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SLDS Webinar 1-17-141 The webinar will begin at approximately 3:00 PM EST. Information on how to join the teleconference can be found on the “Info” tab.

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Presentation on theme: "SLDS Webinar 1-17-141 The webinar will begin at approximately 3:00 PM EST. Information on how to join the teleconference can be found on the “Info” tab."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLDS Webinar 1-17-141 The webinar will begin at approximately 3:00 PM EST. Information on how to join the teleconference can be found on the “Info” tab in the upper left of this screen. Please be sure to use the “Attendee ID” when dialing in to associate your name with your phone. In order to cut down on background noise, please mute your phone by dialing *6 upon entry into the meeting. For the Question and Answer portion at the end of the presentation:  You can re-dial *6 to unmute your phone and ask a question; or  Type your question into the Q&A panel below the participant list and click “Send.” A copy of this presentation and a link to the recording will be available at http://nces/programs/slds/webinars.asp http://nces/programs/slds/webinars.asp Training Educators to Use SLDS Data

2 Panelists Delaware: Steve Garner, Pat Bush Georgia: Bob Swiggum Hawaii: Christina Tydeman, Justin Katahira Facilitator Corey Chatis, State Support Team Topics Background and overall approach Training and professional development Differentiating support for teachers and administrators Lessons learned and effective practices 2 Webinar Overview SLDS Webinar 1-17-14

3 Delaware Department of Education SLDS Webinar 1-17-143 Training Educators to Use SLDS Data

4 Delaware’s SLDS grant provides access to data stored in the Ed Insight Data Warehouse through two methods: SLDS Webinar 1-17-144 Background and Overall Approach Report Portal (Beta) Dashboard (released) Teacher Reports School Admin Reports Ad Hoc District Level Reports District Level Views School Admin Views Teacher Views State Level Views (future)

5 2012-2013 LEAs (19 school districts and 21 charter schools) provide 90 minutes per week of PLC time. o Focus was on data-driven instructional decisionmaking. o DDOE provided 29 data coaches to work with LEA-supplied data coaches. This structure allowed for us to follow the train-the-trainer model. 2013-2014 90 minute PLC time continues but DDOE data coaches reduced to 4. SLDS Grant provides trainers who provide the professional development for the Ed Insight Dashboard. SLDS Webinar 1-17-145 Background and Overall Approach

6 Dashboard Professional Development Methods: Online Training Videos – We developed 4 videos for teachers and 5 videos for administrators. These are streaming videos that the end users can view on their own time. Presentations at LEAs – These exposed users to the Dashboard. These sessions usually have a variety of users in the audience so they are more generic in structure. We use face-to-face training sessions that are hands-on. Specialized Positional Group Workshops – We expanded hands-on sessions for specific user groups such as teachers, counselors, instructional specialists and building administrators. These are more time consuming but effective. This is our preferred delivery method. Internal DDOE presentations – We continue to use a multi-pronged approach trying to provide professional development to increase usage, to promote the state developed applications/tools, and to help us get more penetration at the district levels. SLDS Webinar 1-17-146 Training and Professional Development

7 Teacher Training Teachers only have access to their own students. This is a very straightforward approach and can be covered in 1 hour. Administrator Training Before working with the Dashboard, the trainers go over such things as metrics, thresholds, and goal definitions. Then they are introduced to the live data for about 2.5 hours. There are charts, graphs, exports, and drilldowns for each metric. These sessions cover multiple user views. SLDS Webinar 1-17-147 Differentiating Support for Teachers and Administrators

8 Train-the-Trainer versus Face-to-Face We began with more train-the-trainer sessions through the PLC times but now we have switched to a more face-to-face approach. o Eliminated a layer of potential interference. o Provides better feedback. o Delivers feedback to our development team for more in-depth discussions and analysis. Structure the Audience Using the individual positional training allows for the professional development to be customized exactly for each of the user groups. o Guidance Counselors-SATs o Teachers-Interventions o School Administrators-Watch Lists o District Administrators-School Performance Indicators SLDS Webinar 1-17-148 Lessons Learned and Effective Practices

9 Marketing, Marketing, Marketing When products are optional there is a feeling that everyone will want to use them. WIIFM We failed to adequately market our Dashboard internally within the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE). We are now talking about how multiple products work together to supplement each other. Professional Development You can never have enough trainers. SLDS Webinar 1-17-149 Lessons Learned and Effective Practices

10 Georgia Department of Education SLDS Webinar 1-17-1410 Training Educators to Use SLDS Data

11 SLDS Webinar 1-17-1411 Background and Overall Approach Georgia’s Path to Personalized Learning Actionable Info Resources TRL 2.0 Provides teachers with ability to quickly find digital resources and professional development that are aligned to standards. Tools: IIS-Digital Resources linked to Common Core TRL 2.5 Provides districts with the ability to load local resources. Tools: IIS- Learning Object Repository TRL 3.0 Provides teachers with the ability to assign and monitor use of digital resources to students. Provides student with access to personalized learning. Tools: IIS-Learning Management System Individual Education plans/Response to Intervention System TRL 4.0 Provides teachers with the ability to measure effectiveness of instruction. Tools: IIS-Learning Progression Maps IIS-Data Analysis Tool Formative Assessment Load Online Assessment System Financial Systems Improve Teacher Skills Tools: IIS-Professional Development System Tool kit for teacher prep program Measure Teacher Skills Tools: Performance Index Growth Model Observations Surveys IIS-High School Feedback Report IIS-Data Analysis Tool Longitudinal DataMetrics Teachers & Students/ Parents Teachers, School & District Personnel Audience High Quality 21 st Century Classroom Instruction LDS Provides longitudinal data and analysis to assist in differentiation of their students. Tools: Dashboards Reports LEXILE Reading Scores Growth Model District Data Exchange Personalized Learning Environment for Every K12 Student LDS – Longitudinal Data System TRL – Teacher Resource Link IIS – Instructional Improvement System Electroni c Backpack

12 School Districts 192 Target Audiences Administrators - 40,000 Teachers - 120,000 Students - 1,700,000 Parents - 3,000,000 SLDS Webinar 1-17-1412 Background and Overall Approach

13 SLDS Webinar 1-17-1413 Training and Professional Development Variety of Training Options Face-to-Face Online Manuals Summits Train-the-Trainer Secondary Training for New Functions Governance team composed of district staff set priorities Deliver new functions in 6 week sprints Incorporate teachers’ innovational use of tools into training

14 Training Differentiation Tools used vary greatly between administrators and teachers o Teachers use the tools for classroom instruction o Administrators use the tools for analysis Training Preferences Teachers prefer face-to-face training in small groups Administrators prefer large group summits Manuals and online courses act as secondary reference materials Train-the-trainer is primarily only done in larger school districts All groups like to be trained using their real data, not training data A dedicated training group is essential SLDS Webinar 1-17-1414 Differentiating Support for Teachers and Administrators

15 Governance The districts need to take ownership of the tools; the state’s role is to support the tools A governance body composed of district staff needs to set priorities Development and Release of Functionality The more integrated functionality you have the more the data will be used Release functions in smaller pieces more frequently A dedicated training group is essential Motivation to Use the System Steer clear of mandates Provide functionality that eases the administrative burden on teachers and administrators Provide positive incentives (your new NCLB waiver) Get the principals as champions SLDS Webinar 1-17-1415 Lessons Learned and Effective Practices

16 Hawaii Department of Education SLDS Webinar 1-17-1416 Training Educators to Use SLDS Data

17 Background and Approach K12 LDS (statewide) launched in SY 2010–2011 Student > School > Complex Area > State SY 2010–2011: Principals and SEA leadership SY 2011–2012: Support Staff SY 2012–2013: Teachers and teacher prep programs Reasoning Principals and SEA leadership: Needed their buy-in and support. Support Staff: Best means of wide-spread adoption o Practitioners o Data Users Teachers: Need for historical information on students Teacher prep programs: Encourage even more data use SLDS Webinar 1-17-1417 Background and Overall Approach

18 Training and Professional Development Why are we here today, and what’s this thing I’ve been hearing about? o Tool navigation o Available data o Privacy What does this mean? How can I use these data? o Definitions o Common uses of the available data Why is this number this way? o Data quality o Business rules Additional Q&A SLDS Webinar 1-17-1418 Training and Professional Development

19 Administrators’ Concerns Reliability of data for planning purposes Timeliness of data Data quality Privacy Using teachers’ PD time to learn the tool Teachers’ Concerns How to use data as a part of everyday practice Quantity of data Identifying important data elements and trends SLDS Webinar 1-17-1419 Differentiating Support for Teachers and Administrators

20 Battle Scars Understand need of the user group prior to training Encourage questions Keep school staffs together o If not familiar with data use, at least familiar with school’s context and narrative Use session as a means of gathering feedback o Improve the tool o Improve processes o Improve training Piggyback on, or consolidate existing efforts o Use existing efforts to spread the word o Create new efforts to consolidate like-efforts Create a sandbox environment for teacher prep programs SLDS Webinar 1-17-1420 Lessons Learned and Effective Practices

21 Questions? SLDS Webinar 1-17-1421 Training Educators to Use SLDS Data

22 Panelists Steve Garner, (302) 735-4140 or Pat Bush, (302) 735-4140 or Bob Swiggum, (404) 657-0810 or Christina Tydeman, (808) 218-6790 or Justin Katahira, (808) 218-6792 or SST Corey Chatis, (206) 799-8768 or 22 SLDS Webinar 1-17-14 Contact Information

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