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TRADE RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. Put the following words in order: Consumer, retailer, manufacturer, wholesaler.

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Presentation on theme: "TRADE RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. Put the following words in order: Consumer, retailer, manufacturer, wholesaler."— Presentation transcript:


2 Put the following words in order: Consumer, retailer, manufacturer, wholesaler

3 manufacturer→ wholesaler →reatailer → consumer What do they represent? The p_od_ct’s d_strib_t_on cha_ _el

4 Longman Business English Dictionary: WHAT IS RETAIL? the sale of goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities WHAT/WHO IS A RETAILER? a business that sells goods to the members of the public, rather than to shops someone who owns or runs a shop selling goods to members of the public, usually a sole trader. (a retailer or a shopkeeper)

5 HOW DOES IT WORK? retailer buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells individual items or small quantities to the general public or end user customers, usually in a shop, also called a store.

6 USES OF “RETAIL” maloprodajna cijena: a r_____ price prodavati aute maloprodajom: s____ cars r______ ovaj dućan bavi se maloprodajom auta:This shop r_______ cars. auto se prodaje po maloprodajnoj cijeni od $50.000. The car r______ at $50,000.

7 WHAT IS WHOLESALE? Longman Business English Dictionary: the business of selling large quantities of goods at low prices to other businesses, rather than to the general public provides cost-saving delivery service for retailers buys/stores large quantities buys in bulk finishes goods by packing and branding USES OF “WHOLESALE” Mogu ti to nabaviti u veleprodaji: I can get it for you w_________. Prodavati gume veleprodajom: s______ tyres (by) w__________ Prodavatelj na veliko: w________ Veleprodajna cijena: w_________ p_______

8 STORM CLOUDS OVER THE MALL (RB p.19) Can you predict some of the topics of the article from the following: “Retailing: Storm Clouds Over the Mall” “As consumer spending slows, rival strategies are being put to the test” Write down 6 words related to the topics you predicted which might appear in this text Underline the first sentence in each paragraph and think if you can find any of the predictions and related words you wrote

9 GLOSSARY Paragraph 1 high street –the generic name (and frequently the official name) of the primary business street of towns or cities in the UK and Ireland. It is usually a focal point for shops and retailers in the city centre. bracing for an awful Xmas- getting ready for the pressure or impact of Xmas

10 Paragraph 2 Shopkepers are notorious Eeyeores- known for being pessimistic Germany’s mired economy- sinking, declining Paragraph 3 An upmarket version of WalMart -appealing or catering to high-income consumers; of high quality

11 Paragraph 6 Retailers can stumble in new markets - to proceed unsteadily, encounter difficulties Throw in the towel – concede defeat, give up Swap stores for hypermarkets – exchange Paragraph 7 Have no global clout – have no significant global influence Paragraph 8 Give a retailer the benefit of the doubt – adopt a favourable opinion regarding retailers despite uncertainty

12 Paragraph 9 Replenish stocks – supply what is lacking Paragraph 11 A website can drive in-store sales – stimulate the sales in brick&mortar stores Beef up a website - stengthen, reinforce READ THE WHOLE TEXT

13 Vocabulary in focus Find the following words: Paragraph 3 Debt held by families, the opposite of public debt A shop selling foodstuffs (e.g., meat, diary, vegetables, etc.) A chain of retail outlets offering goods at a decreased price

14 Paragraph 4 The increase in efficiency of production as the number of goods being produced increases Paragraph 8 Products that a large retailer buys from a manufacturer in bulk and puts its own name on Paragraph 9 A network of all the companies manufacturing parts for a product, assembling it, delivering it and selling it

15 The Storm Cloud Over the Mall Are the sentences true or false? 1. Consumer spending rises in Europe, competition is intense and some retail chains decide to merge with rival chains. 2. Rising fuel costs and household debts affect customers’ spending which in turn has a positive effect on the sales of weaker retail players. 3. Giant supermarket chains expand into more product areas, and this increases the pressure on many high- street chains and department stores. 4. Retailers’ survival strategy relies primarily on providing customers with what they want.

16 5. Retailers who expand in new regions never have success. 6. Many retail chains have global clout. 7. Successful retailers need to win the trust and confidenceof consumers through pricing and service. 8. Wholesalers such as Zara and H&M introduce changes in the supply chain. 9. Online sales drop. 10. Successful retailers link the online and offline sales.

17 Sort out the following expressions as related to online or offline sales: e-commerce, virtual stores, brick-and-mortar stores, click-and-mortar stores, in-store sales, digital pictures, traditional commerce ONLINE OFFLINE

18 Fill in the missing verb: 1.With consumer spending ________, retailers are bracing for an awful Christmas. 2.For retailers it is important to ___ and ____ the trust and confidence of the consumers. 3.______ in a narrower range of products ____ at a specific group of consumers. 4.______ the supply chain: instead of long supply lines ______ fewer lines more locally. 5.Nowadays it is becoming easier for retailers to _______ high-quality products globally and _____ them as their own.

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