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Presented at Girls Not Brides Conference Casablanca, Morrocco. Presented by: Faith Phiri, Executive Director, Girls Empowerment Network, MALAWI. Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented at Girls Not Brides Conference Casablanca, Morrocco. Presented by: Faith Phiri, Executive Director, Girls Empowerment Network, MALAWI. Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented at Girls Not Brides Conference Casablanca, Morrocco. Presented by: Faith Phiri, Executive Director, Girls Empowerment Network, MALAWI. Presented at Girls Not Brides Conference Casablanca, Morrocco. Presented by: Faith Phiri, Executive Director, Girls Empowerment Network, MALAWI. GIRL CENTRED ADVOCACY MattersMatters

2 ABOUT GENET Is a local girls’ and young women’s rights organization in Malawi. it is a network of grass-root girls and young people working to advocate for the rights and promote socioeconomic and political well-being of marginalized girls and young people. GENET strives to create an equitable, just and violence free society where every girl is empowered and free to exercise her rights. GENET mobilises and equips girls to be advocates of their own rights. GENET is one of the organizations that is championing advocacy and mobilization to end child marriage at local and national level.

3 Background Over 52% of adolescent girls are married before 18 years and nearly 10% of the girls are married by 15 years. Malawi is rated 9 th in the world in terms of prevalence of early and forced marriage. A new law to ban child marriage has been recently passed which has raise the legal marriage age from 15 years to 18years. However, the constitution still permits marriage of 15-18 year with parental consent.

4 Girl Centred advocacy approach Is a type of youth-adult partnership where girls are meaningfully involved in collective decision making and action on issues affecting them. Girl centred programming is a way to create a truly girl-specific approach and ensure that investments are made in girls In this approach, put the girls at the centre of the process not only as victims but also as change agents. Meaningful Involvement means girls are involved and take the lead in all stages of advocacy process. To

5 why Girl Centred Advocacy Girls are marginalized because of their age, sex In many settings girls are disadvantaged in many ways that deserve and require special focus. Realization of the potential of girls to change their community for the better. Rather than speaking on their behalf, in girl centred advocacy girls speak for themselves using real life stories. They best know their needs and realities. Giving girls a chance to contribute to what their vision of development looks like. One of the greatest needs of young people is to be leaders now.

6 How does GCA work Girl empowerment is crucial component in the girl centred advocacy Girls strengthen their leadership capacity, conduct participatory needs assessments, identify the factors that negatively affect their well-being including harmful traditional practices, social norms and weak policy frameworks. Girls then work with adult allies to advocate for their own solution to the challenges they face, using community dialogue, media advocacy and direct engagement with political decision-makers to transform their own lives and communities.

7 Examples In this approach girls are vital change agents of social transformation and not merely as victims. Her voice campaign “I will marry when I want” To find girls’ point of views, opinions as regards to the legal marriage age. A publication was made and distributed to the decision makers and an advocacy dinner hosted and engaged the law makers. Girls were let to lead the process T Publication can be accessed on


9 What are the benefits Girls choose to participate in ways that most closely match their own interests, capabilities and developmental needs. Very empowering approach A stronger sense of self, increased critical thinking, team work, organizational skills and an enhanced sense of group belonging and a long-term commitment of service. They are persistent knowing that its their issue.- you and me will give up but they will not until change is achieve. Diverse voices and perceptive are presented in the decision making process. sustainable social transformation and community building.

10 Results Marriage, divorce and family relations law that raise the legal marriage age to 18 has been enacted in 2015.

11 Results communities have committed themselves to formulate by-laws to address gender inequalities, child marriage and other harmful traditional practices. Local leaders including other relevant duty bearers from Ezondweni

12 I Empowered girls who are challenging the status quo and refusing to be abused.

13 Achievements continues.... Lobbying meetings with local leaders in order to win their support on championing girls’ rights by outlawing harmful cultural practices e.g. ending child marriage GENET’s girl leaders captured with Senior Chief Mtwalo


15 Time for action is now!!! Together We can make a difference!

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