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Kathleen Plott Advanced Academic Services Klein ISD March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Kathleen Plott Advanced Academic Services Klein ISD March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kathleen Plott Advanced Academic Services Klein ISD March 2012

2  Open Powerpoint  Select Design Menu  Select Page Set Up  Select “Custom” in Slides sized for:  Change the width to 36”  Change the Height to 54”  Click on Landscape  Click OK

3  Click on the title box, type in title (TPSP Sample Poster)  Delete Subtitle Box

4  Open existing powerpoint  Right click on title slide, located on left slide menu  Select Copy

5  Toggle back to Poster Presentation, select “Paste Special” under Paste  Click on Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007 Object (First choice)  Click OK

6  Resize object by “grabbing” corner handles

7  Continue with the rest of the slides to make your presentation poster

8  As you are pasting, you can make all your slides the same size by:  Right click slide  Choose Format Object  Choose the size tab  In this case, the first slide was:  Height 12.44” and Width: 16.59”

9  You can move the objects around and design your own layouts  See the Advanced Academics folder for other samples

10  Additional Resources:  Advanced template in AA folder Advanced template Google Search

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