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Defining the Challenge: Water Resources Sustainability: Challenges & Economic Opportunities November 5 th Chris Sturm New Jersey Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining the Challenge: Water Resources Sustainability: Challenges & Economic Opportunities November 5 th Chris Sturm New Jersey Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining the Challenge: Water Resources Sustainability: Challenges & Economic Opportunities November 5 th Chris Sturm New Jersey Future

2 About New Jersey Future Smart Growth research, policy, advocacy and assistance

3 Water Resources Water Availability Watershed Integrity Water Quality Human uses

4 Human Uses: Water Infrastructure Performance Drinking water: “C” Wastewater: “D” (American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007) Investment needs Drinking water: $8 billion Wastewater: $16.9 billion Stormwater: $15.6 billion Total: $40 billion * 20-Year Needs (2008 EPA Estimate) Institutions 650 drinking water delivery systems 260 community wastewater systems ?? Stormwater systems

5 Combined Sewer Overflows

6 Climate Change

7 Losing Water, Losing Business, Losing Money…

8 Win Win Win Solutions Communicate Optimize Collaborate Demonstrate Invest

9 Communicate

10 Optimize Existing Systems Conserve Water Manage assets like a business Clean and fix pipe systems!

11 Demonstrate: Projects that Solve Problems Flooding, CSO/stormwater management, Recreation, Parking, $$

12 Invest Rates… Stormwater fee Water tax?

13 Government’s Role? Environment – NJ Water Supply Plan – State stormwater management rules Economic Growth – Reliable, efficient infrastructure Fairness – Affordability issues – Green jobs

14 Thank you Resources Ripple Effects Agenda for Change Growing Smart and Waterwise (Pinelands) Water Resources Baseline Assessment Facing our Future Infrastructure Investments Necessary for Economic Success Chris Sturm Senior Director of State Policy New Jersey Future 609-393-0008, x114

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