury or abnormality of the brain  Occurs before birth,  During the process of birth  OR in the first one to two years of life

6 Causes of Cerebral Palsy Segment 3  Genetic  Infections  Other Medical Problems

7 When Cerebral Palsy Occurs/Risk Factors Segment 4 A.Prenatal Risk Factors B.Perinatal Risk Factors C.Postnatal Risk Factors

8 Epidemiology of Cerebral Palsy (Segment 5) A.Incidence B.Prevalence

9 Types of Cerebral Palsy Segment 5 A.Classification by Type of Motor Dysfunction B.Classification by Distribution of Involved Extremities

10 Developmental Course of Cerebral Palsy- Segment 6 A.Delay in Motor Milestones B.Muscle Tone Factors 1.Hypotonic muscle tone 2.Hypertonic muscle tone C.Lessening of Symptoms Later in Development 1.Neurological disorders 2.Ending of progression of cerebral palsy symptoms

11 Developmental Course of Persons with Cerebral Palsy Segment 6 A.Persons with Mild Cerebral Palsy B.Persons with Severe Cerebral Palsy 1.Respiratory issues 2.Seizures

12 Cerebral Palsy & Co-Occurring Disabilities/Functional Limitations- Segment 6 A.Seizure Disorders B.Mental Retardation C.Feeding D.Control of Oral Secretions E.Respiratory Infections

13 Cerebral Palsy & Co-Occurring Disabilities/Functional Limitations- Segment 6 F.Speech Production Difficulty G.Vision Disorders H.Hearing Disorders I.Behavioral Challenges J.Learning Disabilities

14 Outcomes for People with Cerebral Palsy/ Clinical Experiences with Health Care Services Segment 7 A.Outcomes for People with Cerebral Palsy B.Learning about Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis 1.Professionals involved C.Services Needed as Child Develops

15 Medical Management of Cerebral Palsy and Communication with Families Segment 8 A.Medical Interventions and Treatments 1.Muscle relaxants 2.Surgical interventions B.Communication with Families 1.Information and education 2.Support from other families 3.Parental grieving process as child develops

16 Role of Social Workers & Outcomes for Children with Cerebral Palsy Segment 9 A.Roles of Social Workers in Cerebral Palsy B.Outcomes for Children 1.Rebecca 2.Aspen a)Use of augmentative communication device

17 Prevention of Cerebral Palsy Segment 10 A.Low Birth Weight B.Severity of Accidents C.Infections and Communicable Diseases

18 Bob Williams, (former Commissioner), Administration on Developmental Disabilities - Segment 11

19 Bob Williams, (former Commissioner), Administration on Developmental Disabilities Segment 12



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