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Curricular Planning What will you teach and when?.

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Presentation on theme: "Curricular Planning What will you teach and when?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curricular Planning What will you teach and when?

2 Curriculum Meet the students where they are Determine where you would like them to be when done with your program Need to incorporate an action plan to help move students from where they are to where you want them to be

3 Curriculum The planned sequence of formal instructional experiences presented by the teachers to whom the responsibility is assigned.

4 Curriculum and Practice in Secondary Physical Education Where students are Where you want them to be Action Plan

5 Tools to design Action Plans Curricular Plans Yearly Plans Unit Plans Lesson Plans Objectives

6 Developing a Philosophy – Attitudes What type of Attitude does a teacher need to have? What does it mean to be an “educator”? What does it mean to be a professional?

7 Philosophy to Curriculum Philosophy should constantly change Philosophy should influence how you choose to deliver content Different ways of delivering content= Curricular Models

8 What do you need to know when you are developing a three year scope and sequence chart and a yearly curriculum plan?

9 Logistics Groups of 3

10 Grade Levels Middle School: 6, 7, 8 grades Junior High School: 7, 8, 9 grades Senior High School: 10, 11, 12 grades

11 Students Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D 500 1000 1800 2500

12 Indoor Facilities Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D 1 gym 2 gyms 2 gyms 2 gyms Wall div. 2 bal. in Wt. Room Wt. Room (2 stations) in gyms 1 MP Rm 1 MP Rm 1 MP Rm Indoor Track

13 Outdoor Facilities Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D 1 SB Field 1 SB Field 2 SB Fields 2 SB 1 track 1 track 1 lg. field 1 lg. field 2 lg. fields 2 lg. flds. 4 tennis 8 tennis 8 tennis 1 soccer field

14 Additional Facilities Choose any two of the following: –1 swimming pool –1 dance studio –1 aerobics room –1 wrestling room –1 gymnastics room –1 classroom –1 wt. room –1 soccer field –1 indoor track

15 Community Facilities Choose any two of the following: –1 roller rink –1 bowling alley –1 archery range –1 golf range –1 ice rink –1 campground and wooded area

16 Philosophies You and the other members of your curriculum committee should discuss your philosophies of teaching p.e. and come to some consensus for your program Focus on: –Knowledge that is important –Values that you hold –Attitudes you promote

17 Program Objectives and Evaluations Using the Enhanced PE standards 19- 21. List each of the three goals, list the learning standards that apply to your grade level Indicate how you will determine successful attainment of each learning standard

18 Scope and Sequence 3 year outline of: Scope: what activities you want to teach Sequence: when you want to teach them and how much you want to teach

19 Scope and Sequence You decide upon all the activities you will cover in the three years you have been assigned For each activity list all the skills you want to cover over the three years Indicate what will be taught each year If you repeat an activity you must indicate at least two differences between one year and the next See example chart

20 Curriculum Plan 1 year outline of activities and facilities 36 weeks in 2 semesters Semester 1: August 19-December 20 Semester 2: January 6-May 9 On your chart indicate the unit, in parentheses the #of weeks, and an indoor and outdoor facility for each unit You must include a minimum of 1 fitness unit Be sure to include a variety of individual and team activities

21 Curriculum Plan WeekGrade 7Grade 8Grade 9 1 Soccer (4)- Field/1/2 gym Fitness (2)- MP Rm. Softball (4) Softball Field 2 3 Ultimate Frisbee (3)- Track Inf. 4

22 Group Discussions Listen respectfully Indicate strengths of plans Indicate suggestions for improvement Discuss difficulties with the assignment

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