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Gender and Health Professor Julie Byles Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing The University of Newcastle.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender and Health Professor Julie Byles Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing The University of Newcastle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender and Health Professor Julie Byles Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing The University of Newcastle

2 The “average older person” - adjusting for gender “broken down by age and sex” – constraints of categorisation Ageing as “women’s business” - single gender views* Ageing and diversity – heteronormative/ cisnormative assumptions

3 Gender and health Women have longer life expectancy, more disability, longer healthy life expectancy, more chronic conditions Biological basis for some differences Impacts of childbearing – iron stores, bone density, prolapse, incontinence Health seeking and bias in health care Gender norms – expectations and social status Gender roles – family, domestic, occupational Gender relations – unequal power and access to resources Dynamic effects and interactions – varying across cultures and generations

4 Women more likely to report bad or very bad health

5 Gender and health Women have longer life expectancy, more disability, longer healthy life expectancy, more chronic conditions Biological basis for some differences Impacts of childbearing – iron stores, bone density, prolapse, incontinence Health seeking and bias in health care Gender norms – expectations and social status Gender roles – family, domestic, occupational Gender relations – unequal power and access to resources Dynamic effects and interactions – varying across cultures and generations

6 Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health

7 Age and health-related quality of life

8 Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health

9 Changes in Physical Function scores 1996- 2013

10 Different patterns of change in physical function

11 What can we learn from the women? Consistently Good Health – not without physical problems Poor health Setbacks- likely to improve. More pessimistic about getting over events and illnesses. Vitality – Active and fit Slowing down Some slowing down with ageing.“everything is gradually wearing out” Participation _Active Passive Dancing, gardening, volunteer workreading Mobility and physical function – Can do Can’t do Adapt to increasing difficulties and limitations to physical function. Generally still able to drive Describe what they can’t do (rather than what they can do or hope to do) Talked about not being able to drive Generally satisfied with life. “hope” “grateful” ‘Lucky” “Fortunate” Content “Pathetic”

12 The goddess Tatara Created by Zel Caddey 2015

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