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Dr Katalin Balogh KULeuven /Campus Antwerp Training of Legal Interpreters & Translators Antwerp.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Katalin Balogh KULeuven /Campus Antwerp Training of Legal Interpreters & Translators Antwerp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Katalin Balogh KULeuven /Campus Antwerp Training of Legal Interpreters & Translators Antwerp

2 The Antwerp case @ KULeuven, Campus Antwerp (formerly Lessius ) 2 1. need for high-quality legal translators and interpreters 2. initiatives at the Court of Antwerp 3. national initiatives

3 Need for quality 3 ● Lack of regulation in Belgium ● Differences between legal districts (27) ● Oath: arbitrary and amateurish

4 Initiatives in Antwerp 4  start of GVT (= LIT) project (= co-operation between court, police, bar association, KULeuven, Campus Antwerp (formerly Lessius)  Monolingual course (Dutch) 4 stages:  Entrance exam (because language of the course = Dutch  NO “language classes”!)  Training  Final exam  Inclusion on the list of “BVT” with certificate

5 GVT project : entrance exam 5 ● Dutch (oral and written test; minimum score of 80%) ● Foreign language (oral and written test of B2 level; minimum score of 80%) ● Exceptions for people with a BA and/or Ma diploma in philology or in translation/interpreting studies  Popular  people are coming from (far) outside Antwerp to follow the course and obtain the certificate (even if afterwards they will not work in Antwerp)

6 GVT project : training 6 Five modules (150 hours) ● Legal education and deontology ● Legal Dutch and terminology ● Legal methodology and sources of law ● Legal interpreting ● Police module ● Legal translating

7 GVT project : training 7 1. Legal education and deontology ● Introduction to law ● Criminal law and code of criminal procedure ● Civil law, family law, juvenile law ● Deontology (impartiality, professional confidentiality, code of conduct)

8 GVT project : training 8 2. Legal Dutch and terminology 3. Legal methodology and sources of law ● Search strategies for legislation, case law and legal doctrines ● Information technology

9 GVT project : training 9 4. Court interpreting +/- 25 hours ● Basic skills (attitude, stress, cultural differences,...) ● Interpreting techniques (consecutive, liaison, whispered interpreting (simultaneous), sight translation)

10 GVT project : training 10 5. Police module ● Police structure ● Role of the interpreter ● Special assignments (investigation of the crime scene, reconstruction, searches of premises, wiretap) ● Basic skills (attitude, stress, cultural differences,...) ● Police hearings and techniques employed ● Recorded role plays

11 GVT project : training 11 4. Legal translation +/- 25 hours ● Basic skills (theory of translation of legal documents) ● Translation techniques (linguistic analysis of legal texts, study of sources of law, terminology)

12 GVT project: final exam 12 ● Exam in law studies (exceptions for lawyers with a Ma diploma) ● Interpreting (role play): Liaison interpreting Consecutive interpreting Whispered interpreting Sight translation ● Translating (until 2011) : Translation of a legal text ● Dutch – foreign language ● Foreign language - Dutch

13 Final exam translation (2011- 2013) 13 Designed by Prof. dr. Winibert Segers ● Three different testing formats: translation test revision test recognition test

14 (1)Translation test 14 ● Instructions:  maximum 90 minutes  maximum 200 words  PIE method (Evaluation on the basis of ten preselected items in the source text)  maximum score = 10

15 (1)Translation test Example 15 Report a lost or stolen passport [1] You must report the loss or theft of your passport as soon as possible, even if you don’t want to replace it immediately. You’ll need to complete a Lost or Stolen Notification form [2]. Find out how to get the form and what to do if your passport is lost abroad. If your passport is lost or stolen in the UK [3] You must report the loss or theft of your passport to the Identity and Passport Service [4] (IPS) [5]. This will reduce the risk of anyone else using your passport or your identity. To report your passport lost or stolen, fill in and sign a Lost or Stolen (LS01) [6] Notification form [7] and return it to IPS [8]. The address is on the form. You should [9] report all passport thefts to the police. You’ll need the crime reference details for the LS01 form [10]. (155 words)

16 (1)Translation test 16  Candidates translate the text without knowing which items had been selected in the source text  Evaluators agree on the ten preselected items in the text and on the good/bad solutions for each of the ten preselected items  Evaluators do not evaluate the whole translation only the ten preselected items  important time-saving procedure  For each bad solution evaluators subtract one point. (4 bad solutions will lead to a score of 6/10)

17 (2)Revision test 17 Instructions:  maximum 20 minutes  maximum 10 items (Each of the ten items contains one translation error. The errors can be of different types: for instance, grammar, interpretation, spelling errors.)  maximum score = 10  Example French → English  Candidates have to revise the English translation and correct the mistakes.

18 (2)Revision test example 18 Vérifiez la date du document. Check the data of the document. A candidate can make three types of erroneous revision: 1 The candidate revises an element in the translation that was correct, and proposes, for instance, to replace ‘Check’ by ‘Control’ or by ‘Verify’. 2 The candidate does not revise an element in the translation that was not correct: in our example the word ‘data’, which has another meaning then the French word ‘date’ (‘date’). 3 The candidate revises an element in the translation that was not correct, but her/his revision is not correct, and proposes, for instance, to replace ‘data’ by ‘information’. For each bad revision one point will be subtracted.

19 (3)Recognition test 19 Instructions:  maximum 10 minutes  maximum 10 items  maximum score = 10  Example French → English  Candidates have to indicate whether the proposed English translation is correct or incorrect.

20 (3)Recognition test Example 20 Le témoignage de l’épouse de l’accusé n’est pas crédible. The testimony of the wife of the accused is not credible. correctincorrect L’accusé est marié et a deux enfants. The accused was married and has two children. correctincorrect The two examples show two different types of wrong answers: 1 The English translation of the first sentence is correct, but the candidate indicates that the translation is incorrect. 2 The English translation of the second sentence is not correct (‘The accused is married […].’), but the candidate indicates that the translation is correct. For each bad answer one point will be subtracted.

21 Final exam translation (2011- 2013) 21 a maximum score of 30p. minimum score = 50% for each part Advantages of this type of testing:  better guarantee for objectivity >traditional translation test.  no personal appreciation and subjective interpretation by the evaluator.  time-saving aspect

22 Final exam translation (2013-) 22 The same concept as above BUT Additionally, 10 points for the level of the language (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, word choice...) Increasing of the minimum score to 7/10 for each part Final minimum result = 28/40

23 List of sworn translators and interpreters 23 In the court: list of sworn translators and interpreters : +/- 1000 people – 53 different languages ● Includes: Training Recommendation of Public Prosecutor’s Office Swearing in and signing of deontological code

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