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TECHNICAL WRITING Prof. Merritt. Today Course introduction Writing sample.

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2 Today Course introduction Writing sample.

3 Course website - Click Semester 2 (of course).

4 Instructor Information Email: Office: 524 (580-6917) Office hours: Monday 3:00 – 4:30 Thursday 3:00 – 5:00 Friday 1:15 – 2:45 Also available by appointment.

5 Technical Writing overview Actually, this class may be better called professional writing or “business writing”. In this class we will focus on writing used: - In the workplace. - Communicating with other organizations/companies. - Job/Internship applications.

6 Technical Writing overview Learn how to write:

7 Technical Writing overview Basically, you will be learning how to produce and evaluate professional documents. We will emphasize: - Effective organization and presentation of information. - Clarity & simplicity. - International English (as well as formal vs. informal style).

8 Materials Textbook: We will use PARTS of Successful Writing at Work Concise Edition - Philip C. Kolin. Do not buy this book. - Readings will be available on the course website.

9 Materials Other materials will be available on the course website. NOTE: You will be asked to download and print some materials before class (I will let you know).

10 Evaluation Attendance : 10% Participation: 10 % Projects/Assignments: 80 %

11 Rules 1. Attend all lectures. a. Classes missed without a viable excuse will carry a penalty (1% penalty/absence). 2. Be on time. a. for class (Being more than 15 minutes later for class counts as an absence). b. for submission of assignments (late assignments will be penalized).

12 Rules 3. Bring all required materials to class. 4. All classroom functions will be conducted in English. a. Warning for breaking this rule will only be given once. 5. Cell phones/smart phones are not necessary in the classroom.

13 Writing Sample Deadline: Next class. Write a business letter. Instructions: The university has approved your request for a guest speaker. Write an invitation letter asking Aaron Rodgers, the public relations director of Packers Jobs Inc. to speak (in class) about finding employment.

14 Writing Sample The university has approved your request for a guest speaker. Write an invitation letter asking Aaron Rodgers, the public relations director of Packers Jobs Inc. to speak (in class) about finding employment. Aaron Rodgers info: public relations director Packers Jobs Inc. 6056 South St, Suite 1013 Halifax, N.S. B3H 1T1

15 Writing Sample Visit this site: letters-business.html letters-business.html For help. Please type and print your business letter.

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