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Religion 7 Mrs. Letourneau

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1 Religion 7 Mrs. Letourneau
What is Baptism? Religion 7 Mrs. Letourneau

2 What is baptism? Baptism is the sacrament through which we are freed from sin, become children of God and members of Christ and his Church, and share in the Church’s mission. (

3 Water has the most variety of uses of any substance.
How many ways can you think of?

4 baptism Baptism is one of the sacraments of initiation, along with Confirmation and Eucharist. It is an ENCOUNTER with Christ that unites us with Him and makes us a member of the Church. It initiates or begins our relationship with Christ. In Baptism we are reborn. Baptism cleanses us from sin and fills us with the divine life of grace. Through Baptism we can celebrate the other sacraments and, if we live a good and just life, eventually enter the kingdom of God.

5 What baptism means People who believe in Jesus and want to be his followers are baptized. The apostles baptized people , as Jesus had directed them to do (Matthew 28:18-20) In early practices, people would walk down into a pool and then walk out again to symbolize being united with Christ in his death and rising.

6 Adult initiation People who wish to be baptized into the Church go through a liturgical experience called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). They are called catechumens. Over a period of time they study the faith and learn how to live it. At each stage the catechumens celebrate a special rite. Finally at the Easter Vigil, they celebrate all three sacraments of initiation.

7 Did you know? Bishops, priests, and deacons are ordinary ministers of Baptism, but in an emergency anyone can baptize by saying the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” while pouring water over the person’s head.

8 btw The word Baptism comes from the Greek word for “plunging” or “immersing.”

9 The rite of baptism Celebration begins with the Sign of the Cross
The Word of God is proclaimed Because Baptism frees us from sin, the celebrant says words of exorcism so that all evil will be driven out. Anointed with oil. Baptismal vows, or promises that he or she will reject Satan and confess the faith of the Church. The baptismal water is consecrated. The Church prays that the Holy Spirit be sent upon it so that those baptized in it may be born of water and the Spirit.

10 The rite of baptism continued…
The water is typically poured over the person’s head three times. Then the person is anointed with chrism, another holy oil. Christian means “anointed one” The white garment is a symbol that he or she has put on Christ and has risen with him. The person also receives a candle lit from the Easter candle.

11 Special graces of baptism
In Baptism, all sins are forgiven (original sin and actual sin) and all punishment due for sin is cancelled. The person is made right with God and is filled with sanctifying grace, God’s life. At Baptism, a person becomes a temple of the Trinity. He or she receives the virtues of faith, hope, and charity as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit to grow in holiness. Baptism seals a Christian with an indelible spiritual mark as belonging to Christ, and so this sacrament can only be received once.

12 brainstorm Because we have been baptized, we are true members of Christ’s Church. What are some rights of a Christian? What are some responsibilities?

13 Did you know? Babies are baptized so they can have grace as soon as possible. Parents and godparents speak for them during the rite. Godparents agree to help them live the faith.

14 We can see a comparison with Baptism.
Scripture link Water in the Exodus As the Israelites fled from Egypt, they came to the Red Sea. At God’s direction, Moses stretched his staff over the sea, and the waters parted. The chosen people walked safely through it. As Pharaoh’s army pursued them, the waters flowed back and drowned all the soldiers. At the end of the Exodus, the Israelites came to the Jordan River. It too parted to let them arrive at the Promised Land. (cf. Ex 14:10-31; Josh 3:14-17) We can see a comparison with Baptism. In this sacrament through water we are saved from slavery to sin and can reach our promised land of heaven.

15 From my heart Ask Jesus to help you keep your baptismal promises. Then pray the Apostles’ Creed.


17 Now act!!! Tell someone you why you are glad to be a Catholic.
Bring in photos, your baptismal garment, or candle to share with the class.

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