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Psychological Skills Training

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1 Psychological Skills Training

2 What is it? Consistent practice of mental skills to enhance performance.

3 How is it used? Takes ideas from mainstream psychology and applies them to performance Creates an edge for those that practice them.

4 Consider How much time do you spend physically training for competition? How much time do you spend mentally training for competition?

5 Psychological factors account primarily for day-to-day fluctuations in performance.

6 Elite Athletes have: Higher confidence
Greater self-regulation of arousal Better communication More positive thoughts and images More determination or commitment

7 Mental Toughness Mental resilience
Ability to focus, cope with pressure, rebound from failure, and persist in the face of adversity

8 4 C’s of Mental Toughness
Control- feel like you exert an influence on the situation Commitment-take an active role Challenge- change as an opportunity to grow, not a threat Confidence- sense of self-belief

9 Most useful PST topics

10 Confidence Building Creating a strong sense of belief in self

11 Attention or Concentration
Focusing on the most important things

12 Goal-Setting (Commitment)
Working toward what you really want

13 Imagery and Positive Self-Talk
Think good thoughts, do good things

14 Arousal Regulation Not being overly excited or unexcited

15 Confidence

16 Definition of Self-Confidence
Belief that you can successfully perform a desired behavior

17 Optimal Levels of Self-Confidence

18 Confidence is mainly the result of
Expectations Of self From others Remember the self-fulfilling prophecy? Efficacy- the perceived ability to perform a task Comes mostly through achievements

19 Tips for Building Self-Confidence
Act confidently (Fake it until you make it) Think confidently (Positive self-talk) Use imagery Set realistic goals Train for physical conditions of sport Mentally prepare Ensure performance accomplishments using simulation training

20 Simulation Training A way to practice coping with stressful situations in sport

21 Steps to Simulation Training
Determine a specific weakness for your sport Psychological, not physical Example: In dance, losing confidence and falling out of turns. Example: In tennis, losing focus after “giving up” the first point. Come up with a way to practice being in that situation Practice

22 Concentration

23 Definition Where you place your attention

24 Differences Experts Novices Usually absorbed in the present
High degree of control Being aware of internal environment (what you are doing) and external environment (what is happening) Make slower decisions Do not anticipate future events Cannot choose what to pay attention to Unable to search systematically for cues

25 Focus Exercises

26 Power of Routines

27 Self-Talk What you say to yourself
Can be positive, negative, or instructional Event  Positive Self-Talk  Positive Response Event  Negative Self-Talk  Negative Response

28 Rules for using Self-Talk
Keep phrases short and specific Use first person and present tense Construct positive phrases Say your phrases with meaning and attention Speak kindly to self Repeat phrases often

29 Attentional Styles

30 External-narrow A person directs attention outward to a specific object in the environment Ex: golfers focusing on lining up a putt

31 External-Broad A person is attending to several things in the environment simultaneously Ex: football or hockey

32 Internal-narrow Person is focused on thoughts or feelings at a specific moment Ex: baseball player at bat thinking “I can’t miss” while not focusing on the environment

33 Internal-broad A person creates plans, strategies, or conceptualizes games Multiple feelings at once Ex: any sport, but takes practice

34 Attention Blindness Not recognizing something that is right in front of you

35 Flow

36 Flow A mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immerse in a feeling of energized focused Developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (positive psychologist) Other terms include: In the moment In the zone On a roll Wired in In the groove On fire In tune Centered Singularly focused

37 Components of Flow Intense and focused concentration (on the present moment) Merging of action and awareness A loss of reflective self-consciousness A sense of personal control or agency over the situation A distortion of temporal experience Subjective experience of time is altered Activity is intrinsically rewarding All together these comprise flow

38 Mechanism People can focus on about 126 bits of information per second
Most taken up by simple daily tasks Conversation takes 40 bits (1/3 capacity) People generally decide what to focus on In flow, people lose awareness of everything but the task All the bits of information are used up

39 Conditions One must be involved in an activity with a clear set of goals and progress. Adds direction and structure to the task The task at hand must have clear and immediate feedback. Allows person to adjust from moment to moment to stay in the flow state One must have a good balance between the perceived challenges of the task at hand and his or her perceived skills.


41 Goal Setting

42 SMART Goals

43 S- Specific Need to have a definite end
Non-example: Be a better at basketball Example: Have 75% accuracy when shooting free-throws S- Specific

44 M- Measurable Need to have a way to tell if progress has been made
Non-example: I want to be a better student Example: I want to improve my GPA by .2 points M- Measurable

45 A- Action-based Need to use action words to describe
Non-example: I want to be happier. Example: I want to think about five more positive things a day. A- Action-based

46 R- Realistic Need to be able to be reached
Non-example: I want to earn $1 million by Christmas Example: I want to earn $500 working a seasonal job by Christmas R- Realistic

47 T- Timely Goals should be achievable in a reasonable amount of time
Non-example: I want to be a millionaire some day. Example: I want to save up enough money for my first year of college by the end of the school year. T- Timely

48 Types of Goals

49 Outcome A goal based on the end result
Example: I want to beat the other team Example: I want to run the race the fastest Outcome

50 Performance A goal based on personal achievement
Example: I want to run a personal best time. Example: I want to score a goal. Performance

51 Process A goal that helps reach another goal
Example: I want to exercise every day this week to condition for soccer. Process

52 Time Frames

53 Short-term Goals that can be accomplished in a few hours or days
Example: Earning an “A” on a test. Short-term

54 Intermediate-term Goals that can be accomplished in one to six months
Example: Achieving a 4.0 for the semester Intermediate-term

55 Long-term Goals that are accomplished in six or more months
Example: Graduating from high school Long-term

56 What kind of Goal?

57 Being able to do triple turns by your next dance performance

58 Be on time to your next class.

59 Learn how to fly an airplane

60 Passing all your classes at mid-terms

61 Repainting a house Intermediate-term

62 Save the money to take a family vacation to DisneyWorld

63 Prepare a rough draft of a 10-page research paper.

64 Become a professional athlete

65 Beat a stage or level on a video game.

66 Read a book over the weekend

67 Read 15 books this year Long-term

68 Graduating from college with a degree in nuclear engineering

69 Do your homework for tomorrow

70 Make 10 free throws in a row before leaving practice

71 Save $20 a week until Hanukkah

72 Imagery

73 What is it? Form of simulation
Uses all the senses to create a picture of what you want to happen

74 Uses of Imagery Improves concentration Enhance motivation
Build confidence Control emotions Acquire, practice, and correct sport skills Acquire and practice strategy Prepare for competition Cope with pain and adversity Solve problems

75 When to use it? Before and after practice Before and after competition
During the off-season During breaks in action During personal time When recovering from injury Basically, all the time

76 Keys to Imagery Vividness Controllability Uses all the senses
The image does what you want it to

77 Theories of Stress/Arousal

78 Drive Theory The more anxious people become, the better they perform
Social facilitation is a type of drive theory People do tasks to their ability level when they have an audience Not supported by research


80 Inverted-U Hypothesis
Medium arousal/anxiety is best If there is little arousal, the person is too relaxed and does not perform the best that he/she can If there is too much arousal, performance is compromised


82 Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning
Everyone has their own best level of arousal/anxiety For some it is low, some it is medium, some it is high Includes other emotions as well: determination, pleasantness, laziness Good support in research literature


84 Multidimensional Anxiety Theory
There is a difference between cognitive anxiety (worry) and somatic anxiety (physical reactions) Cognitive anxiety is negatively related to performance Somatic anxiety is related to performance in an inverted-u pattern Best is little cognitive anxiety and moderate somatic anxiety


86 Catastrophe Model Physiological arousal is related to performance in an inverted-u pattern only when the athlete has low cognitive state anxiety Cognitive anxiety above the optimal level compromises performance at a steep declining rate (hence “catastrophe”)


88 Reversal Theory Performance depends on a person’s interpretation of his or her arousal level Ex. If a person has low anxiety, he might think he is bored and perform poorly. Another person in the same situation might think he is relaxed and perform well. Athletes quickly change their interpretations about their levels of arousal People perform best when they have positive feelings


90 Anxiety Direction and Intensity View
Performance is affected by how people interpret their anxiety symptoms. Trait anxiety and self-esteem influence stress Perception of control also determines whether anxiety is facilitative or debilitative


92 Arousal Regulation

93 Types of Arousal Somatic (Physical) Cognitive (Mental)
Multimodal (Both)

94 Somatic Anxiety Reduction
Progressive Muscle Relaxation- feel tension in muscles in order to release it Breath control- when you are calm your breathing is smooth. When you are under pressure, your breathing is irregular Biofeedback- learning how to control your nervous system by receiving physiological feedback not normally available

95 Cognitive Anxiety Reduction
Relaxation Response- quiet the mind, concentrate, reduce muscle tension using meditation Autogenic training- exercises designed to produce warmth and heaviness to produce a relaxed state

96 Multimodal Anxiety Reduction
Cognitive-affective stress management (SMT) Teaches specific integrated coping responses using relaxation and cognitive components to control emotional arousal Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)- Exposed to stress in order to learn how to cope with is (via productive thoughts, mental images, and self-statements) Increase immunity to stress

97 Hypnosis Altered state of consciousness that results in an unusually relaxed state and increased response to suggestions designed to alter perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and actions

98 Coping Strategies Problem-Focused Emotion-Focused
Information gathering Routines Goal setting Time management skills Problem-soling Increasing effort Self-talk Meditation Relaxation Wishful thinking Reappraisal Behavioral withdrawal

99 General Coping Strategies for Sport
Focus on task Self-talk Be positive Social support Mentally prepare Time management Train hard and smart

100 What about underarousal?
It’s just as bad to have underarousal Goal is optimal level Tips: Increase breathing rate Act energized Use positive statements Listen to music Use energizing imagery Complete a pre-competition workout

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