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1 Defending the Indefensible Examining proof-texts of liberalism.

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1 1 Defending the Indefensible Examining proof-texts of liberalism

2 2 Liberalism “Not restricted to the literal meaning; free and unconfined” Going beyond / changing God’s word (2 Jno. 9; Rev. 22:18-19) Continue to need scriptural authority! – Colossians 3:17

3 3 A “New Hermeneutic” Has changed the way many in churches of Christ view and apply Bible authority

4 4 Bible Authority: Acts 15 Approved example, 15:6-11 Necessary inference, 15:12 (14:3) Direct statement, 15:13-19 At one time Christians generally agreed with this

5 5 Guy N. Woods, 1957 “With much of brother Cogdill’s speech I am in complete agreement … No one calls in question these matters which he discussed regarding the authority of the scriptures, the all-sufficiency of the church of our Lord in the matter of performing the work which God gave the church to do.” (Cogdill-Woods Debate, p. 26)

6 6 A New Hermeneutic “But there is no infallible method for interpreting Scripture. There is no heaven-given system of Bible study.” (Rubel Shelly & Randall J. Harris, The Second Incarnation, p. 19)

7 7 A New Hermeneutic “Thus we reject a rigid ‘pattern theology’ that simply proposes to transplant religious-cultural forms from the Bible to the 20th or 21st century.” (Ibid., p. 31)

8 8 A New Hermeneutic “Our hermeneutic is therefore theological and Christocentric.” (Ibid., 28)

9 9 A New Hermeneutic “Is the activity or methodology under contemplation consistent with the person and work of Jesus Christ? If we do this, will the people who see it think we reveal Christ? Will we be doing what people would expect to see Christ doing in this situation?” (Ibid., 29)

10 10 Broad Consequences “This principle has broad consequences for ecclesiology. It says, for example, that the church need not have either explicit mandate or permission for everything it wishes to do. The church may confidently ground its activities of compassion and service in the character of its head.” (Ibid., 29)

11 11 The Results Fewer will attempt to defend their practices using Bible patterns – 2 Tim. 4:3-4 (3:13) Silence of the Scriptures will increasingly be used to approve practices Ecumenism (unity in doctrinal & moral diversity) will increase

12 12 Are You an “Anti”? “Opposed to a given proposal, policy, etc.” The charge: We are opposed to church cooperation

13 13 No Binding Patterns?! “So, it becomes necessary to raise the question: is there an exclusive pattern of church cooperation taught in the Bible? My answer. No.” (Guy N. Woods, Cogdill-Woods Debate, 196)

14 14 No Binding Patterns?! “The Bible does not provide an exclusive pattern for evangelism.” (Jackie M. Stearsman, “Church Cooperation and Evangelism,” The Harvester, Feb. 1997)

15 15 Cooperation Among Churches Preach Gospel C C $ $ $ EVANGELISM C Preacher Preacher Acts 13:1-3; Phil. 4:15-16 2 Cor. 11:8 15

16 16 Cooperation Among Churches PreachGospel C C $ $ $ EVANGELISM C Preacher Preacher Missionary MissionarySociety;SponsoringChurch $ 16 Scripture Please!

17 17 Cooperation Among Churches Relieve Need C C $ $ $ BENEVOLENCE C Local Church (elders) Local Church (elders) Acts 11:27-30; 1 Cor. 16:1-3 2 Cor. 8:1-4, 13-15; 9:1, 12-14 Rom. 15:25-27 $ 17

18 18 Cooperation Among Churches RelieveNeed C C $ $ $ BENEVOLENCE C Need Need SPONSORINGCHURCH;INSTITUTION $$ 18 Scripture Please!

19 19 Scripture Please! Church support & maintain human organizations to do its work? Sponsoring church overseeing benevolence & evangelism for many churches? One church soliciting other churches to support its work?

20 20 Liberalism Says… There is no binding pattern for the work of the local church… “Whatever love for God and man dictates, is the law of God for the church.” - Cogdell, The Cogdell-Turner Discussion, 90)

21 21 NT Pattern: Work of the Local Church Preach the gospel - 1 Ths. 1:8; Acts 11:22; Phil. 1:5-7 Edify the saints - 1 Cor. 14:26; Eph. 4:11-12; Acts 11:22f; 13:1-2 Relieve needy saints – Acts 6:1- 6; 1 Cor. 16:1; 2 Cor. 8-9; 1 Tim. 5:16

22 22 Local Church All-Sufficient The local church, under the oversight of its own elders, is fully-equipped to accomplish its God-given work (Acts 14:23; 1 Pet. 5:2)

23 23 The issue: Evangelism May churches of Christ build & maintain missionary societies to do the work God gave the local church to do?

24 24 The issue: Evangelism Church Select areas Select preachers Provide place, support Facilities

25 25 The issue: Evangelism Church Select areas Men Provide place Support, Facilities MissionarySociety(President,Board,Treasury)

26 26 The issue: Edification May churches of Christ build & maintain colleges to do the work God gave the local church to do?

27 27 The issue: Edification Church Select curriculum Select teachers Provides place Provides support, Facilities

28 28 The issue: Edification Church Select subjects Select teachers Provides place, facilities College(President,Board,Treasury)

29 29 The issue: Benevolence May churches of Christ build & maintain benevolent societies to do the work God gave the local church to do?

30 30 Church Sees need, Acts 6 Appoints men, Acts 6 Provides place, support Care, facilities The issue: Benevolence

31 31 Church Sees need Appoints men Provides place, Support, care, etc. BenevolentSociety(President,Board,Treasury) The issue: Benevolence

32 32 Benevolence: Saints ONLY SINGING Eph. 5:19 Col. 3:16 1 Cor. 14:15 Matt. 26:30 Jas. 5:13 Acts 16:25 Heb. 2:12 SAINTS Acts 2:44-45 Acts 6:1-6 Acts 11:29-30 Rom. 15:26-27 1 Cor. 16:1 2 Cor. 8-9

33 33 Liberalism Says… Whatever the individual Christian can do the church can do

34 34 Fail to Distinguish Individual Action & Church Action Galatians 6:10: Misapplied to okay general benevolence James 1:27: Misapplied to okay church support of human organizations - Mark 14:7 -

35 35 Churches or Individuals? Jno. 15:1-6 Gal. 6:1-10 Jas. 1:18-27 2 - branch 1 - man, you 18 - us, we 3 - you (pl.) 2 - you, one 19-20 - breth., man 4 - you 3 - anyone, 21 - your souls 5 - you,he,him himself, he himself, he 22 - yourselves 6 - anyone, he 4-5 - each one 23 - anyone, man, he 6-7 - him, man 24 - he, himself man 8 - he, his 25 - he who, one 9 - us, we 26 - anyone, he 10 - we, us 27 - oneself

36 36 Scriptural Distinction Matt. 18:15-17: One, one or two more, the church 1 Tim. 5:16: Let not the church be charged, but the individual family member is charged Acts 11:22: The church acted, and so did an individual

37 37 Liberalism Says… The local church should provide benevolent relief to all men (saints & sinners)

38 38 The Argument: Jesus’ compassionate miracles allow the local church to relieve the needs of saints & sinners alike Matthew 4:23; 25:35-40 Matthew 4:23; 25:35-40

39 39 The Argument: “Jesus not only releases but compels the modern church to find incrementally more effective ways to feed the hungry, cloth the needy, minister to the outcasts, and provide homes for the homeless…

40 40 The Argument: “…Literacy programs, soup kitchens, drug dependency programs, and prison outreaches need no other justification than that, in such activities, the church takes on both the heart and demeanor of the one she calls Lord and Master.” (Shelly/Harris, 29)

41 41 Defending the Indefensible Confirming miracles, Jno. 5:36; 10:38 Not all were healed, 2 Tim. 4:20 Individuals stand in judgment, not churches

42 42 The Argument: 2 Cor. 9:13: ALL MEN Are told that churches relieved the needs of all men Are told that churches relieved the needs of all men Are told that churches sent funds to relieve all men in Jerusalem, not just needy saints Are told that churches sent funds to relieve all men in Jerusalem, not just needy saints

43 43 Defending the Indefensible Translation – “men” supplied by translators of KJV & NKJV Pantas: “all of a like kind, everything” Pantas: “all of a like kind, everything” Humanity does not adhere to the word (context determines) Humanity does not adhere to the word (context determines)

44 44 The Context: Saints (Jerusalem & all others) 2 Cor. 8:4 – to the saints 2 Cor. 8:4 – to the saints 2 Cor. 9:1 – to the saints 2 Cor. 9:1 – to the saints 2 Cor. 9:12 – needs of saints 2 Cor. 9:12 – needs of saints 2 Cor. 9:13 (Rom. 15:27) – Sharing (fellowship) (Eph. 5:11; 2 Jno. 10-11) 2 Cor. 9:13 (Rom. 15:27) – Sharing (fellowship) (Eph. 5:11; 2 Jno. 10-11) 2 Cor. 9:14 – Recipients prayed for sending churches 2 Cor. 9:14 – Recipients prayed for sending churches

45 45 2 Corinthians 9:13 Money RAISED for saints, 1 Cor. 16:1; Rom. 15:26 Money SENT to saints, Rom. 15:25 Money RECEIVED by saints, Rm. 15:31 Money SUPPLIED NEEDS of saints, 2 Cor. 9:12 DID PAUL MISAPPLY THESE FUNDS?!

46 46 Liberalism Says… The local church may build &/or support human organizations to do its benevolent & evangelistic work

47 47 The Argument: Church-supported benevolent organizations The end justifies the means The end justifies the means “The church has a primary mission to perform and work to do - saving souls and keeping them saved. But any activity that will contribute to that end which is not of itself sinful, is permissible for the church to engage in, as long as it is done with that end in view…

48 48 The Argument: The end justifies the means “Furthermore, the church can use any means and methods that it sees fit to accomplish this end so long as those means and methods are not in and of themselves sinful.” (Gaston Cogdell, p. 91-92)

49 49 Defending the Indefensible The end does not justify the means – Rom. 3:8 The “view in mind” must be “good” in God’s sight – Heb. 13:21 The “view in mind” must be “good” in God’s sight – Heb. 13:21 That is defined by God’s word, not our good intentions! – 2 Tim. 3: 16-17 That is defined by God’s word, not our good intentions! – 2 Tim. 3: 16-17

50 50 The Argument: Church-supported benevolent organizations No instructions to the church No instructions to the church “There are no instructions in the scriptures as to how the church is to carry on its work of evangelization and benevolence.” (Gaston Cogdell, p. 95)

51 51 The Argument: Church-supported benevolent organizations No instructions to the church No instructions to the church “Helping the needy is a matter of faith; the how to do this work is in the realm of human judgment.” (Perry B. Cotham, Anti-ism, The 18 th Annual Mid-West Lectures, 2000)

52 52 Defending the Indefensible A method (expedient) must first be authorized – 1 Cor. 10:23 Local church is the organization authorized to meet such needs among the saints Local church is the organization authorized to meet such needs among the saints Bible silent re. another organization to be built, funded and/or operated by the local church! Bible silent re. another organization to be built, funded and/or operated by the local church!

53 53 The Argument: Church-supported benevolent organizations: James 1:27 Pure religion allows a church to build, fund &/or maintain organizations (orphan’s homes, etc.) as method of benevolence Pure religion allows a church to build, fund &/or maintain organizations (orphan’s homes, etc.) as method of benevolence

54 54 Defending the Indefensible Context of James 1:27 Individual Christian, not the collective action of the local church Individual Christian, not the collective action of the local church Remember, individual & church are not the same thing! Remember, individual & church are not the same thing!

55 55 James 1:27 Visit Fatherless and widows Bridle tongueBridle tongue Not deceive himselfNot deceive himself Keep himself unspottedKeep himself unspotted The Same Man

56 56 The Argument: Sponsoring Church Arrangement in Evangelism Philippi was sponsoring church in Macedonia - Phil. 4:15-16 Philippi was sponsoring church in Macedonia - Phil. 4:15-16  Acts 18:5 - Historical setting  2 Cor. 11:8 - Wages from churches  Philippi the “accounting” church for other churches

57 57 Defending the Indefensible Contradicts Paul – Phil. 4:15-16 “No church…you only…you sent…” “No church…you only…you sent…” Destroys independence & autonomy Destroys independence & autonomy  Whose work is it: Giving church? Sponsoring church?  Who exercises oversight: Giving church? Sponsoring church?

58 58 The Argument: Sponsoring Church Arrangement in Benevolence Jerusalem was sponsoring church – Acts 11:27-30 Jerusalem was sponsoring church – Acts 11:27-30  Relief to brethren in Judea (11:29)  Sent to the elders (11:30; Acts 12:25)  Conclusion: Funds sent to Jerusalem elders, who distributed the relief

59 59 Defending the Indefensible Paul was unknown to brethren in Judea before relief of Acts 11 – Gal. 1:18-24 (v. 22) Acts 26:20 – Paul preached “throughout all the region of Judea” before going to the Gentiles. When? Acts 26:20 – Paul preached “throughout all the region of Judea” before going to the Gentiles. When?  This relief trip…to elders in Judea!  Last stop: Jerusalem – Acts 12:25

60 60 Church-sponsored Social and Recreational Activities: “For the church to turn aside from its divine work to furnish amusement and recreation is to pervert its mission. It is to degrade its mission. Amusement and recreation should stem from the home rather than the church. The church, like Nehemiah, has a great work to do; and it should not come down on the plains of Ono to amuse and entertain.” (B.C. Goodpasture, Gospel Advocate, May 20, 1948)

61 61 Church-sponsored Social and Recreational Activities: “Building recreation rooms and providing and supervising recreational activities at the expense of the church is a departure from the simple gospel plan as revealed in the New Testament.” (Gospel Advocate Annual Commentary, 1951, p. 229)

62 62 The Argument: Church-sponsored Social Activities and Acts 2:42-46 The early Christians ate together The early Christians ate together  The church can facilitate such social gatherings today

63 63 Defending the Indefensible Acts 2:42 - Lord’s Supper, not a meal to satisfy hunger Acts 2:46 – Church met in the temple to worship & learn Acts 2:46 – Church met in the temple to worship & learn Acts 2:46 – Meals “from house to house” – Not a fellowship hall! Acts 2:46 – Meals “from house to house” – Not a fellowship hall! Homes & church-provided facilities are two different things!

64 64 The Argument: Church-sponsored Social Activities & 1 Cor. 11:17-22 Paul was rebuking abuse of Lord’s Supper, not banning church-provided social activities Paul was rebuking abuse of Lord’s Supper, not banning church-provided social activities

65 65 Defending the Indefensible 11:20 – Purpose of coming together: Eat Lord’s Supper 11:22 – Perversion rebuked 11:34 – Solution: Remove meals from your meetings! (11:22, 34) Churches have assumed a work the Lord did not authorize!

66 66 Liberalism Takes one away from the word of God & thus, away from God (2 John 9) Bible patterns for work and organization of the church are revealed & settled in Scripture – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

67 67 Truth “Buy the truth and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.” (Proverbs 23:23)

68 68 Bible Authority “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)

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