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G. Battistoni, INFN Milano

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1 G. Battistoni, INFN Milano
FLUKA for Mac OSX G. Battistoni, INFN Milano

2 System tested Mac OS X Yosemite (now 10.10.3) 64-bit
fink as manager for software installation gcc , includes gfortran Fluka: Development version fluka (march 2015) Same version run in comparison under linux (Fedora bit gfortran 4.8.3)

3 Only problem in compilation $FLUKA/flutil/usbmax.c
Linux #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <values.h> #include <stdarg.h> Mac #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <limits.h> #include <float.h> #include <stdarg.h> Not found in Mac (not safely identified in the usual path of includes) Seem to be the right replacement for values.h

4 Many test cases considered
Large use of LATTICE… (384x2x6 fibers 24x24 LYSO pyxels) An example (INSIDE project) Tracker device with 6 X-Y planes of scintillating fibers 0.05 mm pitch Air Proton beam Pixellated LYSO crystal Thick plastic scintllator

5 Output and Test results
Standard USRBIN User output Detailed dump event by event of track history, energy depositions in each detector element Test successful (several cycles and events) Identical history of random seeds in Linux and Mac No difference at all in results between Mac and Linux version both in standard and user output (also same size of files)

6 Flair installation Started from flair*tgz packages to be locally compiled Tested versions: 2.1-0, and (the most recent one) Available Gnuplot is v Important: Non positive experience with python from installers (*.dmg) downloaded from or similar! Also python packages shoud be installed using fink software goes into /sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages /sw/bin/python The easy_install command from python setuptools has also to be used. Notice: in mac-osx tkinter goes with python installation You will not find it explicitly with fink

7 Pythons packages Most important
Recently added (including dependencies) required by last version 2.1-3 (some trouble also under llnux…) matplotlib-1.3.1 pytz six py2.7 python_dateutil-2.2 PyOpenGL-3.0.2 tornado wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode mpl_toolkits six.pyo pyparsing cffi PIL dateutil Most important Pillow py2.7 pydicom py2.7 numpy py2.7 gnuplot python interface Doubts… see later

8 Graphical aspect identical to linux version

9 Use of geoviewer 1

10 Use of geoviewer 2

11 Use of geoviewer 3

12 Successfully tested features:
Input management Help Geometry viewing and editing Picture exporting Run control Postprocessing of output files Viewer 1D plots, 2D plots (w/o geometry superposition) Compiling and linking Calculator Material database Yet two unsolved issues remain…

13 Unsolved issue #1: 2D plots with geometry
Example: Shooting a He beam (in air) to a polythyrene flask and a water phantom 2D USRBIN plot without geoemetry OK. Same as in linux version

14 Unsolved issue #1: 2D plots with geometry
Example: Shooting a He beam (in air) to a polythyrene flask and a water phantom ??? Notice that also the palette scale goes crazy 2D USRBIN plot WITH geoemetry In linear Z scale You just see a white plot And geometry contours There are problems in Gnuplot for mac (transparency seems to behave differently with respect to linux) and/or in the python-gnuplot interface Not yet understood

15 Unsolved issue #2: numpy with dicom?
Attempting to view a dicom slice an error message appears: ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions Apparently due to numpy (scientific computing with Python)

16 Unsolved issue #2: numpy with dicom?

17 Conclusions FLUKA under Mac OSX appears to work correctly giving the same results as in Linux. A devel distribution for the collaboration could be shared. A pro beta version could be distributed. Flair for Mac has still a couple (at least) of things that should be understood and possibly solved. At present I am not able to do that, I’m afraid… High level help needed (already some interactions with Vasilis occurred)

18 Added during the meeting
The problem of 2D plots with geometry superimposed has been solved in version 2.1-4 (V. Vlachoudis) Set format “%g” in order to get exponential scale

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