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“to help P-12 learners acquire knowledge and skills for lifelong participation in physical activity for optimal health benefits”

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1 “to help P-12 learners acquire knowledge and skills for lifelong participation in physical activity for optimal health benefits”

2  Outcome: Promotes high rates of MVPA and health- related knowledge to supplement the scheduled PE program  Learners: P-12 (7 th grade)

3  SPARK PE  Gamer Club  Intramurals  Before School “Walking Club”  P90X


5 Lesson Title: Get Stepping Grade Level: 7 th Grade Abstract: This activity will allow students to demonstrate motor skills while listening to their favorite music. During this step aerobic lesson students will understand how their heart rate is linked with the amount of vigorous PA that they accomplish. Lesson Objective(s): The objective of this lesson is for the student to be able to perform complex movements based off rhythms in physical activity settings. In addition, the student will be able to learn specialized skills to allow the student to move in more complex ways.

6 Materials/Resources:  Boom-Box (sound system)  CD from today’s pop music  25 Aerobic Step box’s  Stopwatch  Mirrored room (optional)  Procedure: When students arrive to the classroom they are to sit quietly as they are going to receive the instructions for the day. Explain that the activity for the day is going to introduce certain movement patterns, while listening to their favorite songs. At the start of class students will check their RHR. Then the students will participate in Aerobics and while doing so will receive competency in certain movement patterns and will increase in more complex movements as class progresses. At the end of a progression of steps the students will then check their heart rate to see the increase due to PA.

7 Assessment: As the teacher you will be able to first asses by the interaction that takes place during the class period. Second observe the 7 th graders ability to understand and show competency in their movements. Finally giving out a hand-out will allow students to be able to practice and then come back to class to demonstrate and potentially lead as a teacher role. Along with the hand out are a couple of questions for the student to be able to reflect how music and physical activity can go hand-in-hand.

8 Lesson Title: What’s Your Top Score? Grade Level: 7 th grade Abstract: This activity will get students engaged in moving while playing video games. Not only students are able to play at school, but this will encourage students to go home and play on their own system and beat their own high scores. Lesson Objective(s): The objective of this lesson is to bring awareness that the student can receive physical activity in front of their tv. It also gives more opportunities for students to be physically active at home if they have a gaming system. Lastly, the lesson helps get the heart rate up while the student are busy having fun.

9 Materials/Resources:  6 tv’s  2 DDR’s  2 XBOX kinect  2 WI fitness games Procedure: At the start of class I would have six areas of the gym or a mezzanine sectioned off with six tv’s and game systems attached. Then I would have the class sit in the middle as the instructor explains how many hours teens spend on a gaming system or in front a TV. Then explain that you can use your gaming system to help you in your physical activity. The teacher will explain and have a student demonstrate for no more than a minute how each station works. After this has occurred the teacher will break the students off in 6 groups and spread them throughout the facility. There can be two people per devise, which would be a total of 12 students participating at once. After each session has ended the other two people switch (this would assume that there are 24 people in the class). After each group has had a turn at their station then they are going to all rotate clockwise. Each station will take up to about five minutes for a total of 30 minutes. If your group is not the group that is participating you are in charge of going through the same motions, but obviously you are not participating on the gaming system. For example, if you are at the DDR station and you are off you need to still be trying to rehearse the same leg movement that is taking place on the game. This will be difficult, but will help when the student is participating in his or her turn. Also it helps the most important part of the lesson which is getting the students heart rate up.

10 Assessment: There a couple of ways to assess the lesson. First if the student has the gaming devise at home they are able to go home and see if they can get a higher score at home than they were able to at school. That accomplishes two things. Number one is the students are participating in physical activity at home and the second is that the student is getting more proficient at their movements which will be seen throughout the gamer club.

11 Lesson Title: Serving for Points Grade Level: 7 th grade Abstract: This activity will teach students the proper way to serve while having the students exert high amounts of energy chasing down their own serves. Lesson Objective(s): The objective of this lesson is to teach the proper way to serve to allow the game of volleyball to be more competitive. In addition, it helps students get high PA as they chase down their own balls after they serve them on the court.

12 Materials/Resources:  20 volleyballs  Net system  Gym space  Two courts (optional) Procedure: In this activity students will start by being taught the proper way to serve a volleyball. Next they will get their arms loose by serving 25 balls in the wall. Finally, the group will be split up into two groups. Each group has to serve a total of 30 balls over the net while chasing down their own ball to serve again until the group reaches 30. The first group to 30 wins. After a couple games the group splits up to resume their intramural competition.

13 Assessment: In this assessment we are going to use an exit-slip. To be able to leave the gym each student has to serve one ball over the net before they are able to leave. If they are not able to serve from the service line then the instructor will allow them to move closer until they are able to achieve a serve.

14 Lesson Title: Walk the Walk Grade Level: 7 th grade Abstract: This activity will allow students to improve their overall health by increasing their cardiovascular endurance. Students will be walking during the allotted time and be challenged to increase their walking distance from week to week. In addition the students will have a pedometer to show how many steps they are walking in the class. Lesson Objective(s): The objective of this lesson is to bring awareness that the student can receive physical activity by walking with friends. In addition, students will be able to achieve higher rates of cardio health by increasing the distance that they walk in a forty minute time period.

15 Materials/Resources: Track or gym Pedometer Stopwatch Procedure:  When students arrive to the walking club the instructor will stretch out the students and explain the reason for stretching. After a full stretch everyone would take a pedometer and would begin to walk around the track of gym. When the time has expired the student has to log in their number of steps to the instructor. Once a student achieves a total of 4,000 steps (roughly a 5k) then they will be given a prize. This is repeated when they hit a 10K, half marathon and full marathon. Prizes will vary with the bigger accomplishments.

16 Assessment: The students will be assessed by the weekly improvements that they make with the pedometer. Given a forty minute time period students should not regress, but maintain or improve slightly throughout the weeks.

17 Lesson Title: Beat Tony Horton Grade Level: 7 th Grade Abstract: In this lesson the focus will be on plyometrics and nutrition. Plyometrics is a specific focus on your core and leg strength. Not to mention helps improve your cardio health. The students will get to understand how muscles contract and relax throughout the lesson, and finish with learning what to eat/drink after a workout. Lesson Objective(s): The objective of this lesson is for the student to be able to perform complex movements while improving their cardio health. In conclusion, the students will finish by drinking a protein shake and learn how to make their own.

18 Materials/Resources: 1 TV Large room Fruit bowl Procedure: Students will begin by stretching out to music provided by the instructor. As the class is stretching the teacher will explain the muscle groups that are going to be used during the P90X session. Once stretching is done the class will move on to the Plyometric session of P90X. After the session is over the group will then have the opportunity to eat fruit. The instructor will explain the importance of filling your body with healthy food items and then give out a food log to allow students to keep up with what they eat for the week.

19 Assessment: The focus of this lesson was on plyometrics and also nutrition. This week the students will keep a food log of what they ate so that they can have an idea if they are choosing healthy habits.


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