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Differentiated Instruction Using Math XL How it can help you and your students in a mathematics classroom Jennifer Hallett Southeastern Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiated Instruction Using Math XL How it can help you and your students in a mathematics classroom Jennifer Hallett Southeastern Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiated Instruction Using Math XL How it can help you and your students in a mathematics classroom Jennifer Hallett Southeastern Regional

2 Background First used in 2001 and has been used in almost 2000 colleges nation wide More recently MathXL has been used as an 8- 12 program Material is used with Pearson Addison-Wesley and Prentice Hall textbooks Offers homework, tests, guided solutions, multimedia and tutorial exersises

3 What makes MathXL different? Program can be linked directly to relevant pages in a student’s textbook Students do not need anything installed on a computer, so they can do it anywhere The program can be customized by the instructor to cover material at any level This is a math-specific program so it offers all kinds of usuful components for entering “math” answers into a computer

4 How helpful is homework? MathXL give students immediate feedback when answering homework questions Students are able to have a more meaningful homework experience Fewer questions can be assigned knowing that the students comprehension will be better MathXL can be locked after so many attempts to prevent guessing

5 Help Me Solve This! Tutorials allow students help at home – like having a tutor there with you on the computer Tutorials give students prompts to guide them toward the answer The program automatically regenerates the example after using a tutorial!

6 Ask My Instructor Students are able to email their teacher right from the program The email will let you know what question students emailed from This is also helpful when students have questions about due dates or are having problems with the program

7 Print Not able to get to a computer? MathXL allows you to print assignments for students who do not have technology at home Although this does not offer all of the multimedia features, it can be very helpful for students who are not able to access a computer

8 Calendar Organization like you would not believe! There are no papers to lose, no forgetting to write your homework down and no signing agendas! The caldenar feature offers students a visual organization of assignments due each month so the students know when it was assigned but more importantly when it is due!

9 My Results This feature lets students know which assignments they have completed, how many were correct, the score (%), the total time spent on the assignment and the last date and time they worked on it This also lets students open the assignment and view which questions they got right/wrong

10 Study Plan All kids like more work! Study plan will let kids know which of their skills were weak and makes suggestions for more examples Teachers cannot “assign” the study guide under assignments but are able to access student progress in these areas MathXL will also tell students which topics they have mastered!

11 Good for the kids, good for the teacher MathXL is user friendly New courses are easy to create More than one teacher can use the same course Assignments are able to transfer between sections MathXL grades itself!

12 Differentiated Instruction Multiple assignments can be made at different levels, even within a class MathXL will remediate students and give them study guide problems based on performance Different types of multimedia for different kinds of learners Videos, animations and examples are easy to use and students have access to them 24-7!

13 Let’s Take a Look! MathXL for School

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