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National Trail Local School District 3 year-District Improvement Plan April 2009.

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1 National Trail Local School District 3 year-District Improvement Plan April 2009

2 3-year District Improvement Plan was developed by:  District Leadership Team Members: Todd Alexander, teacher Debby Barnett, Special Education Coor. Mike Birdsall, teacher Joe Bledsoe, State Support Team Barbara Cox, NT board member Ed Eales, principal Kerry Elifritz, State Support Team Sarrah Grubb, PC ESC Curriculum Coor. Mike Harrison, principal Melissa King, parent Clint Moore, superintendent Heidi Perry, teacher Brian Pool, teacher/Technology Coor. Kendra Thompson, teacher Michelle Warren, parent Jeff Wassom, teacher Mark Wiseman, principal

3 District Improvement Plan Time Line: Phase I: Identify Critical Needs (September ’08 – December ’08) Phase II: Plan Development (January ’09 – March ’09) Phase III: Implementation (April ’09 – on going) Phase IV: Monitoring (September ’09 – on going)

4 National Trail Local School District  Core Value “Every Lesson; Every Student; Every Day!”

5 Foundation Statement: Mathematics  As our world becomes more and more technologically and scientifically-based, the importance of mathematics continues to grow. Learning mathematics forces one to learn how to reason and think logically and to analyze and solve problems using that skill. These are skills that will benefit students in all classes as well as better prepare them for an evermore technological workplace.

6 District Improvement Plan Goal #1: Mathematics  By 2012, all students in grades K-12 will improve performance on the math OAT/OGT* (grades 3-8 and 10) by 10% each year, increasing from 67.7% to 90%. *OAT/OGT – Ohio Achievement Tests (grades 3-8)/Ohio Graduation Tests (grade 10)

7 By 2012, all students in grades K-12 will improve performance on the math OAT/OGT* (grades 3-8 and 10) by 10% each year, increasing from 67.7% to 90%. Strategy 1.A: Teachers use student performance data to determine instruction/intervention. Action Steps: 1.A.1: Develop a district assessment plan tracking student performance that aligns with state curriculum. 1.A.2: Develop a system to monitor the implementation of assessments and collection of data. 1.A.3: Determine essential instructional strategies/interventions based on assessment data. 1.A.4: Communicate to all stakeholders the district assessment instruments, purposes, uses, scheduling and reporting and monitoring expectations.

8 By 2012, all students in grades K-12 will improve performance on the math OAT/OGT* (grades 3-8 and 10) by 10% each year, increasing from 67.7% to 90%. Strategy 1.B: Implement instructional strategies to increase student-centered activities in the classroom. Action Steps: 1.B.1: Identify and implement student-centered instructional strategies. 1.B.2: Provide teacher professional development on best practices that generate student-centered activities. 1.B.3: Collect and monitor data on how instructional strategies are implemented in all classrooms. 1.B.4: Implement team teaching strategies K-12 in appropriate classrooms.

9 Foundation Statement: Reading  Reading is a key building block to help students with all other areas of school. Our goal is to provide reading instruction to help all students maximize their ability to read and understand grade level material.

10 District Improvement Plan Goal #2: Reading  By 2012, 90% of all students in grades K-12 will be proficient or above on the state OAT/OGT* reading test, increasing from 69.2%. *OAT/OGT – Ohio Achievement Tests (grades 3-8)/Ohio Graduation Tests (grade 10)

11 By 2012, 90% of all students in grades K-12 will be proficient or above on the state OAT/OGT reading test, increasing from 69.2%. Strategy 2.A: Teachers will use student performance data to provide instruction and intervention. Action Steps: 2.A.1: Develop a district assessment plan tracking student performance that aligns with state curriculum. 2.A.2: Develop a system to monitor the implementation of assessments and collection of data. 2.A.3: Determine essential instructional strategies/interventions based on assessment data. 2.A.4: Communicate to all stakeholders the district assessment instruments, purposes, uses, scheduling and reporting and monitoring expectations.

12 By 2012, 90% of all students in grades K-12 will be proficient or above on the state OAT/OGT reading test, increasing from 69.2%. Strategy 2.B: Faculty will use best practices to improve student performance on the OAT/OGT tests. Action Steps: 2.B.1: Identify and implement student-centered instructional strategies. 2.B.2: Provide teacher professional development on best practices that generate student centered activities. 2.B.3: Collect and monitor data on how instructional strategies are implemented in all classrooms. 2.B.4: Implement team teaching strategies K-12 in appropriate classrooms.

13 Foundation Statement: Attendance  Improving student achievement is our ultimate goal. How can we do that if students do not attend school? We want students to understand the importance of attendance and how it affects their achievement. We also plan to motivate them to take charge of their own learning by maintaining good attendance.

14 District Improvement Plan Goal #3: Attendance  By 2012, All K-12 students will attain an attendance rate of at least 90% with the district attendance rate increasing from 94% to 96% as measured by the annual data.

15 By 2012, All K-12 students will attain an attendance rate of at least 90% with the district attendance rate increasing from 94% to 96% as measured by the annual data. Strategy 3.A: Establish a system to promote student attendance. Action Steps: 3.A.1: The district will communicate the importance of attendance on student achievement. 3.A.2: Each school will develop a system of identifying students that fall below the 90% attendance goal and communicate current attendance rates to parents/students. 3.A.3: Teachers will receive training to use the school-wide system developed for student attendance identification. 3.A.4: Each school will develop a system of incentives and consequences to improve all students’ attendance. 3.A.5: Each school will develop a system that allows the students to monitor their personal attendance rate.

16 By 2012, All K-12 students will attain an attendance rate of at least 90% with the district attendance rate increasing from 94% to 96% as measured by the annual data. Strategy 3.B: Establish an environment that creates high expectations and motivates students to improve their attendance. Action Steps: 3.B.1: Provide professional development for staff to meet the daily challenges of motivating students through strategies that demand high expectations for student achievement. 3.B.2: Create student surveys that measure effectiveness of teacher professional development strategies that are implemented. 3.B.3: Analyze building level data (observations and surveys) on district implementation strategies. 3.B.4: Provide feedback and support to buildings that do not meet the progress measures.

17 National Trail Local School District  Core Value “Every Lesson; Every Student; Every Day!”

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