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Published byAshlee Cummings Modified over 9 years ago
Power Control System for a Concrete Durability Test Cabinet
May08-34 Matt Griffith Lindsay Spring Laron Evans
Concrete Freeze-Thaw Machine
Temperature Gauge Concrete Samples Before and After
Problem Statement The current control and data recording systems are not able to perform accurately or consistently.
Problem Statement If the cycle isn’t consistent then the samples can’t be compared to each other therefore making the test invalid.
Customer Need Statement
A completely new system must be implemented to control the heat-cool cycle. The heat-cool cycle must be automatically recorded by a computer with the use of National Instrument’s LabVIEW. The user interface will be digitally controlled via an on-site computer. The heat-cool cycle must be constant for days at a time without adjustment.
Functional Requirements
The freezing-thawing apparatus shall have automatic controls which are able to continuously reproduce cycles from 0±3°F to 40±3°F. If the control fails it will fail in a frozen condition. The temperature sensor must be able to sample various points within cabinet. The heat-cool cycle shall take between 2-5 hours. The time between freezing and thawing phases cannot exceed 10 minutes. The new system shall operate completely separate from the old system.
Requirements to Specifications
The freezing-thawing apparatus shall have automatic controls which are able to continuously reproduce cycles from 0±3°F to 40±3°F. The system will be computer based. LabVIEW will be used to program the control system, and to record the temperature data.
Requirements to Specifications
FR2 If the control fails it shall fail in a frozen condition. The program will have error handling, which will be able to make sure the compressor is on. FR3 The temperature sensor shall be able to sample various points within cabinet. The thermocouple will have to be long enough to reach the farthest sample in the machine. FR4 The heat-cool cycle shall take between 2-5 hours. The system must be heating or cooling at all times. FR5 The time between freezing and thawing phases shall not exceed 10 minutes. Our control system must have a time delay of less than 10 min. FR6 The new system shall operate completely separate from the old system. There will be a SPDT manual switch Placed after the old control relay. FR7 All of the temperature data shall be recorded to an excel spreadsheet. We will have to add code into the LabVIEW program that sends the data to an excel file.
Requirements to Specifications
NFR1 The system shall be water resistant. All of electrical components will be inside a 4x4x2 in. metal junction box. NFR2 The system shall not cause any fire hazards. Every thing must be connected after the 15A breaker. NFR3 The system shall not cause any electrical shocks. The junction box will have to be grounded to the machine frame, and all wires will have to insulated from the frame. NFR4 The user interface shall show a temperature vs. time graph that is open at all times during testing. The temp time graph will have to be large enough to show at least two cycles, and the instantaneous temp will be prominently displayed.
Our Approach Design a new system to take over the control of the heat-cool cycle. Record the data onto a computer. LabVIEW will be used to program the control system and record the temperature data. New system will be user-defined and all recording and storing of data will be automatic. If new system fails, old system continues to run and collect data.
System Block Diagram
Functional Block Diagram
Temp Input Temp Sensor Conditioning Module Analog to Digital Communication module Computer With LabVIEW Relay Amplifier Relay Output To Control Relay
User Interface NI labVIEWTM Sample Screen Shot Example User Interface with temp graph, set point, and channel selection
Example LabVIEW VI
Example LabVIEW VI
Design Options Option 1: NI 6008 Option 2: Delta Temp Controller
Design A: Thermocouple and thermocouple amplifier Design B: Analog temperature IC Option 2: Delta Temp Controller Design A: RS 485 to RS 232 to computer Design B: Analog Voltage to NI 6008 to computer
System Block Diagram 1A New Old Computer User Interface NI 6008
Amplifier New Module Output 0-5V Thermocouple conditioner Old Relay Amplifier Thermocouple Relay Heating Elements 120V AC Cycle Control Manual Switch Output Temp Old Temp Recorder 120V AC Refrigerator Old Temp Sensor
Control System 1A Wall Outlet Specifications G5C-14-DC5 Type SPST
Contact Rating 15A at 125V Coil Rating 5VDC at 200mW Power Supply WM D5 +12V GND -12V +5V Computer External Hardware NI USB-6008 GND AI0 AI4 AI1 AI5 AI2 AI6 AI3 AI7 AO0 AO1 P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 PFIO +2.5V +5V USB Thermocouple G5C-14-DC5 21µV/°F NR1 Relay NR3 NR2 NR4
External Hardware Specifications AD595 LPV321 Supply Voltage 5 to 30 V
AI0 +5V 40K +12V T- 1K LPV321 T+ P1.3 -12V GND GND Specifications AD595 LPV321 Supply Voltage 5 to 30 V 2.7V to 5.5V Gain 262 40 125 NR1
Limiting Specifications 1A
Relay 15A contact rating 40mA coil rating USB-6008 Input voltage -10 to +10V Output current 8.5mA Voltage sensitivity 138mV Thermocouple output 21microV/°F Temperature sensor must be accurate to ±2°F Problems Solutions Output current is too small to power the relay. Add a current amplifier. (transistor) Thermocouple output is much smaller than the sensitivity. Add a two stage voltage amplifier. Voltage amp requires an external power supply. Put the voltage and current amp on an external PCB powered by a wall mount AC to DC converter.
Cost Specifications 1A Make Model Cost Thermocouple Conditioner
Make Model Cost Thermocouple Conditioner Analog Devices AD595 $6.18 Amplifier Texas Instruments LPV321 $1.04 Relay Omron Electronics G5C-14-DC5 $3.98 Power Supply Elpac WM D5 $41.00 transistor ROHM DTC114GSA $0.46 USB repeater Cables to Go Super Booster $84.24 Cat 5 Cable 100’ $18.26 PCB and Case Team Manufactured $50 Manual Switch GC 35-110 $3.32 Total Cost Approximation: Computer less than 15ft from freeze-thaw machine $105.98 Computer less than 150ft from freeze-thaw machine $208.48
System Block Diagram 1B New Old Computer User Interface NI 6008
Amplifier New Module Output 0-5V Old Relay Amplifier Analog Temp sensor Relay Heating Elements 120V AC Cycle Control Manual Switch Output Temp Old Temp Recorder 120V AC Refrigerator Old Temp Sensor
Control System 1B Thermal Adhesive LM235A LPV321 n
Limiting Specifications 1B
Relay 15A contact rating 40mA coil rating USB-6008 Input voltage -10 to +10V Output current 8.5mA Voltage sensitivity 138mV LM235A output 10 mV/°C Temperature sensor must be accurate to ±2°F Problems Solutions Output current is too small to power the relay. Add a current amplifier. (transistor) LM235A output is much smaller than the sensitivity. Add a voltage amplifier.
Cost Specifications 1B Total Cost Approximation:
Make Model Cost Temp sensor National Semiconductor LM235a $0.89 Relay Omron Electronics G5C-14-DC5 $3.98 transistor ROHM DTC114GSA $0.46 USB repeater Cables to Go Super Booster $84.24 Amplifier Texas Instruments LPV321 $1.04 Steel Probe Omega SS-38 $8.50 Pressure fitting SSLK-38-38 $18.00 Thermal Adhesive Arctic Silver AATA-5G $5.99 Silicone Adhesive GE GE284 $3.44 Cat-5 cable 100’ $18.26 Cap Anderson Barrows PB61CP $1.28 Manual Switch GC 35-110 $3.32 Total Cost Approximation: Computer less than 15ft from freeze-thaw machine $46.90 Computer less than 150ft from freeze-thaw machine $149.40
System Block Diagram 2A New Old Computer User Interface
RS232/485 Converter Delta Temperature Controller New RS485 Old Delta Temperature Controller Thermocouple Heating Elements 120V AC Cycle Control Manual Switch Output Temp Old Temp Recorder 120V AC Refrigerator Old Temp Sensor
Control System 2A Delta Temperature Controller DTB4848LR 1 6 11 2 7 12
AO- 6 L 11 Power Supply 120V 15A 2 AO+ 7 OUT2 14VDC N 12 3 RTD 8 COM ALM2 13 4 TC+ 9 DATA- ALM1 NO 14 Thermocouple From Cycle Thermostat 5 TC- 10 DATA+ COM 15 3 1 GC Elec. Switches SPDT 35-110 RS RS GND TX RX GND 1 3 5 CommFront RS232/485 Converter CVT-485-1 2 2 3 5 To Cycle Relay Computer
Cost Specifications 2A Make Model Cost Temperature Controller DELTA
DTB4848LR $90 Cat-5 cable 100’ $18.26 Thermocouple Omega PP-T-24-SLE Provided RS232/484 Converter CommFront Technologies CVT-485-1 $60.90 Manual Switch GC 35-110 $3.32 Total Cost Approximation: $172.48
Delta Temperature Controller
System Block Diagram 2B Computer User Interface Delta Temperature Controller LabVIEW Module New Old LabVIEW Module Module Output 0-5V Thermocouple Relay Heating Elements 120V AC Cycle Control Manual Switch Output Temp Old Temp Recorder 120V AC Refrigerator Old Temp Sensor
Control System 2B
Limiting Specifications 2B
Issues Max USB cable length: 15ft Solution Use USB repeater for more distance Max USB repeater length: 150ft
Cost Specifications 2B Total Cost Approximation:
Make Model Cost Temperature Controller DELTA DTB4848LR $90 Cat-5 cable 100 ft $18.26 transistor ROHM DTC114GSA $0.46 USB repeater Cables to Go Super Booster $84.24 Thermocouple Omega PP-T-24-SLE Provided Relay Omron Electronics G5C-14-DC5 $3.98 Manual Switch GC 35-110 $3.32 Total Cost Approximation: Computer less than 15ft from freeze-thaw machine $97.76 Computer less than 150ft from freeze-thaw machine $200.26
Control Schematic (Existing)
115V 30A CKT Breaker 1 phase 15A CKT Breaker Fan & Controls N Recorder Outlets H H Legend HLR: High Limit Relay CR: Cycle Relay : Relay pin number N.O.: Normally Open N.C.: Normally Closed H: Positive Wire N: Neutral Wire Fan Switch Fan Motor High Limit Thermostat HLR Coil Cycle Thermostat CR Coil Heating Switch Heater Outlets CR HLR 3 6 5 3 N.C. N.O. Cooling Switch Cond. Unit CR 3 5 N.O.
Control Schematic (New)
115V 30A CKT Breaker 1 phase 15A CKT Breaker Fan & Controls N Recorder Outlets H H Legend HLR: High Limit Relay CR: Cycle Relay NR: New Relay : Relay pin number N.O.: Normally Open N.C.: Normally Closed H: Positive Wire N: Neutral Wire Fan Switch Fan Motor High Limit Thermostat HLR Coil Cycle Thermostat Manual Switch CR Coil NR 3 4 N.O. Heating Switch Heater Outlets 3 CR HLR 6 5 3 N.C. N.O. Cooling Switch Cond. Unit CR 3 5 N.O.
Wiring Diagram (Existing)
Power Supply Breaker Box Cooling Switch Neutral Bus H(15A) H(30A) Bl Wire Color Code Bl: Black R: Red Bu: Blue O: Orange W: White Br: Brown Bl W Cond. Unit Legend HLR: High Limit Relay CR: Cycle Relay R W Heating Outlets R Heating Switch R CR R W Fan Motor O W W HLR W R Bu Br Recorder Outlets Bu Heat Limit Switch Bu Cycle Control Fan On/Off Switch
Wiring Diagram (New System)
Wire Color Code Bl: Black R: Red Bu: Blue O: Orange W: White Br: Brown Power Supply Breaker Box Cooling Switch Neutral Bus H(15A) H(30A) Bl Bl Legend HLR: High Limit Relay CR: Cycle Relay NR: New Relay CD: Control Device W Cond. Unit R W Heating Outlets R Heating Switch R CR W R Fan Motor Br O W W HLR Manual Switch Br W 4 NR 2 3 R Br CD Bu Recorder Outlets Bu Heat Limit Switch Bu Cycle Control Bu Fan On/Off Switch
Team Recommendation Advantages Disadvantages Cost
Option 1 Design A: Thermocouple Design and fabrication within our scope. Easy to write the software. We would have to make custom circuits and PCBs. External power supply. Computer < 15ft $105.98 < 150ft $208.48 Option 1 Design B: Analog Temperature IC If we make multiple probes they would be easy to replace. No external power supply or PCB. Easy to write the software. Fabrication would be difficult. Little support for probe. < 15ft $46.90 < 150ft $149.40 Option 2 Design A: RS 485 to RS 232 to Computer No custom circuits. Delta would provide customer support. Same cost for the computer close or far. Only first order PID control. $172.48 Option 2 Design B: Analog Voltage to NI 6008 to computer No PCB. Varity of possible combinations. Easy to write the software. Some custom design. < 15ft $97.76 < 150ft $200.26
NI USB-6008 LabVIEW Hardware
Provides basic data acquisition for data logging, portable measurements, and lab experiments. We will use the inputs to send the control signals to the heating and cooling relays.
System Block Diagram Heat Heat Limit Data Log LabView Cycle Control
Temp Sensor LabView Freeze Compressor LabView
Operating environment
Indoor Laboratory Heavy concrete blocks Dust and dirt Water
Market Research The dedicated computer allows the user to:
The professional option models are controlled with an emergency stop button, a local lid switch, and dedicated computer which provides a much larger user interface. The dedicated computer allows the user to: Program time and temperature profiles Select operating modes View status of equipment and logic functions View status of alarms and network connectivity Log data to the dedicated computer that is independent from your server-insuring continuous data collection through network failures and upgrades Professional 20 Block Freeze with Touch Screen Control and Data Logging to Server
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