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Integration of Environmental Responsibility into Industrialized Agriculture. Presented by Mike Schaefer, Kelsey Mehl, Justin Suhre, and Amber Hendricks.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of Environmental Responsibility into Industrialized Agriculture. Presented by Mike Schaefer, Kelsey Mehl, Justin Suhre, and Amber Hendricks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of Environmental Responsibility into Industrialized Agriculture. Presented by Mike Schaefer, Kelsey Mehl, Justin Suhre, and Amber Hendricks

2 The Nature of Modern Conventional Farming Effects of Modern Conventional Farming Green Technologies and Techniques Social Political Aspects of the Green Movement in Agriculture

3 Do we know our food? Yesteryear Today

4 Modern day farming Conservation tillage Focused production

5 A Growing Population /sixbilpart1.pdf

6 Conventional Farming circa 1900 Moldboard plows Diversified production

7 Agricultural Responses to Social Concerns Organic and Low external input farming

8 Widespread herbicide use Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp Hypoxic zone in Gulf of Mexico

9 The Future…Corporate or “Traditional”?


11 Tillage Tilling makes soil more susceptible to wind erosion Dust Bowl in the 1930s 40 million ha of land was destroyed 40 million ha of land was severely damaged Reduction of organic matter Soil fertility is lost Machinery passing over the soil degrades soil structure

12 Monoculture Vulnerable to pests and diseases Need to rely on chemicals to prevent devastation from pests and pathogens. 0619_agriculture_stocks/image/monsanto0.jpg

13 Irrigation 16% of agricultural land is irrigated 40% of our crops come from that 16% About 20% of water used for irrigation come from underground Unfortunately, we’re using more water than the natural cycle can replace Runoff Causes major problems downstream

14 Runoff Phosphorous Causes algae blooms Hypoxia Nitrogen Hypoxia Serious health hazards, especially for young children. http://smithsonianscience.o rg/2009/08/bottom- dwelling-creatures-in-the- chesapeake-bay-need-more- oxygen-study-finds/

15 Runoff Agricultural runoff can also have sediments Blocks sunlight in water Impacts the vision of predators in water In SE Asia, agricultural runoff has been associated with reducing the success rate of fertilization in corals.

16 Pesticides Kills both the pest and the natural predator of the pest Pests can come back stronger than before because there is not natural predators keeping them at bay Resistant Pests Reduce the number of pollinators in an area

17 Pesticides Organic pesticides can also be harmful to humans Copper Sulfate Contains lead Causes liver damage Corrosive Even with an increase of pesticides, total crop loss to pests remain the same

18 Herbicides Could be potentially harmful to humans Runoff One study showed that a certain herbicide affected the hormone levels in all sorts of animals. Can reduce the overall biodiversity in an area sweep-pesticides/pages/p2andbmp.htm

19 Fertilizers Only 30-50% of nitrogen fertilizer and 45% of phosphorus is actually taken up by crops Increase in nitrogen oxides can lead to human health hazards Can cause damage far away from the origin Repeated application of inorganic pesticide have been found to suppress some soil enzymes in nutrient cycles

20 Fertilizers Increase manure use had lead to eutrophication of lakes and waterways. Also increase in volatile ammonia harms woodland creatures http://lib rary.think /04oct/01 590/pollu tion/eutr ophicatio n.html

21 ol/biomes/mangroves.htm

22 Fertilizer Improper manure composting poses human health hazards Bacterial pathogens such as E. coli could come in contact with food and potable water sources

23 Meat Production In the past 40 years, global meat production has increased over 60% Confined animal feeding operations place animals at high density This leads to higher disease incidence and surface water pollution due to manure runoff Higher disease incidence also leads to more antibiotics in animals

24 Meat Production Large amount of water needed Used to drain animal wastes 4902 liters of water are needed per 100 calories of beef, compared to the 89 liters of water to produce 500 calories of potatoes.


26 “Green” Techs Defining “Green” Tech Alternative farming practices Technologies GPS Variable Rate Technology Autosteer Techniques Low-external-input Cover crops Minimal/no tillage Green Tech

27 Global Positioning System (GPS) Position determined by satellites and receiver Real time kinematic (RTK) most commonly used in agriculture Create data maps Integrated with the use of other technologies

28 GPS Solving Problems

29 Eutrophication

30 Variable Rate Technology Applying fertilizers and pesticides at variable rates throughout field Allows for uniform rate throughout field after application or focusing on high return sites Used with soil maps and satellite images Reduction in: Excess application Fossil fuels Harmful chemicals

31 Nitrogen Application

32 Auto-steer AB lines and implement width Prevents overlap or missed passes Allows operator to pay closer attention to implement Reduces fossil fuel use and cost

33 Planting and Harvest Tracks seeding rates throughout field Monitors yields Maps created on yield monitor Uploaded for record keeping Used for future applications and management

34 Low-External-Input Systems Key components Organic soil amendments Crop diversification Matching or exceeding conventional system Yield Weed suppression Profit characteristics

35 Minimum/No Tillage Increased crop yield Reduced labor and equipment costs Environmental benefits Soil and water quality Biodiversity Reduced greenhouse emissions

36 Cover Crops Crop planted between period of regular crop production Benefits Erosion control Organic matter and improved soil tilth Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen Recycling unused nutrients Beneficial organisms Partial weed control Possible feed source

37 Moving Away From Conventional Need alternatives to conventional farming Technologies and Techniques Push towards sustainability Initial costs pay for themselves over time Environmentally friendly


39 Move to Mechanization/Technology Traditional farming previous to the 1800’s was characterized by animal traction along with diversified farming operations using symbiotic relationships In the 1900s, organizations like the USDA, Land Grant Universities, Agricultural Experiment Stations, and Cooperative Extension Services formed a system in which agricultural innovations developed through research could be diffused into the public.

40 Government Response to Effects of Agricultural Innovation

41 Governmental Subsidies The US currently pays around $20 billion a year in crop subsidies. Illinois is one of the top states in money received through crop subsidies. Corn is the top crop for subsidy payment. Energy Policy Act of 2005- US corn ethanol subsidies are between $5.3billion and $7billion a year.

42 Governmental Subsidies

43 Social and Cultural Forces It should be clear that 3million farmers have gone out of business for economic reasons, not environmental ones. “Law of the minimum” attitudes. Practices of conventional agriculture are rooted in tradition and community culture.

44 Decision Making Benefits, costs, programs offered, government involvement, markets, social beliefs and backgrounds all have weight in a farmers decision of practices. If the goal is to get more farmers to choose green farming techniques we need address all of these factors.

45 Farming Green… The nature of modern farming is very complex and sustainability needs to be embraced not only in environmental terms, but also social and economical terms. It is with these thoughts that agriculture and society must make its decisions for continued growth in the future.

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