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123456 Drakkar‘s technologies in use: real time 3D cartography, topography & civil engineering works. Mobile mapping with Drakkar‘s PolyScan: methodology,

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Presentation on theme: "123456 Drakkar‘s technologies in use: real time 3D cartography, topography & civil engineering works. Mobile mapping with Drakkar‘s PolyScan: methodology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 123456 Drakkar‘s technologies in use: real time 3D cartography, topography & civil engineering works. Mobile mapping with Drakkar‘s PolyScan: methodology, metrological and algorithmic support.”

2 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Partner and representative of: In friendly relations with: … and others LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

3 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Drakkar’s main directions of activity: Geodesy & Topography Map making Mine survey Architectural and cultural heritage survey Archeological survey Aerial photography & Lidar (Laser scanning) survey. The company is ISO 9001 certified LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

4 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Our approach: 1) “Home-made” geodetic tools (apparatus, software) and technologies. 2) Technological partners up to the mark – Microsoft-Vexcel, Terrasolid, AHAB, … 3) Searching for “borderline” own technologies. LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

5 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 … just put into operation: All equipment can be mounted on a car, fixed wing plane or helicopter. The effective accuracy within 1 cm can be expected while using a car as a carier. The survey can be implemented with an unlimited speed (theoretically). LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

6 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Functional scheme includes: Laser scanner GPS Inertial Measurement Unit Digital metric photo camera Computer for data storage and control Software Laser repetition rate: 24 kHz Maximum range: 2000 m Mission duration: practically unlimited LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

7 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Can be mounted on: Planes and helicopters And also: Boats Balloons Paragliders Unmanned systems, Carriages Cars LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

8 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Pulse repetition rate 24 kHz Productivity 11 kHz (oscillating mode ) 8 kHz (rotating mode) Range finder accuracy Better than 5 cm (at flight altitude less than 300 m) Better than 10 cm (at flight altitude less than m) Better than 20 cm (at flight altitude less than m) Planimetric (X,Y) accuracy 1/5000 * H, where H is a flight elevation Reply registration mode First, Last Field of view 80 ° across the flight direction Power consumption 350 Wt Weight 19 kg LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

9 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Interesting features: Extremely light. Can scan in “swings mode” or vertically. LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

10 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Current Drakkar’s camera: Resolution (H × V) 6576 × 4384 Sensor Kodak KAI-29050 Sensor Size (Optical Format) Progressive Scan Interline 35 mm Sensor Type Transfer CCD Pixel Size 5.5 μm × 5.5 μm Max. Frame Rate 5 fps Price about Euro Just introduced: ·         72 images per second in full resolution ·         25 MPixel Sensor resolution ·         Very compact housing ·         CoaxPress high-speed Interface ·         Monochrome or color sensor ·         Real-time image data transfer Price principally the same LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

11 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Colored 3D clouds: Distance: 200 m Related tasks: Data fusion (Riegl, Novatel, Waypoint, Drakkar, …) Off-set measurement. Lidar and camera calibration. others. LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

12 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
Applications: “Regular” man-made object (Power Lines, for example) LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

13 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Examples: That’s what we have - point clouds. What to do with point clouds? Distance: 50 m LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

14 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 That’s what we need: mathematical models + IR data + data fusion algorithms Remark: Lidar to Thermovison fusion is standard now LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

15 Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009
Power Lines Lidar Survey: Main goals: Full automation of wire, cables and other similar 1-D object recognition (done!) Insulators, wires break points (derivative break) Tower detection, recognition and geopositioning: - with a priory defined exact frame model (done!) - without (know how to do) Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009

16 Wires and other similar 1-D object detection in noisy environment
Wires and other similar 1-D object detection in noisy environment Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009

17 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
Applications: Surface modeling and making cross-sections LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

18 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

19 Rendering: making naturally looking models
123456 Rendering: making naturally looking models

20 Making cross-sections in AutoCAD format (Israel road agency)
123456 Making cross-sections in AutoCAD format (Israel road agency)

21 Cross-section accuracy estimations
123456 Cross-section accuracy estimations No worse than 50 cm No worse than 5 cm No worse than 2 cm

22 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
Applications: Dispersed objects (forest) LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

23 3-D reconstruction and modeling of a tree stand structure and a separate trees A Possibility for Topography Detection Under Forest Canopy Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009

24 DSM local maximums – to detect probable stem position
DSM local maximums – to detect probable stem position E N

25 Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009
Empirical distribution lines for larch trees by morphometric indices of stems and crowns and approximated by Weibull distribution: а) - DBH, b) - H, c) – Dcr, d) - Lcr., e) - Scr., f) - G f (Dcr.) Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009

26 Under canopy object detection
Under canopy object detection Unselected points Selected points Result Arial photo Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference, June 26, 2009

27 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Intermediate conclusions: Drakkar technologies and skills cover all above-water part of any lidar (as well sonar) bathymetrical project. Drakkar is especially strong in alliance with its friendly companies, such as Airborne Hydrography, Terrasolid, Marine Construction. Final reminder A lot of additional information on modern lidars, photogrammetry, geospatial modeling will be delivered at: LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

28 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Combining laser scanning and digital photography: - Making photorealistic 3D models . Clear detection of traffic lane marking. Making ortophotomaps. LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

29 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Conclusions Using Mobile Liders have a number of decisive technical and economical advantages for making civil engineering works for roads, real roads, runways and other similar objects: accuracy within 1-2 cm, direct geopositioning, productivity up to 30 km per day. Main technological stages (calibration, data acquiring, office processing) are automated which guarantees achieving reliable output materials. Output includes precise 3D models including DTM, DSM, deformation, edges, crevices, cavities, traffic lane marking and so on. Drakkar ltd. is fully equipped and has an extensive experience for any kinds of mobile laser scanning works in Israel and globally. LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

30 LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.
123456 Thank you! LIDAR mobile technologies from Drakkar ltd.

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