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George A. Goode Manager, Environmental & Waste Management Services DOE Teleconference, 2/4/04 ISO 14001 Implementation at a DOE National Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "George A. Goode Manager, Environmental & Waste Management Services DOE Teleconference, 2/4/04 ISO 14001 Implementation at a DOE National Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 George A. Goode Manager, Environmental & Waste Management Services DOE Teleconference, 2/4/04 ISO 14001 Implementation at a DOE National Laboratory

2 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 2 Presentation Overview Purpose: Provide an overview of the design and implementation of an ISO 14001 EMS Project at Brookhaven National LaboratoryTopics: Background on BNL Success Factors for Implementation Costs Lessons Learned Benefits

3 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 3 Brookhaven National Laboratory Basic and applied research in a variety of scientific fields: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science Biology, Medicine and forefront technology Mission: Basic and applied research in a variety of scientific fields: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science Biology, Medicine and forefront technology Facts: Operated by Brookhaven Sciences Associates (BSA) for DOE 3000 employees; 4,000 visiting scientists annually 5,000 acre site located on eastern Long Island, NY

4 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 4 BNL Facilities, Programs, Operations n BNL MACHINES Research Reactor Collider-Accelerators Synchrotron Light Source n SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Medical Research Operations Material Science Research Bench-top Experiments Terrestrial Research n FACILITY OPERATIONS Physical Plant Operations – –Sewage Treatment Plant – –Central Steam Facility – –Major Petroleum Facility Waste Management Facility Environmental Restoration n SUPPORT PROCESSES Radiation Source Material Storage Machining Operations Photography Fleet Operations Bulk Chemical Distribution Operations



7 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 7 EMS managed as an integrated project EMS managed as an integrated project  Formal Project Management Plan Established scope, schedule, cost, technical tasks, project controls and tracking systems  Implementation Strategy Phased implementation using Pilot Project Integrate EMS with Management System Initiatives (ISM, QA, IA) Enhance ISO requirements with EPA MOA Criteria –Compliance Assurance, Pollution Prevention, and Community Outreach  Challenges Meet requirements of contract, MOA, and stakeholders Change culture, Change operations, Change image EMS Implementation at BNL: Success Factors Project Management Approach

8 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 8 EMS Implementation at BNL: Success Factors Phased Implementation n n 1999: RHIC Registered to ISO 14001 Model program developed for others to use Lessons learned n n 2000: ‘High Hazard’ Facilities Registered   Waste Management Division   Reactor Operations Division   Environmental Restoration Division   Collider Accelerator Department Life Sciences Directorate (BLIP) n n 2001: BNL Registered to ISO 14001 (1 st National Lab) BNL has maintained ISO 14001 registration since n n 2003: DOE issues DOE 0rder 450.1 requiring EMS n n Phased implementation builds on success

9 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 9 EMS Implementation at BNL: Success Factors Process Evaluation Approach Process mapping technique n Visual analysis of process in steps n Conducted by field-deployed Env. Professionals with staff assistance n ID inputs/outputs 1.1 Packaged Waste sent to Waste Mgmt 1.2 Effluent discharged permitted outfall 1.3 Air Emission released to atmosphere Evaluated: 130 industrial processes 1800 experiments 450 process maps Provides technical basis for the EMS: Aspects; Legal & other reqm’ts; Operational Controls; Monitoring Supports achievement of Compliance & P2 Objectives/Targets

10 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 10 Laboratory Aspects n Waste Generation regulated industrial hazardous radioactive mixed medical waste n Atmospheric Emissions Radioactive or non-radioactive n Liquid Discharges Chemical or radioactive n Storage/Use Chemicals or Radioactive Materials n Natural Resource Usage Water and power usage EMS Implementation at BNL Significant Environmental Aspects Facility Specific Aspects n Historical/Cultural Resources n Endangered species/ Sensitive habitats Habitat destruction, wetland disturbance, land clearing (5 or more acres) n Environmental Noise n Historical Contamination n Soil Activation n TRU waste n Other, e.g.., asbestos research n Hazmat Transportation

11 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 11 EMS Implementation at BNL Process Evaluations and EMS Costs Total Project Costs: n Contributed Resources- n Direct Project Costs $3.5 M $2.5 M $1.0 M Costs distributed over 2.5 year project (<0.5% annual budget) In perspective… BNL Annual Research & Operations Budget: $411 M ESH&Q : $16 M Waste Management & Restoration: $31 M

12 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 12 EMS Implementation at BNL Lessons Learned Existing Systems n Build on Existing Systems and infrastructure (very important!) Work Planning/ISM: Env Aspects, Operational Controls Quality Mgmt: Document Control, Nonconformance Human Resource: Structure & Responsibility Emergency Management: Emerg Preparedness & Prevention Integrated Assessment: Monitoring & Measuring, Audits Integrated Planning: Objectives & Targets, Env Mgmt Programs Training & Qualification: Training, Awareness, Competence People n Tap invaluable resource: People Systems ThinkersPilot Systems Thinkers on Team, Pilot process first Team approach -- increases ownership, innovation, and value Senior Managers-- unwavering commitment & support

13 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 13 EMS Implementation at BNL Lessons Learned Web-based n Use Web-based systems Procedure and documentation delivery n Patience n Patience …maturation of system takes time Anticipate “ Requisite floundering ” stage Expect resistance to organizational change n Self-Examine, Self-Identify & Self-Correct Test programs & provide feedback Minimize external audit costs by minimizing findings - be prepared Set & prioritize your own improvement agenda n Design for Successes Plan early victories Celebrate & recognize efforts momentumCreates momentum

14 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 14 n EMS well integrated into work planning processes EMS Implementation at BNL Results n n Unprecedented knowledge of environmental risks n n Pollution prevention projects saving millions n n Improved compliance n n Managers fully engaged in their EMS n n Openly communicating on issues & progress; highlighting science n n Managing growth while minimizing environmental impacts n n Regaining reputation & independent recognition n n 2001: Good Neighbor of the Year; Intl Community Outreach Award; two National DOE P2 Awards n n 2003 Facility of the Year, Environmental Protection Magazine n n 2004 Applying for EPA’s Performance Track Must continue to deliver and improve environmental performance!

15 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 15 EMS Implementation at BNL Resources n BNL EMS Web Page, George Goode:, John Selva:, Jerry Granzen, BAO:, n BNL Environmental Management System Manual n BNL Environmental Aspects n BNL Work Planning and Control

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