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System Design Decomposing the System. Sequence diagram changes UML 2.x specifications tells that Sequence diagrams now support if-conditions, loops and.

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Presentation on theme: "System Design Decomposing the System. Sequence diagram changes UML 2.x specifications tells that Sequence diagrams now support if-conditions, loops and."— Presentation transcript:

1 System Design Decomposing the System

2 Sequence diagram changes UML 2.x specifications tells that Sequence diagrams now support if-conditions, loops and options. 3101.html

3 Submission of Analysis Model  Deadline: 4pm, Thursday, 3 rd October, 2013  Use the same project that you submitted in the Requirements Engg. course.  Submit soft copy at generalshare in “Assignment Sub” folder.

4 System Design  Analysis: Focuses on the application domain  Design: Focuses on the solution domain  Identify design goals  Design the initial subsystem decomposition  Architectural style  Refine the subsystem decomposition

5 System Design: Purpose  Bridging the gap between desired and existing system in a manageable way  Use Divide and Conquer  Model the new system to be developed as a set of subsystems

6 Introduction  Construction of the System  System Design  Object Design and  Implementation  System Design  First Step: Decomposing the system into manageable parts

7 Introduction  Example: Floor Plan  Residential House  Floor Plan: Location of Walls, doors and windows  Functional Requirements: The kitchen in the vicinity of dining room and garage. The bathroom should be close to the bedrooms  Standard Utilization Dimensions of the room and location of the doors  Constraints:  This house should have 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and living room  The overall distance the occupants walk should be minimized  The use of daylight should be maximized

8 Introduction

9  Mapping of Architectural and Software Engineering Concepts

10 An Overview of System Design


12 An Overview of System Design: Analysis to System Design  Nonfunctional requirements =>  Activity 1: Design Goals Definition  Functional model =>  Activity 2: System decomposition (Selection of subsystems based on functional requirements, cohesion, and coupling)  Object model =>  Activity 4: Hardware/software mapping  Activity 5: Persistent data management  Dynamic model =>  Activity 3: Concurrency  Activity 6: Global resource handling  Activity 7: Software control  Subsystem Decomposition  Activity 8: Boundary conditions

13 System Design Concept  Subsystem Decomposition and their Properties  Subsystem (UML: Package)  Collection of classes, associations, operations, events and constraints that are interrelated  Seed for subsystems: UML Objects and Classes.

14 System Design Concept


16  Subsystems:  DispatcherInterface: user interface for dispatcher  Notification: communication between FieldOfficer terminals and Dispatcher stations  Service: A set of related operations that share a common purpose  Notification (subsystem) service: LookupChannel() SubscribeToChannel() SendNotice() UnscubscribeFromChannel()

17 Coupling and Cohesion  Criteria for subsystem selection: Most of the interaction should be within subsystems, rather than across subsystem boundaries (High cohesion).  Does one subsystem always call the other for the service?  Which of the subsystems call each other for service?  Primary Question:  What kind of service is provided by the subsystems (subsystem interface)?  Secondary Question:  Can the subsystems be hierarchically ordered (layers)?  What kind of model is good for describing layers and partitions?

18 Coupling and Cohesion  Goal: Reduction of complexity while change occurs  Cohesion measures the dependence among classes  High cohesion: The classes in the subsystem perform similar tasks and are related to each other (via associations)  Low cohesion: Lots of miscellaneous and auxiliary classes, no associations  Coupling measures dependencies between subsystems  High coupling: Changes to one subsystem will have high impact on the other subsystem (change of model, massive recompilation, etc.)  Low coupling: A change in one subsystem does not affect any other subsystem  Subsystems; maximum cohesion and minimum coupling:  How can we achieve high cohesion?  How can we achieve loose coupling?

19 Example of reducing the couple of subsystems  Alternative 1: Direct access to the Database subsystem

20 Example of reducing the couple of subsystems  Alternative 2: Indirect access to the Database through a Storage subsystem

21 Example of Increasing Cohesion of subsystems  Decision Tracking System

22 Example of Increasing Cohesion of subsystems  Alternative subsystem decomposition for the decision tracking system

23 Layers and Partitions  Layering and Partitioning: techniques to achieve low coupling.  Large system decomposition into subsystems; layers and partitions.  Layer: a subsystem that provides subsystem services to a higher layers (level of abstraction)  A layer can only depend on lower layers  A layer has no knowledge of higher layers  Partition: Divide a system into several independent (or weakly-coupled) subsystems that provide services on the same level of abstraction.

24 Subsystem Decomposition into Layers  Subsystem Decomposition Heuristics:  No more than 7+/-2 subsystems  More subsystems increase cohesion but also complexity (more services)  No more than 4+/-2 layers, use 3 layers (good)

25 Closed Architecture (Opaque Layering)  Any layer can only invoke operations from the immediate layer below  OSI reference model  Design goal: High maintainability, flexibility

26 OSI Reference model  ISO’s OSI Reference Model  ISO = International Standard Organization  OSI = Open System Interconnection  Reference model defines 7 layers of network protocols and strict methods of communication between the layers.  Closed software architecture

27 Another View at the ISO Model  A closed software architecture  Each layer is a UML package containing a set of objects

28 Open Architecture (Transparent Layering)  Any layer can invoke operations from any layers below  Swing User Interface Toolkit for Java  Design goal: Runtime efficiency

29 An example of open architecture:

30 Properties of Layered Systems  Layered systems are hierarchical. They are desirable because hierarchy reduces complexity (by low coupling).  Closed architectures are more portable.  Open architectures are more efficient.

31 Summary  Introduction to System Design  Analysis to System Design  Subsystem decomposition  Layers and Partitions  Open architecture vs. Closed architecture

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